
How many players are on the football field

Basic Info number of players in each of the two teams in a football match shall not exceed 11. These 11 personnel are mainly divided into:
1. Goalkeeper: the goalkeeper is the last barrier of the team. A good goalkeeper sometimes often determines the final result of the game, a key position.
2. Defenders: generally 3-7 people, responsible for defense in terms of division of labor, generally divided into central defenders and side defenders according to the position on the field.
3. Midfielders: generally 3-6 people, the hub of offense and defense, assisting in defense when defending, organizing offense when attacking, and playing the role of connecting and integrating the offensive or defensive forces of the entire team.
4. Forwards: generally 0-3 people, the main task is to attack.
This article is mainly for newbies who have never been exposed to football or don't know much about the sport of football to make a comprehensive popularization~
The number of players in each of the two teams in a Football match shall not exceed 11. These 11 people are mainly divided into:
1. Goalkeeper: the goalkeeper is the last barrier of the team. A good goalkeeper sometimes often determines the final result of the game, a key position.
2. Defenders: generally 3-7 people, responsible for defense in terms of division of labor, generally divided into central defenders and side defenders according to the position on the field.
3. Midfielders: generally 3-6 people, the hub of offense and defense, assisting in defense when defending, organizing offense when attacking, and playing the role of connecting and integrating the offensive or defensive forces of the entire team.
4. Forwards: generally 0-3 people, the main task is to attack.
Each team in a football match must have a goalkeeper, and each team can have 1-2 substitutes during the game. If it is a "friendly match", there can be less than 5 substitutes. With the consent of the referee, when the game is suspended, the substitutes can replace the players.

In each game, the head coach of each team can freely adjust players on and off the field, but a team can only make three substitutions in a single game, and the substituted players cannot play again. Only after the substitute players leave the field, the substitute players can play. No player can enter or leave the field without the referee's consent.

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How big is the football field designed?

In the early days of football, the size of the football field depended on how big a field people could find. Later, people realized that the football field must be large enough to at least ensure that it is not possible to shoot and score from anywhere.
Later, football added commercial elements, so that the stadium can accommodate enough spectators while ensuring that every spectator can see the game clearly. In the end, the standard football field was designed to be a rectangle with a length of about 100 meters and a width of about 70 meters.

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How to determine the number of players?

Football games should be exciting, which requires pressure on the players. Players must immediately know how to deal with the ball after receiving it. That is, the typical time for an opposing player to run to the player in possession of the ball must be close to the time for the player in possession of the ball to control and move the ball next. If there are too few players and the distance is too far, the game will not be tense enough; if there are too many players and the distance is too close, the players will not have time to think, and the football game will be like a game of marbles.
Assume that the area of the football field is S, and each team has N players. On average, the area occupied by each player is S/N.
Assume that this area is a rectangle, then the side length of the rectangle is the average distance between the players d= square root (S/N). Now an offensive player has the ball, and his average distance from the defensive player is close to D/2. If the player's speed is V, then the time it takes for the opposing player to run to him is about td/2v. If the average speed of a football player is V=5m/s. We also know that the area of the football field is about 7000 square meters. We can simplify the whole formula to T=8.4/square root n.
Draw the graph and you will find that as the number of players N in each team increases, the time t left for the players to control the ball becomes smaller and smaller. When there are 11 players in each team, the reaction time left for each player is about 2.5 seconds. He can stop the ball in one second, control the ball in one second, observe the surrounding environment and think, and start dribbling or passing the ball in the next second.
Such a game is both rhythmic and exciting. 11 players per team is a reasonable result.

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Customized outdoor caged soccer field

Responsibilities of players on the Football field:

As the name suggests, football is a sport composed of 11 people. So here comes the dry goods. What are the functions of these 11 people on the field? What is the role of each position? Let me introduce them one by one. After all, I am also a football fan with nearly ten years of experience!
Generally speaking, the main positions of these 11 people are usually divided into 4 types: 1. Goalkeeper, 2: Defender, 3: Midfielder, 4: Forward, but this is just a more general position. In fact, except for the goalkeeper position, which must be fixed by one person, the other three positions are composed of 10 people according to tactics. The detailed distribution diagram is shown in the figure below
Why do you say that the other three positions are composed of tactics? This question is more complicated. If you have watched the Champions League semi-finals some time ago, there was a match between Manchester City and Real Madrid in the second leg. Manchester City was visiting the Bernabeu. It seemed that in the 70 minutes of the second half, Manchester City coach Guardiola replaced the striker with the midfielder and set up a no-striker formation. The so-called no-striker formation, as the name suggests, means that none of the 11 people in the formation are in the forward position, or the person in the forward position is in other positions. Atletico Madrid also likes the bus 550 formation, which is also a no-striker formation. These formations are special and rare on the field, so we will skip it for the time being. Back to the original question, since the 11 people on the field are composed of goalkeepers, defenders, midfielders, and forwards, what are the functions of these positions?

Goalkeeper is the name of the position of a player in a football game. It is located in front of the Goal and is the last line of defense of a team. The main task is to guard the goal and prevent the ball from entering.

How many players are on the football field

Defenders are located in the backcourt. There are full-backs and central defenders. The main tasks are to defend, intercept and stop the opponent's attack. When switching from defense to offense, you must organize the offense and pass the first pass well. In the all-out attack and defense style of play, the attacking force hidden in the back should be inserted when the opportunity arises and directly participate in the attack of the forward line.
Midfield is a very important and complex position in football games. The midfielder has more responsibilities. There are three positions: left midfielder, right midfielder and midfielder. If the division is more detailed, there will be defensive midfielders and offensive midfielders, that is, front midfielders and back midfielders.
The forward is located in the front court and is the first line of the team's offense. The main task is to attack the opponent and strive to score. When defending, you should block the opponent's attack in the front court or retreat to the midfield, and only return to your own half to assist in defense when necessary. In addition, if the forward is to be subdivided, it can be divided into center forward, winger, shadow forward, and false nine.

This is generally the position distribution of 11 people in Football sports, and the game usually has 4 defenders. The 4-3-3 formation consisting of 3 midfielders and 3 forwards or the 4-4-2 formation consisting of 4 defenders, 4 midfielders and 2 forwards should be the more common ones on the football field. Of course, there are many other tactical play styles such as: 3-5-2 (3 defenders, 5 midfielders, 2 forwards), 4-2-3-1 (4 defenders, 2 defensive midfielders, 1 attacking midfielder, 2 forwards or 4 defenders, 5 midfielders, 1 forward) which can actually be classified as a derivative formation of 4-3-3.

How many players are on the football field

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