
What makes a good football training session

Basic Info
It is really not easy to play Football well. You said I should start practicing now, but it is not that easy. Some people rely on talent and intelligence. Now the training conditions are good, but I can't play football well. It is worth thinking about why I can't achieve good results. Playing football is also a process of cultivating a person's growth. My experience is that every step from primary school to society is important. Basic primary training in primary school, it is difficult to succeed in the future without solid basic skills. Middle school is a period of improving football awareness. Through a large number of games, I know that there are many things to learn in playing football, such as tacit cooperation between players, passing and receiving the ball, running, and handling after stopping the ball. It is not a blind kick, but a routine to reach a certain professional level. After graduating from middle school, my football classmates and I joined professional football groups. In the process of playing football, I also received guidance from famous old internationals and learned their football skills. Pay more attention and observe more to continuously improve and enrich your football level.
When planning a training session, it is easy to see the beginning of the session as the logical starting point for planning, however, this is far from enough. When planning from beginning to end, it is important to first understand that where you start is not where you will finish, so the beginning of your plan should actually take into account the entire process of the session.
The way a person plans will vary from person to person, and the most important thing is to use the method that you are comfortable with. So, as a coach, look at your current training session plan and why you plan it this way? What makes you plan it this way? Is it time constraints? Prefer to use electronic devices to assist? Or do you prefer to use training plans stored in your mind? Which method is better?

Always plan your training in detail before training

In any way you wish, look at your current plan to see if it has these considerations:
Planning method, i.e. laptop, handwriting, etc.
Planning a training session time
Do you always follow the training session plan?
Who is the training session plan for?
How do you currently review your training sessions?
What part of your training design do you like most?
What do you think your training session plan can be improved?
It is important to understand why you are doing this as it will help you understand where you may need to consider moving forward in order to plan your training sessions more effectively.

Consider various factors before planning

What makes a good football training session

LDK Foldable Soccer Goal

Planning methods:

Training goals - When planning your sessions, you need to take a look at what your goals are. The training session plan should always take into account the group and the goals that the coach needs to achieve in the training session.
Individual players - Individual players should be the focus of your plan. It is important to focus on the key points of instruction, but not as important as the individual players. Each player progresses differently in different aspects, and it varies from person to person. Different content is designed in combination with the goals.
Explain the coach's requirements - Once the target goals are introduced to the players, explain your specific requirements to the players, such as what level of training a technical movement should be achieved. This will help you achieve this goal.

Explain the coach's requirements to the players

Practice design and rule making - Practice design will help the coach implement the plan and meet the needs of the players. These practices can be: technical exercises, small games, overall training, technical review, etc. The rule making method also allows the coach to better plan specific restrictions for the players throughout the training process.
Review-reflection and summary, use your own experience and expectations to reconsider whether there are any loopholes in the design content of the entire training course? Is there a gap between the design content and your own expectations? Can the design content be understood by the players? In the specific operation process, can the players have a good execution?

What makes a good football training session

LDK Cage Soccer Field

What is a good football training

First, Football training, such as carrying, passing, receiving, shooting and other actions, and then the game, found that the effect is not good;
Add some auxiliary training equipment, such as markers, ice cream buckets, and pole training, and then the game, and found that the effect is not good;
Maybe coordination, agility, etc. are not good, add some rope ladders, railings, dummies, etc. training, and then the game, and found that the effect is not good;
Maybe the lesson plan is not good, try the youth lesson plans of Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, etc., and then the game, and find that the effect is not good;
Maybe physical fitness, sprint, cardiopulmonary function, etc. are not good, use vests and other smart wearable monitoring, resistance parachutes, etc. training, and then The results were not good;
The players had been trained, but they didn't know the results. So they used teammates (reference objects) to train against each other, 1V1, then 3V3, 4V4, 5V5, etc. or circle snatching training, and then played, but the results were not good;
Football training is ultimately for the game, so we might as well "train with games", organize more games, improve quickly, and then play again, but the results were not good;
We know that there is a lack of high-quality games and "street football" high-quality actual training. Evergrande organized to participate in high-quality games in Spain, and Luneng first organized "street football-style" games within the echelon, and then organized to participate in high-quality games in Brazil.

Through the games with two different objects (reference objects) of domestic and European and American teams, we learned that: "In China, our players often have one to two seconds of reaction time after getting the ball, but when playing against European and American teams, we don't get such an easy opportunity to adjust."

What makes a good football training sessionLDK Indoor Soccer Field Fence

From the above, we can see that people use endless models to train players, or we don't know why they train like this? How is the player's level after training? So we participate in various games (reference objects) to verify the player's level.
From participating in different competitions (reference objects), we found that: "In China, our players often have one to two seconds to react after getting the ball, but when playing against European and American teams, we don't get such an easy opportunity to adjust."
So we know: no matter what mode the players use to train or what level of competition they participate in, the final competition is who can complete the action in the shortest time and with the most accurate pass and shot in the same space.
Then we don't have to spend time figuring out what mode to train, and spend time, money and energy to participate in various competitions (reference objects), and focus on improving the level of players, and then participate in annual, major and meaningful competitions to win the championship, isn't it good!

In fact, we can also use manual timing and counting to conduct simple verification. For example, in the shooting training scene (space) of our training system, in the training scene of breaking through the defense and shooting at the four dead corners of the goal, the player dribbles the ball around the pole (dummy) and shoots at the four dead corners of the goal, and records the player's completion time and accuracy (time and accuracy are equal to everyone). See if his completion time in this scene is getting faster and more accurate, and whether his breakthrough defense shooting in the game is getting stronger and stronger!

What makes a good football training session

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