
Create your own football field

Basic Info

Building a football field requires artificial turf, quartz sand, rubber particles, glue, labor, freight, etc. In addition, you can also add shock-absorbing pads, cage fences, stadium lighting and other materials!

The standard football field must be rectangular, with a length of 90-120 meters and a width of 45-90 meters.
The standard venue for international competitions is: length 100-110 meters (109--120 yards), width 64-75 meters (70-82 yards); World Cup finals: length 105 meters (about 115 yards), width 68 meters (about 74 yards) code).
The international futsal competition venue must be rectangular, 38 to 42 meters long and 18 to 22 meters wide.

Many stars have equipped football fields in their homes, such as Messi, Ronaldo, and Rooney. They can play football without leaving home.
Two Arsenal players, Wilshere and Ospina, also enjoyed playing football in their back gardens - although Wilshere once faced complaints from neighbors over the pitch.
John Terry and Ferdinand, the two former English goalkeepers, have set up standard-sized goals in the stadium to facilitate some shooting practice. Paul Pogba, Phil Jones and Benjamin Mendy have gone a step further and have their own indoor football pitches.
Manchester United midfielder Pogba has his initials "PP" printed on the center circle of the stadium to show that this is his territory. In addition to artificial turf, Manchester City defender Mendy's stadium also has obstacles placed in the middle of the stadium and a scoreboard hung on the wall. This is to record how many times he has made effective defenses.
Former Manchester United star Neville has a stadium similar to the football game Subbuteo. Although he tried to sell his house in 2015, he could not find anyone to take it.
In fact, players such as Messi, Ronaldo, Terry, and Rooney all have one thing in common, that is, they all have children, which gives them a good reason to play football in the back garden. At the same time, they can get some sunshine and improve their skills, although they are already perfect.
Maybe every football dog wants to be like these stars and build a Small football field at home!

Create your own football field

Cage Football Field Construction Plan

Build a seven-a-side football pitch in 5 days

Football is a popular sport, and sevens has attracted much attention in recent years. How about building a seven-a-side football pitch in 5 days?

Step one: Determine the venue

First, you need to identify a suitable venue. It's best to choose a flat area without too many obstacles such as large rocks or trees. At the same time, you need to ensure that the size of the pitch is in line with sevens standards.

Step 2: Prepare materials and tools

Next, you need to prepare some materials and tools, including: football goal, football fence, Artificial turf, filling particles and quartz sand (no particles are needed if you use sand-free lawn) measuring tools (such as tape measure and ruler), paving Install equipment, etc.

Step Three: Lay the Lawn

Now you can start laying down turf or artificial turf: If you choose artificial turf, you need to make sure it is of good quality and regularly sprayed with water using a sprinkler to ensure it stays moist. Of course, it is recommended that you choose our LDK artificial grass, which is specially used for artificial turf in football fields. The quality of football grass is guaranteed.
As the most common community football field now, the seven-a-side football field has complete preliminary preparations and selected a regular artificial turf manufacturer and a reliable construction team. The overall construction process is actually not long. Building a seven-a-side football pitch requires some preparation and patience, but as long as you follow the steps above, it can be done in just 5 days.

Create your own football field

Expansion information:

When talking about the performance of the Chinese national football team in the game, fans often joke: "If you don't play well, you will have to go home and inherit a huge family fortune." This obviously tells us a fact that for a team that can range from tens of thousands to dozens of With a football school fee of RMB 10,000, most professional football is still a money-burning game for the rich second generation.
Recently, a football story about a Yi boy, Lama, appeared on the Internet. It was so sad after reading it that I would like to share it with you.
In Ganluo County, Daliangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, a poor boy built a homemade football field in a cornfield, hoping to become a professional player within five years.
As we all know, many basic skills of football must be learned around the age of 14, and this boy is already 17 years old. He chose to take a break from school to practice football to pursue his dream.
He did not finish middle school and wanted to practice football. He received the support of his parents and got a cornfield 300 meters away from his home as his football field. For this reason, he spent a month weeding and plowing the land to remove Stones eventually turned into crude homemade courts.
Footballs, sneakers, rope ladders for training, sign poles, and resistance umbrellas. With the support of his parents, he purchased relevant training equipment. He made the goals himself, and the tires were used for obstacle training. He designed them for himself through online learning. Training plan, and this is how he started his football dream.
In addition to helping with farm work at home, he trains every day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., runs 150 kilometers of mountain roads every week, and also practices ball feel and strength exercises, all of which he trains himself.
It is said that the place is small and few people understand the rules of football. It is said that his short-term goal is: "I just want to play a regular eleven-a-side football match."

Obviously, it is still a bit difficult for such a young man to pursue his football dream. There are still many difficulties on his football journey. The author can only silently wish him well. What do you think of his football dream?

Create your own football field

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