
Best Football training tips for beginners

Basic Info
Make friends with soccer, which means developing a feel for the ball.
This is the big basic, nothing to do, go to kick, kick with friends, kick yourself against the wall, the purpose is to let your body and muscles to leave a memory. 

Physical fitness is the top priority, it is the support for technical movements and tactical execution. Therefore, for those who have a certain soccer foundation, it is necessary to carry out appropriate physical training.

Best Football training tips for beginners

1, start warming up

(1) Jogging two laps, try to use toe running, increase the elevation of the knee. When running in the second lap, swing the left and right arms respectively.
Then run sideways facing in and out of the circle.
2) After running, perform high leg lifts to warm up, 10s once, 3 times in total. Then spread your legs to shoulder width apart, press your hands on both sides of your thighs, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, and take restorative deep breaths.

3) After that, warm up with high-intensity zigzag running. Run from the starting point A to 10m away and then fold back, then run from point A to 20m away and then fold back, and then continue to run from point A to 30m away, and so on for a group of 2 to 3 times, each time resting for 30 s. After the run, the same restorative deep breathing.

Best Football training tips for beginners

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4) Next perform body stretching, from head to toe:
Head : Turn your head back to the left and right to the maximum extent, 6 times in total (as comfortable as possible); lower your head down so that your jaw touches your chest, then slowly raise it upwards until you are facing the sky, and then fall your head back to your left and right shoulders, 6 times each on the left and right.
Shoulders: perform shrugs to relax the muscles; wave the right and left arms clockwise and counterclockwise.
Chest: chest expansion exercise.
Waist and Abdomen: separate legs to shoulder width, straighten legs, lean back and stretch the abdomen or perform bending and touching the instep; separate legs to shoulder width, cross the waist with the right hand, bend the upper body to the left side, slide the left hand down the leg and touch the calf.
Legs: lunge and press the leg, extend the leg forward to keep the calf perpendicular to the ground; stand upright, bend the left (right) calf backward, hold the ankle area with the left (right) hand, support the foot slightly curved; or as in the following figure, open the left and right feet front and back, bend the left knee, straighten the right leg, leaning the center of gravity to the right, and touch the ankles with your right hand for 3s, 6 times for each of the left and right feet;
(5) Warm-up time is about 10 minutes, followed by about 20 minutes of ball-turning and ball-control exercises.

Basic football training for beginners

2、Endurance training

First of all, you need to have an understanding of your physical condition, if the condition is not good or just started training, it is best to start with aerobic endurance training as a starting point, start working to improve cardiorespiratory capacity.

(1) aerobic endurance training: 

Middle-distance running: just started 5 × 400m practice, every lap gradually speed up, keep running at an even speed per lap, body relaxation, three steps, one breath, three steps, one inhalation; after a period of time practice, gradually increase the number of laps and enhance the speed, to maintain the average speed of each lap in about 2 minutes. Afterward training, 5 laps as a group, a total of three groups, each group interval of 3 minutes.

(2) Anaerobic endurance training: 

After warming up, start training after a few laps of even-speed jogging.

Folding run: there are 5-10m, 15 to 25m two kinds, complete a folding, rest 30s, each 5 trips. After completing the recovery deep breathing, shaking, tapping, massaging the legs.
Variable speed running: sprinting at full speed on a straight track, jogging at low speed on a curve, continuing to sprint on a straight line, resting a little after completing a lap, and running as many laps as possible. If you feel boring, you can try to run with the ball speed.

If you have the conditions, you can carry out ramp sprinting and mountain running, which can get further exercise.

Best Football training tips for beginners

3, strength and speed

After the endurance training is completed, there is still room to continue to specialize in change of direction, shooting, passing and receiving and strength training, or else strength training every other day. It should be clear that the upper body muscle strength training and legs are equally important, must pay attention to the intensity should not be too large, the exercise should not be too intensive.

Recommended movements for strength training:

Upper body: pull-ups 3 sets x 8 rest 1 minute per set ;)
Push-ups: 3 sets x 10 each resting 30s to 1min Standard action, body straight.
Legs: deep squat 3 sets × 15 legs shoulder width apart, upper body straight, to the lowest point stop 2s.
Squat: 2 sets × 10 upright, legs shoulder width apart, slowly squat down to the lowest point, jump upwards.
Frog jump: 20m set, 4 sets in total.
Abdominal: sit-ups 2 sets x 20.
About speed: the above endurance and strength exercises have already trained the speed of movement to some extent. In soccer, it is useless to run fast, but also need to practice the speed of movement. Horizontal or vertical high-frequency rope ladder speed exercises, 6 repetitions of each set of movements, required to exhaustion, with 1 to 2 minutes of rest between each movement.
Fast high-frequency touches on the outside instep. In between each set of rest, you can incorporate ball control drills on the inside of the foot, outside of the foot, and the ball of the foot.
It doesn't matter if you don't have a rope ladder, use other items as alternative markers and focus on movement.

Best Football training tips for beginners

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4. Recovery and Enhancement

After a series of high-intensity training, do not immediately sit down to rest, you should walk slowly, pat, shake and massage the leg muscles, and take restorative deep breaths. Pay attention to timely hydration, wait until the heart rate is stable, you can try to start doing the following 4 stretching and traction movements:
Movements should be soft and slow, keep the corresponding posture 2s, left and right legs 10 times each.
In addition to the above actions, you can let the muscles of the inner and outer calves, thighs and buttocks rolling massage on the soccer ball.
After 30 minutes of exercise, take a warm shower. Eat about 1 hour after exercise, you can eat more food rich in high protein and fruits and vegetables, and ensure sufficient sleep.
Physical fitness is improved by resting after training, be sure to rest both body and mind.

Best Football training tips for beginners

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Try to create your own training schedule;

Monday:Bumping, endurance, dishing
Tuesday: ball bobbling, jogging, passing and catching
Wednesday: ball bobbling, strength, shooting
Thursday: ball bobbling, jogging
Friday: turnover, speed
Saturday: rest, competition
Sunday: kicking the ball
Note: Training should be gradual and should not start with high intensity loads, which can lead to wear and tear of muscles and joints. Depending on your situation, it is important to develop the habit of warming up before exercise and stretching after exercise. Usually exercise time is best kept within 1 hour to 1 ½ hours, focusing on a combination of aerobic and anaerobic. A good body is everything!

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