
7 a side football field dimensions size

Basic Info
The standard field for 7-a-side football is a rectangle with a length of 70-75 meters and a width of 50-55 meters, generally using a standard of 55 meters by 75 meters. Natural grass is preferred for the site, and better Artificial grass can also be used. The goal is 5.5 meters long and 2 meters high. The radius of the middle circle of the game is 7 meters, the penalty spot is 9.15 meters away from the goal, the penalty area arc is 7 meters away from the penalty spot, the corner flag pole is not less than 1.5 meters, and a corner kick arc with a radius of 1 meter is drawn with a white line.
Football is a ball game, which also refers to the use of balls in football matches, but here it represents the former. Ancient football originated in China, and modern football originated in England. It is considered the world's number one sport and the most influential single sport in the global sports world.
Seven-a-side football is a variant of football, belonging to the amateur football tournament format. In seven-a-side football, each team only has 7 players playing instead of the usual 11. The playing field, rules, and tactics of seven-a-side football are different from regular football.

LDK Seven-a-side Stadium

Accurate size of 7-a-side Football field:

Site: 68m+{2.0m (buffer zone) * 2}=72m in length, 45m+{1.0m (buffer zone) * 2}=47m in width, with a total area of 3384 square meters including the buffer zone and 3060 square meters excluding the buffer zone;
◎ Field marking: 10cm wide, using white environmentally friendly paint;
Artificial grass specifications: Two adjacent dark green and fruit green ball grass, each with a width of 4 meters;
Goal: 5 meters long and 2 meters high, the length of the goal in an irregular seven-a-side Football field can be as short as 4 meters;
Small restricted area: 13 meters in length and 4 meters in width;
◎ Large penalty area: 25 meters in length and 10 meters in width;
◎ Penalty point: A 9-meter-long line segment is drawn from the center of the Goal towards the field, which is the penalty point;
◎ Free throw arc: With the penalty point as the center and a radius of 6 meters, make a circular arc, and the outer arc that intersects with the large penalty area is the free throw arc;
◎ Mid circle area: Draw a circle with the center of the stadium as the midpoint (starting point) and a radius of 6 meters;;
Corner kick area: centered around the four corners of the seven-a-side football field, with a radius of 600mm, draw circles on each side, and the quarter arc intersecting with the sideline is the corner kick area of the seven-a-side football field;
Seven person football field artificial turf
The environment and drainage requirements of the seven person Football field lawn

7 a side football field dimensions size

LDK Cage Football Stadium

Site environment

★ Foundation: The thickness of the outdoor site foundation should be determined based on local climate conditions and geological conditions, and should achieve compactness, firmness, and stability
★ Surface layer: Natural turf or artificial turf should be used for outdoor competition venues, while sports wood flooring or acrylic can be used for indoor venues; Synthetic material surface layer such as artificial turf;

★ Wall and ceiling: The walls and ceilings of indoor Football fields should be made of materials and construction methods that have sound absorption and noise reduction effects. The walls of indoor football fields should be sturdy, flat, and free of protrusions, and anti-collision measures should be taken for the walls. The door and frame are flush with the wall, and the door opens from the inside out of the venue;

Site drainage

★ Drainage Slope: The drainage slope of outdoor ground should be controlled within the range of 0.3% to 0.8%, the slope of natural turf should be 0.3% to 0.5%, the slope of artificial turf (without water seepage function) should not exceed 0.8%, and the slope of (with water seepage function) should be 0.3%;
★ Drainage method: The site and its buffer zone generally adopt a "combined drainage and seepage" drainage method. The underground seepage system is closely related to the site structure, and blind ditches are often used;
★ Drainage ditch: The width of the outdoor drainage ditch should not be less than 400, and the longitudinal slope inside the ditch is generally 0.3%~0.5%. Sedimentation wells should be evenly set in the ditch (with a spacing of 30m). According to the local climate conditions, the location should be determined through calculation based on the specific site layout;
★ Indoor site: Indoor acrylic and artificial turf sites should be treated with waterproofing, so there is no need to set up blind ditches for drainage;

Requirements for artificial turf of a seven person Football field.

7 a side football field dimensions size

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◎ Filling type

Lawn height: 40-50mm
Lawn density: 9500-12000 needles/square meter
Lawn DETX value: above 6000
Quartz sand requirements: particle size 0.3-1.5mm, silicon content above 90%
Sand filling capacity of the site: 18-28KG/square meter
Rubber particle requirements: particle size 1mm~3mm
Rubber particle filling amount: 4.5-7.5KG/square meter

◎ Non filling type

Lawn height: 40-50mm

Lawn DETX value: above 6000

7 a side football field dimensions size

LDK football artificial grass

◎ Construction process

1. Check if the foundation density and flatness of the entire lawn area that needs to be laid meet the requirements, and once they are met, start laying the artificial lawn. To allow the folds of the lawn to naturally stretch and retract, it is recommended to expose the artificial lawn to the sun for a day.
2. Before starting to lay the artificial turf, measure and lay out the entire field, determine the position of the court line and mark it with different colored ink, and determine the direction and position of laying the good turf.
3. Start laying artificial turf: Install a dedicated splicing tape at the junction of the lawn and fix it with steel nails. The steel nail heads should not protrude, and the junction area should overlap by more than 10cm.
4. Apply glue to the bonding interface, and before the glue dries, lay and bond the cut lawn to ensure a tight bond between each artificial lawn.
5. After the laying is completed, it is necessary to carefully check whether the bonding of each joint area is smooth and whether the bonding of Artificial grass is firm. After checking that all items meet the requirements, the next construction process can be carried out.
6. Cut off the green artificial turf at the location where it needs to be embedded, insert the splicing tape, and apply glue on it. Then, insert the cut white artificial turf into the position marked on the court line before paving and bond it with the splicing tape.
7. Sprinkle quartz sand and rubber particles according to the needs of the venue. If you need to sprinkle quartz sand, pour the quartz sand or black rubber particles into the granulator, and push the granulator to fill the surface of the artificial lawn with quartz sand or black rubber particles. The brush behind the granulator brushes the quartz sand or black rubber particles flat and allows them to fall fully.
8. The speed of pushing the granulator should be uniform, not too fast or too slow, in order to achieve uniform thickness.
9. After the installation of quartz sand or rubber particles, it is necessary to check whether they are flat and sufficient. Any deficiencies should be added appropriately. Any impurities found during the installation should be immediately removed to ensure quality.
10. The quartz sand or rubber particles in the pavement should be kept dry to facilitate the flow of the quartz sand or rubber particles. After the completion of quartz sand or rubber particle paving, a hard bristled brush or a light load drag type heavy bristled brush can also be used, and the back and forth brushing can make the quartz sand fall sufficiently dense.

11. After the laying is completed, inspect and exit the site.

7 a side football field dimensions size

LDK Seven-a-side Football Stadium

Site usage, maintenance, and protection

After completion of laying, maintenance should be carried out for 7-10 days before use.
The edge of the football field should be protected and not lifted arbitrarily. If the teeth are damaged, they should be repaired immediately.
Athletes must wear specialized sports shoes, with nail lengths generally not exceeding 7 millimeters. Sports shoes with longer nails are not allowed to be used on plastic tracks.
Vehicles are strictly prohibited from driving on the Football field, and heavy objects and sharp objects are piled up and scratched. To avoid damaging the plastic on the sports ground and affecting its service life.
Avoid contact with organic solvents, chemicals, cigarette butts, and other sparks.

◎ Keep clean and can be cleaned with water. If oil stains are accidentally spilled, they can be wiped clean with 10% ammonia or detergent.

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