
Is too late to start practicing gymnastics now

Basic Info

3 years old

At this time, children can practice Gymnastics, let them practice walking, running, jumping, leg stretching, and kicking to improve body flexibility.

4 years old

Practice forward rolls, backward rolls, hanging, single-leg hopping, switching jumps, etc., and start to contact gymnastics equipment such as horizontal bars and parallel bars.

5~6 years old

Start special training, practice some simple movements, such as floor gymnastics tumbling training, and complete some coherent movements.

9 years old

After professional training, you can participate in provincial competitions.

11 years old

At this time, children can participate in national competitions.
Believing in the benefits of exercise for children's physical and mental health is self-evident. It promotes brain development, improves personality, cultivates perseverance, and can be said to be one of the most indispensable nutrients in children's growth.
Think carefully, why can athletes showcase their physical beauty to the fullest? Why do some people lose to their opponents who have practiced child art on the sports field?
The reason behind this is that their training seized the sensitive period of physical fitness development.
Various physical qualities have their own rapid growth periods, and the timing is fleeting.
Today's content can help parents understand the physical and mental development characteristics of children aged 0-13. For the sake of their children's lifelong health, parents should engage in "physical exercise" for their children and seize their "sensitive period" in a timely manner. Physical exercise should start with children.

Is too late to start practicing gymnastics now

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1. Early and rapid development of the nervous system

Among the nine major systems in the human body, the development of the nervous system is the fastest, so the learning of sensitivity, movement speed, skills, etc. related to nerve innervation and sensation should be done as early as possible.
Within 1-2 years after birth, the brain of a newborn develops quite rapidly. When the cerebellum develops to the age of 3, it has basically reached adult level and can maintain body balance and accuracy of movements. Therefore, in the United States, which advocates sports, children are taken to learn Gymnastics, swimming, or ice skating around the age of 3.
In the "Parental Guidelines for Sports Literacy Development of 0-12 Year Old Children" released by Canada, a schematic diagram is provided to illustrate the comparison between children's physical development process and the timing of learning basic movements.
It can be seen that before the age of 4, children's physical development is not yet mature, and at this time, opportunities can be provided for children to experience various physical activities, but systematic and combined movements are not yet suitable; At the age of 4-6, children's nerves and muscles gradually reach a state of "being prepared for learning"; With further cognitive development, after the age of 6, the best time to learn basic movements is the "Optimal time".

Is too late to start practicing gymnastics now

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2. Training with optimal age

Between the ages of 3 and 6, there is an increased possibility of temporary connections between different regions of the human cerebral cortex; At the age of 6, the formation of conditioned reflexes is relatively stable and consolidated, and the ability to form motor skills also improves accordingly.
At the age of 7-8, the differentiation of neural cells in the motor area of the human cerebral cortex is almost at the adult level. Therefore, at the age of 7 or 8, children are in a sensitive period and have excellent plasticity.
At the age of 13-14, the cortical inhibitory regulatory mechanism begins to reach a certain level of intensity, and the comprehensive analysis ability significantly improves. Therefore, older children in primary school are in the age stage where they can learn at first sight. This period is effortless, and children can learn some new movements.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that after the age of 13, children's brain development has stabilized, and even with a lot of training, it is difficult to achieve the learning effect and efficiency before the age of 13.

Is too late to start practicing gymnastics now

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3. Choice of exercise

Every sport cannot contain only one movement, and each child's physical fitness, growth and development speed may not be the same, and their physical age, psychological age, and calendar age may not necessarily match.
Therefore, the development pattern of basic movements is only a theoretical basis. In practice, to determine whether a child is suitable for a certain sport, the most important thing is to evaluate the child's physical, cognitive, and psychological aspects.


The child's physical development and physical fitness should be able to meet the basic requirements of the project.
Before participating in a sport, if you are not familiar enough with the project, you can consult the coach about the basic requirements for people in this project. It is important to understand in advance whether the child cannot meet the requirements simply because they did not practice well or because their physical condition did not meet the requirements. In this case, if you practice forcefully, it is very easy to encounter danger. Always consider whether to start learning a sport based on safety as a prerequisite.

Is too late to start practicing gymnastics now

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Children participating in training should at least be able to understand the coach's instructions and understand simple rules.
Some children may have advanced physical development and strong physical fitness and motor abilities, but their cognition is still in a relatively confused state. They do not know how to process and fully understand the instructions given by the coach, especially in group events. When it comes to practicing simple passes, passes, and transitions with teammates, if they cannot understand the coach's intentions, it will be difficult to integrate into the group and achieve the expected training effect.


In addition to physical and cognitive factors, psychological states can also affect a child's willingness to participate in a certain sport.
Some children are afraid of water, some are afraid of animals, and some are afraid of heights. If they do not solve their psychological problems and forcibly engage in learning, they will definitely not achieve good results.
After all, when it comes to choosing sports and deciding when to start, it is important to prioritize the child's feelings. Forcing children to do things they don't like or cannot do, either leads to premature giving up or creates psychological shadows, which is not worth the loss.
Interest and confidence are the greatest driving force for learning anything and the best state for practicing sports. To make children feel that this sport is "fun" and "I am capable of it", they will actively and continuously participate. This is the only way to achieve the goal of encouraging children to participate in physical exercise.
In addition, in sports training, there are often small competitions and competitions, and children's personality is not willing to accept challenges. Whether they can face and bear the common wins and losses in training determines whether they can actively learn and quickly integrate.

Of course, one important value of participating in sports is that it can help children handle victory and defeat correctly, learn to "win", and overcome the fear of losing.

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