
Basic basketball training for beginners

Basic Info
1. For beginners practicing basketball, first practice feeling the ball more and clap the ball more in place.
2. If you have a feeling for the ball, you can walk and move the racket, which gives you some control over the ball.
3. After getting used to walking, run straight and racket the ball. Start by jogging slowly and don't let the ball leave your body and hands.
4. After practicing straight lines, practice S running. Running more S runs is a great way to exercise the ball and pace.
5. Find a partner to practice passing, practice passing more, and then catch the ball. Once you become proficient, practice with each other.
6. Regularly go and learn from veteran basketball players, read books to increase interest.
matters needing attention
If you want to practice basketball well, you need to practice more and find the feeling of controlling the ball
Basketball can be said to be a very important position in many people's lives. With the continuous promotion of basketball, everyone can feel that there are more and more basketball courts around you, more and more people playing basketball, and many brothers who want to learn basketball. So, how can you learn basketball well without professional training? As a big brother who has been playing basketball for eight years, I would like to give you some advice.
It is best to start with basic skills for zero foundation. It is recommended to choose dribbling and shooting first. Learning these two skills can improve quickly and also increase confidence on the court!

Basic basketball training for beginners

Basic basketball training for beginners

If you haven't touched the ball at all, start with a ball like feel and practice with a ball whenever you have time!

1、 Head wrap: Use a ball to wrap around the neck, which is very helpful for improving ball control skills.
2、 Waist wrap: Wrap the ball around the waist as fast as possible!
3、 Knee dribbling: A typical ball like practice, this type of dribbling is a basic training that combines coordination, flexibility, and small upper limb strength. It may seem like it is not helpful for dribbling, but in fact, whoever practices it knows.
4、 Single leg crotch dribbling: This type of dribbling can help your crotch dribbling quickly find the landing point, and also improve the coordination and fit between the upper and lower limbs. Note that at the beginning of practice, do not pursue too fast a pace, gradually progressing from slow to fast. Spread your legs open, shoulder width apart, then bend down slightly and use the ball to wrap around your right calf. After completing a few sets, switch to your left foot and use the ball to wrap around your left foot.
5、 Crotch figure eight surround: directly helps with crotch movements, the more proficient the figure eight, the more stable the continuous crotch.
6、 One handed dribbling touches the wall: when the ball is bouncing, the right hand touches the wall
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How to improve ball skills in daily life?

We may often envy others for their good dribbling skills and smooth movements, hoping to dribble like Owen and Curry. However, from a towering height to a flat ground, dribbling skills are too important for us basketball enthusiasts. Only with good dribbling skills can we make friends with Basketball and make them obedient to your words.

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Here are several ball exercises that can be done in daily life:

Vigorously hitting the ball

Hold the ball with both hands, open your fingers, and vigorously tap the basketball with your palms.
The purpose is to quickly familiarize everyone's hands with Basketball and find the feel.
Familiarize oneself with the curvature of the ball and master comfortable hand movements

Finger flick ball

Quickly flick the ball from above the head, chest, and abdomen.
The purpose is to practice finger flexibility and control over the ball, until the fingers and arms ache each time.
Finger flicking should be done as quickly as possible

Full body wrap around the ball

This is the most direct move to familiarize yourself with the ball sensation, practice until you feel the soreness.
The waist, head, and knee movements all require practice, both clockwise and counterclockwise.

Crotch ball

This action lays a solid foundation for your crotch, changing direction, and more in the future.
Practice quickly circling the ball with both hands, both clockwise and counterclockwise.
I keep practicing these movements, and you can practice them at home. Every day when I come back from work, I always repeat these movements a few times. Basketball is about practicing.

No matter what level you reach, don't ignore the practice of ball sensation. Practice makes perfect, and without practice, you will regress.

Basic basketball training for beginners

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The purpose of playing basketball is to score by getting the ball into the frame. It can be you getting into the frame, or you assisting others in getting into the frame. Everything revolves around this goal. Understanding this principle, the rest is not difficult to solve. Shooting (various variant shots: jump shot, throw shot, clean board, hook, pick up, etc.); Breakthrough layup (① After receiving the ball, the defender does not establish a defensive position, and the first step is to break through (this is the most practical, as adding a little feint at this time can maximize the disruption of the opponent's rhythm). ② After receiving the ball, the defender has established a defensive posture. At this point, you can choose to pass the ball, or you can choose to play singles.

Sharing the process of Basketball training: 1. Move your joints and start warming up, which is the warm-up before regular physical education classes. Stretching your joints and meridians throughout the body can help you warm up and reduce the risk of injury. 2. Start running laps with the purpose of warming up, three laps on the indoor basketball court. 3. Either dribbling or using the ball to wrap around the waist and legs, with two eight strokes each. 4. Rest for one minute and move your hands and feet. 5. Start dribbling training with one hand, left and right hands, cross steps, and various crossover movements. 6. Start passing the ball, with two people passing it one-on-one. 7. Passing and layup. 8. Single dribbling layups can be done throughout the entire court and half court. 9. The first step in shooting is not to shoot from the basket, but from the wall. Feel the spin and weight of the ball, as well as the arc of the shot, and ask yourself to set a range to shoot from. 10. During breaks, shoot freely.

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The most emphasized aspect of playing basketball is physical fitness and footwork. Just starting to practice, ball feeling and physical fitness are the foundation. Finally, let me tell you that basketball positional sense is developed one-on-one throughout the game. The simplest tactic is to man to man. Keeping an eye on one's defensive target without losing position is good defense, and the most important thing is physical fitness, confrontation, and ball sense. Start playing basketball from defense, don't easily lose your defensive position, get stuck in rebounds, learn more basketball rules, and don't start easily. Starting with simple two person and three person coordination, blocking, dismantling, going down, and cutting in the air, pay attention to the position of teammates and slowly analyze the situation on the field. University usually focuses on regional defense, and it is important to learn how to communicate and defend with teammates. Practice sliding more to strengthen lower limb strength.

In addition to exercising personal abilities, it is also important to have a good self positioning. In the early days, you were more likely to be superstitious about personal skills, but as your playing experience increases, you will find that some people may not have good skills, but the team needs such people, such as rebounding, assisting and passing, which are things beginners should learn. Always think of a way first, don't hold back, and then find a way to improve. These are all foundations in the foundation, requiring training for over a hundred repetitions and corrections every day, at least for six months to a year. Once the foundation is solid, it is necessary to add basic skills training after confrontation, which increases the difficulty. After becoming proficient, strength training is added before confrontation, gradually correcting one's movements. The key to practicing football is still to rely on one's perseverance. Without effort, there is no gain.

Basic basketball training for beginners

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