
Is there a standard size for a football pitch

Basic Info
The length of the football field is 90-120 meters, the width is 45-90 meters, and the goal is 2.44 meters high and 7.32 meters wide. The football is made of leather or other suitable materials, with a circumference of no more than 70 centimeters and no less than 68 centimeters.
The standard football field size set by FIFA is 105 meters * 68 meters, with an area of 7140 square meters.
The basic condition of a football field is a rectangular flat land, which can be grass, artificial grass, rubber or even concrete. A simpler football field may only have two side arches and a few white lines. A better equipped football field may be equipped with facilities such as lighting, stands, and changing rooms.
We often see various football matches, such as the Chinese Super League, Champions League, World Cup, Olympic Games, etc. Sometimes we can't help but ask, why is there grass on the football field? Can any playground or flat land be used to host football matches? In fact, there are standards internationally for the venue of official football matches, and only those that meet the venue requirements can hold official matches.
According to football competition regulations, football matches can be played on natural or artificial lawns. So the formal football matches we see must be held on the lawn, and definitely not on cement, plastic, or soil surfaces. The lawn site has smooth drainage, strong permeability, soft and elastic ground, strong regeneration ability, is close to nature, and is not easy to cause injury. It has advantages that other sites do not have. As early as the 17th century, England had developed stadium lawns, which have been passed down to this day, forming the rule that football fields generally use lawns.

Is there a standard size for a football pitch

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The football field must be rectangular, and the length of the sideline must be longer than the length of the goal line. The sideline is the long side of the football field, and the goal line is the short side of the football field. The football field is marked with lines, and the width of all lines does not exceed 12 centimeters. The two longer boundary lines are called sidelines, and the two shorter boundary lines are called goal lines. These four lines form a rectangular area called the football field, and the boundary lines are included within the field area.
The length range of the football field is 90-120 meters, and the width range is 45-90 meters. In international competitions, the length range of a football field is 100-110 meters, and the width range is 64-75 meters. The competition venue specifications for the final stage of the FIFA World Cup are: 105 meters long and 68 meters wide.
The midline divides the football field into two halves, and there is a center mark at the midpoint of the midline, which is the starting point. Draw a circle with the center mark as the center and a radius of 9.15 meters.
The goal area is a rectangular area close to the goal, with a width of 5.5 meters. The two sides of the goal area are 5.5 meters away from the inside of the nearest goalpost. The penalty area is also a rectangular area near the goal, but it is larger than the goal area, with a width of 16.5 meters. The two sides of the penalty area are 16.5 meters away from the inside of the nearest goalpost. There are penalty points within the penalty area, which are 11 meters away from the goal. Outside the penalty area, draw an arc with the penalty point as the center and a radius of 9.15 meters, which is called a penalty arc.

Is there a standard size for a football pitch

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The goal must be placed in the center of each goal line, consisting of a goalpost, crossbar, and net. The two goalposts must be perpendicular to the ground, with a distance of 7.32 meters between the two goalposts and a distance of 2.44 meters from the ground below the crossbeam of the goal. Two goalposts and crossbeams have the same width and thickness, but not exceeding 12 centimeters, and the goal line is the same width as the goalposts and crossbeams. The two door pillars and crossbeams must be white.
The corner kick arc is drawn at the four corners of the court, with the intersection of the sidelines of each corner and the goal line as the center of the circle and a radius of 1 meter. The corner kick arc is a quarter arc. There is one flagpole at each corner of the stadium, with a height of no less than 1.5 meters. The flagpole is flat topped and tied with a small flag. At both ends of the centerline and no less than 1 meter outside the sideline, one flagpole can also be set up.
The above are the standards and requirements for football fields. It is precisely with the unified standards of football fields that football teams from different regions, countries, and even continents can play together, producing one football superstar after another, and we can enjoy one exciting game after another.
Of course, if it is only for entertainment, practice, or informal competitions, the requirements of the venue may not be followed.

Is there a standard size for a football pitch

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11 player regular football field specifications and dimensions:

Site size: 105 meters long, 68 meters wide, with a total area of 7140 square meters;
Goal size: 7.32 meters long and 2.44 meters high;
The size of the small penalty area (goalpost) is 18.32 meters long and 5.5 meters wide, with a distance of 5.5 meters from the goalpost at the baseline;
The size of the penalty area (free throw area) is 40.32 meters long and 16.5 meters wide, with a distance of 16.5 meters from the goalpost at the baseline;
Size of the central area: radius 9.15 meters;
Penalty point distance: 11 meters from the goal line;
Corner kick area size: radius of 1 meter, 13.84 meters away from the large penalty area;
Free throw arc size: a semicircle with a radius of 9.15 meters centered on the penalty point;

Is there a standard size for a football pitch

Cage Game Training Football Field

7-a-side football field specifications and dimensions:

Site size: 65-68 meters long and 45-48 meters wide;
Goal size: 5 meters wide and 2 meters high;
Size of the central area: Draw a circle with the midpoint of the site as the center and a radius of 6 meters;
Free throw area size: Draw an area that is balanced with the goal line and connected to two sidelines within 10 meters of the playing field from the goal line. The area is composed of these lines and the goal line. Free throw arc size: A semicircle at a distance of 9 meters from the midpoint of each goal in each free throw area

5-a-side football field specifications and dimensions:

The total size of the 5-a-side football home and sidelines is 44 meters long and 24 meters wide, with a total area of 1056 square meters. The home size is 40 meters long and 20 meters wide, with a total area of 800 square meters

Is there a standard size for a football pitch

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4-a-side football field specifications and dimensions:

4-a-side football home size: 25-42 meters long, 15-25 meters wide, with a total area of 375-1050 square meters

3-a-side football field specifications and dimensions:

3-a-side football home size: 20-35 meters long, 12-21 meters wide, with a total area of 240-735 square meters

Is there a standard size for a football pitch

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