
Football training exercises sessions ideas

Basic Info
Training methods for children:
A. Loop practice method: Group multiple technical movements into several practice groups for loop practice, overcome boredom, maintain children's freshness and excitement, and facilitate "immediate recovery" during training
B. Competitive practice method: Let the trainees freely form groups and practice and compete on various technical movements. Encourage each other. Mutual evaluation. Improve together.
C. Reward based practice method: Based on the quality of technical actions completed by team members, hold a "star" level activity to stimulate their enthusiasm for practice.
D. Fun gameplay practice method: You can create various football games and set one to two technical actions in the game, allowing students to complete the actions in the game and stimulating their interest in practice.
Life never stops, sports never stop, Football can bring us infinite strength.
Football training is a complete teaching process aimed at laying a solid foundation for young people, with different emphasis on football training for different age groups.

Around 6 years old

Usually, children's football training begins around the age of 6, corresponding to the Bambini stage under the German football system. At this stage, children's nervous system is not fully developed and their attention cannot be focused for a long time. Therefore, the focus of this stage should be on cultivating children's interest and mastering basic football skills through some football games.
At this stage, basic running with the ball, passing, stopping, shooting, etc. can be practiced, and some simple techniques can be added, such as pulling the ball forward, pulling the ball behind the foot, and other in place techniques.

Football training exercises sessions ideas

Students training at the LDK football field

8-10 years old

The nervous system development of children aged 8-10 (corresponding to the F and E groups in Germany) enters the sensitive early stage, which is an important stage for building ball sensation and improving physical coordination and flexibility.
In terms of body, some simple coordination exercises can be combined with techniques, such as simple agile ladder jumps or hurdle exercises, to help young players master the correct running movements. In terms of technique, some slightly more difficult movements can be performed, such as simple step movements, fake passes and turns, etc.
In addition, players should also practice shooting techniques with their left and right feet. In this age group, the focus is on practicing shooting power, which should be able to use both feet to kick the ball at a faster speed. Starting from this stage, players will initially develop their tactical coordination awareness, and combine it with passing and confrontation practice to instill some basic tactical concepts.

Football training exercises sessions ideas

LDK Cage Soccer Field

Around 12 years old

The development of a child's nervous system is fully completed around the age of 12. After this window period, it becomes particularly difficult to further improve ball sensation, technique, body coordination, and foot frequency. Therefore, this stage is crucial.
The focus of this stage is still on technique, speed, and coordination. The essence of technique, ball sensation, and body coordination is actually the ability of the human nervous system to control the muscles of the body. Players need to master all the techniques used in the game at this stage: master and repeatedly practice most of the movement skills, further improve the ball sensation and technique, and practice the long pass shooting technique. Both left and right feet can play high-quality long passes and complete high-quality shots.
In more complex coordination exercises, it is also necessary to incorporate them into the daily training of players, with a focus on improving their foot frequency. This can be achieved by combining techniques such as one-on-one coordination and some simple combinations for more difficult coordination and speed exercises.

Football training exercises sessions ideas

LDK Mini Football Goal

13-15 years old

Children in the age group of 13 to 15 gradually enter the stage of puberty, and the timing may vary among different children, some even later, indicating that players will grow taller. The specific training content of this stage can be changed from the previous stage without too much, allowing players to practice more challenging motor skills. There can be some tactical explanations and exercises for the five player and seven player systems.
Before puberty, it is necessary to introduce some dynamic strength and stability exercises, but do not add them to training classes. You can add some simple functional exercises, such as dynamic and static flat braces and hip bridges, 10 minutes after each training session.

Football training exercises sessions ideas

More LDK football equipment

Around 14 years old

For older children, competition and tactics will occupy more. At around the age of 14, children are in the stage of adolescent development, and training in physical and tactical skills (competitions) will become a focus.
In terms of technology, it is necessary to continuously consolidate training; In terms of physical fitness, it is necessary to continuously improve the difficulty of basic coordination and speed exercises.
In addition, after the child's youth development is completed, strength training can be arranged in their daily training, with a focus on improving upper limb and core strength, but the intensity should not be too high. An additional hour of training per week is about the same amount. The content of strength training needs to be arranged by the coach according to the child's situation, gradually increasing the intensity and gradually improving.

Football is actually the best combination of physical and mental abilities. The decisive role of football tactics in matches is becoming increasingly important, and modern football tactics are becoming more and more complex. Therefore, players' tactical understanding and execution skills are crucial, which also need to be cultivated from a young age.

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