
how to play soccer for beginners

Basic Info
It's going to be boring if you're purely trying to teach yourself. It's better to have a team or playing atmosphere.
You may want to learn soccer for a variety of reasons. But let me tell you, soccer brings you not only happiness and health, but also pain and injury, so do not be careless and take it lightly. Be humble, learn well, ponder by heart, practice more and more summarize, you will progress very quickly.
Beginners have the conditions to join a professional team. If you are a child to learn, you can choose soccer interest classes; if you are an adult, you can choose to look more formal amateur team. Beginners do not have the conditions to join a professional team, you can search online for soccer fundamentals training APP or video to watch.
How to be good at soccer and a little advice for learning to play soccer.
I feel that playing soccer well is divided into four main areas.
Basic skills, awareness, experience, and fitness.
First of all, basic skills, basic skills are the first to contact, for beginners in soccer is very important.

1. Passing.

Soccer is not a person's sport, only pass the ball in order to maximize the role of the team. 2. stop the ball: all parts of the body (head, chest, etc.) can deal with the incoming ball, and the next step in the action to provide space and timing. 3. with the ball: be sure to understand the true meaning of the ball in that is not to see you a person in the show, your carry the ball in order to attract the defense, pulling the opposing team's formation, a reasonable out of the ball. 4. shot: the goal of the foot, build advantage, position is important The first thing you need to do is to establish an advantage, the body position is very important, when the ball is divided equally, the body is given out first, it is very important, don't just focus on catching the ball.

how to play soccer for beginners

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Next, let's talk about awareness.

1. Active running, receiving teammates, do not wait for the ball in place
2. Understand the situation on the field, judge the reasonable timing of the ball
3. Understand the coach's tactical intent and enhance tactical execution.
4. Team spirit is very important, timely gas atmosphere, encourage teammates, less complaining.

Then we will talk about experience.

1. Accumulate experience through the game, the ability to read the game very quickly, see the opponent's weaknesses, to attack, and strengthen the defense of the side.
2. Communication on the field, tacit understanding with teammates, etc.
3. The ability to handle different situations with ease.

Lastly, physical fitness: running distance, speed, body control (body control is very important).

how to play soccer for beginners

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As a beginner in soccer, the process of progress will always take some detours, the basic knowledge of soccer is not in place to understand, eager to get things done, may make some elementary mistakes, the following is our amateur soccer beginners are very easy to make a few mistakes, I hope we have to change without adding encouragement.

Soccer fundamentals practice is very important

The connection of soccer fundamentals is very important, just like learning a thing before, to fully understand all aspects of this thing. Therefore, it is very important to practice the basic skills such as bouncing the ball, carrying the ball and stopping the ball at any time, which is the foundation of all technical movements. Especially in amateur soccer, no matter what position, a player with solid fundamentals in place will definitely have an irreplaceable role in the team.

Physical exercise is important

Physical exercise can not be ignored at any time, many beginners in the usual practice process, will put more attention on the ball training, such as how to cross, shooting and so on. In fact, in the field a good physical quality, in the physical confrontation advantage enough to make up for the lack of technology.

how to play soccer for beginners

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Rushing to attack and neglecting defense

Amateur soccer beginners will generally favor the attack, and ignore the defense, after losing the ball on the ground to grab, defense quickly fall position and other aspects are very easy to ignore. When playing a small field, it is more important to pay attention to such problems, because defense is the responsibility of every player in a small field.

Blindly imitating a star's fancy fakes

Everyone may have their own favorite ball player, there will be some great fake action, beginners like to spend time to imitate these technical moves, in fact, these technical moves are built on the basis of skilled fundamentals and excellent physical conditions, it takes a lot of time to reach the practice, and in the amateur soccer field, sometimes those fancy over the manoeuvres may not be as good as a simple acceleration and change of direction. Good.

Lack of comprehensive understanding of soccer rules

The basics are tedious but important and must be mastered. How many meters away is the wall for a free kick? How do you create offside? Why is it illegal to serve a touchline ball? ...... These basic rules of soccer must be understood by beginners first, otherwise unnecessary mistakes and fouls on the field will not be worth it.

how to play soccer for beginners

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Ignoring team spirit and not wanting to pass the ball

Playing soccer is actually very concerned about the team spirit, is the need for the team members to cooperate with each other, many beginners play soccer like a person with the ball to bring to ignore the surrounding teammates, the final result is either broken or a mistake. One reason is that they are confident in their own foot skills, so they like to stick to the ball; there is another reason is that the basic skills are not in place, the attention is completely on their own feet, and there is no time to pay attention to the position of the surrounding teammates.

Focusing too much on shooting

I've seen too many beginners practicing shooting over and over again in the course of their training. It is true that the shooting technique is very important to score a goal, but the reality is that there may be very few chances to get a shot on goal in a game. And there is a big difference between shooting under pressure from the opponent in a match and shooting in training.

how to play soccer for beginners

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Physical distribution is important

Physical fitness is the most important thing in amateur soccer. If you can't keep up with your physical fitness, then you won't be able to do any of the technical moves. Remember that the game is 90 minutes long, and amateur soccer matches are often characterized by two different teams in the first and second halves. No matter how active you were before, it's a shame to lose the ball at the last minute when you can't keep up with your physical fitness, because all your previous efforts will be wasted.

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