
does gymnastics make you taller or shorter

Basic Info
Why aren't gymnasts tall? Is it because of training?
Gymnasts are usually selected to join the gymnastics team for training when they are children.
As their height increases during puberty, almost all those who are too tall (over 170cm) will be eliminated from the training, unless their performance is very good.
Because gymnastics is a sport that uses the principle of leverage to adjust the difficulty of movements, such as cross support on rings and horizontal support. The taller you are, the greater the force required after the lever principle is adjusted.
And the taller you are, the heavier you will be. These are very unfavorable for getting good results in gymnastics, which requires relatively strong strength.
So through the survival of the fittest, most of the gymnasts who can finally stand on the podium of international competitions are relatively short, for example, the height of China's gymnastics king Li Ning is only 164cm.
Ahmatov, who has almost stopped growing since the age of 14 and was only 1.61 meters tall at the age of 16, surprisingly grew 21 centimeters in three years. Please take a look——
Rustam Ahmatov really wants to become an excellent high jumper. But his height is too unattractive. He has hardly grown since the age of 14, and by the age of 16, he is only 1.61 meters tall.

However, after some effort,

Ahmatov managed to grow 21 centimeters in just three years and achieve his dream of becoming an outstanding high jumper. What miraculous elixir has such a miraculous effect? It's quite simple to say, do a set of height exercises every day. This set of Gymnastics can be summarized into only 12 words: warm-up, walking, running, stretching, hanging, and jumping.

1、 Warming up: Keep your body upright, then lean your upper body forward and swing your arms back and up with force.

2、 Walking: Swinging your arms vigorously to move forward.

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3、 Running: Take small steps first, while placing your hands on your shoulders and bending your arms and elbows forward; Then quickly run and jump 25-50 meters. Repeat 1 to 6 times, taking a short break between each time.
4、 Stretching: Crouch your heels, extend your arms straight upwards, and then stretch in all directions. Repeat 6-8 times, taking a short break in the middle.
5、 Hanging: Hanging on the horizontal bar (20 seconds to 1 minute) with legs together. Rotate the body to the left and right first, then swing forward and backward, then swing clockwise or counterclockwise, and finally do a pull up (girls can keep their feet on the ground during this exercise). Do 4-6 minutes each time, repeating each action 6-8 times. Another method is to keep the upper body straight, squat deeply, and then grab the horizontal bar when jumping up, and use inertia to pull up (the height of the horizontal bar and the distance between hands should be determined according to personal circumstances), repeating several times.
6、 Jumping: Jump upwards, striving to jump higher than the previous time, or striving to reach a certain height, jump downwards, jump from a slightly higher place, bend your legs as much as possible when landing, then push your feet hard on the ground, and then jump upwards. Do 30-60 times each.
Attention: Take warm-up exercises seriously to prevent injury. Gradually, partial exercises can be selected first, and the full set of exercises can be carried out after a period of time. From the beginning, it is important to pay attention to following the prescribed number of actions and not being arbitrary. After completing each exercise, take a short break to let your breathing stabilize and your limbs fully relax. After completing the full set of exercises, lie flat on the floor, tighten the back and buttocks muscles, and slightly straighten the waist. Exercise no less than 3 times a week, for 35-45 minutes each time. Persist and there will be good results.
Experts believe that this set of Gymnastics can promote more vigorous secretion of growth hormone in the pituitary gland. Undoubtedly, sports are the best way to increase height.
Elevated physical exercise and injections should be in the same position. I suggest that parents with short children also strengthen their children's physical exercise: joint compression and friction can promote their growth.

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Due to my short stature, whenever it comes to height, I feel insecure. For example, when I first came out in 1999, many people said that my eloquence was good, optimistic (in other aspects, I was still very confident), and that I could find a sales job if I could speak well. To be honest, I also want to, but who would want a person with a height of 150 to do sales? Besides, I had no experience and ultimately hesitated. The pain I have experienced, of course, I don't want it to continue to the next generation. The problem is that there is also a curse that follows me: "Mother is short, a nest is short!". So, exercising to improve a child's height, I naturally won't let it go.

When Da Bao was in elementary school, he woke up at six o'clock every day. After waking up, follow us for a run, and then go to the basketball court in the community to frog jump and practice speaking (a mandatory piano sight test). She did indeed work very hard, and during this time she also experienced emotional turmoil and tantrums, but in the end, she persevered. Although my daughter's height is currently acceptable, can running and frog jumping help her grow taller? Before, I used to play around without any clear principles. Today, let's take a look at which sports can help children grow taller.

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1. Research shows that skipping rope can increase height, but do not blindly imitate it

A professor in Taiwan conducted a one-year study on over 1000 fourth grade children at a school in Yilan, Taiwan. He divided these children into two groups:
A group is required to jump rope 100 times a day;
The other group doesn't jump rope and doesn't do any sports.
After 20 weeks of experimentation, the group that jumped rope increased by 1.5 centimeters compared to the group that did nothing. After one year, there will be a difference of 4 centimeters.
According to Teacher Huang, this result really boiled after it was announced by the media. Almost all parents compete to imitate and make their children jump rope 100 times a day. For children who enjoy skipping rope, this is indeed a great exercise. It can exercise the body, promote height growth, and also bring a happy mood. But for children who don't like skipping rope, it's very sad. They are forced to jump 100 times a day, and they still can't stop until they reach 100. The ultimate tragedy was when the child cried and jumped and counted, "1, 2, 3...". Seriously harming a child's mental health, we see that growth hormone can only be secreted more when the child feels very safe and comfortable psychologically. That child is very resistant to this exercise and always jumps there in pain. I think even if this exercise can promote the child's growth, the effect will not be very good.
However, the harm to children is very significant, and such a practice that harms more than benefits, we still hope that parents can treat it rationally.

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2. All sports can promote children's height growth

I mentioned earlier that skipping rope is good, but the child is unwilling to do it. Then we can switch to other sports. Is there any other exercise that can promote children's height growth? The answer is affirmative, and many parents believe that jumping and stretching exercises can help their children grow taller. Actually, all sports are possible, as long as there is stretching, children can grow taller. For example, swimming can also promote height growth.
From this perspective, parents only need to cultivate their children to exercise more and engage in outdoor activities. Don't force children to do sports they don't like. You can guide them, but you can't force them.
Experts also say that reducing the weight on the upper limbs during exercise can promote a child's height. Is there also some sports that are compressed?

3. The debate about Gymnastics?

Most gymnasts are not tall, so is it because they are not tall that they choose gymnasts, or is it because gymnastics won't grow taller. There are two opinions abroad on whether gymnastics cannot promote height growth:
One is what we just talked about, it's not because gymnastics makes him short, but because he himself is short that he chose to join gymnastics;
And another study shows us a different answer.
A study by the University of Melbourne in Australia has found that women on the gymnastics team are indeed shorter than those who are not on the team during their youth. The fundamental reason for their short stature is that the training time is too long. Their intense stretching, jumping and other movements will slightly damage the child's growth plate, but of course, this damage is not a fracture. So they exercise continuously for a long time, and their growth plates are always constantly being injured - repaired - injured - repaired, and their height will be limited. But after the age of 14, when they enter high school and face academic pressure, they no longer have time to practice. As a result, their height will explode and they will soon catch up with other girls.

Summary: This study suggests that it is not gymnastics or martial arts that make children shorter in height, but rather their excessive physical activity and intense physical activity. But if we break away or pause this kind of devil training, the child will grow back to their original height. So exercise is not a problem, parents can rest assured. Gymnastics is one of the four major sports in China, and the image of gymnasts on the field when they bring glory to our motherland is the true grandeur and grandeur!

Does gymnastics stunt your growth

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