
Good basketball training plan

Basic Info
For those who have no basics, it is recommended to start with the basics, especially dribbling and shooting. You don't need to be very strong in the early stage, but you must know the basics, especially dribbling and shooting. If you can't dribble, you can't cooperate with your teammates, and if you can't shoot, you can't help the team score under the premise that your teammates are being watched.
The second is physical training. Although the area of basketball court is not as large as that of football, most beginners are basically exhausted in half an hour, or they will be tired in more than ten minutes if they run at full speed. Therefore, we must also do physical training while playing basketball, so as to ensure that we can play a complete game later.
The basic practice of basketball is relatively boring, because it is repeated constantly, and there is a possibility of eating carrots or something, so interest is very important, and persistence is also very important. If a person cannot learn effectively, he can also find a professional basketball training institution to study seriously for a few months. After mastering the basic skills of basketball, learning will be faster.
Many people come into contact with basketball through entertainment platforms such as X-sound and X-hand. Today, they see a passing move that they think is cool, and tomorrow they see a shooting that looks good. They try it out and practice, but in the end, they don't learn anything and can't do anything.

Today, let's talk about how basketball enthusiasts should train

(1) Step by step
(2) Targeted
(3) Combining practical experience
(4) Repeatedly persisting

People are born, grow up, and then leave. From learning to climb, to walking and speaking, to running and jumping, everything is a gradual process. The same applies to everything, including basketball. From easy to difficult, from simple to complex. Many people love playing basketball and are eager to become stronger, so they go to the court every day. But when I go to the court, I shoot without any purpose, so it's strange that I can become stronger.

Good basketball training plan

Daily basketball game training

Basic Skill Training - Dribbling

For example, a person who doesn't know how to dribble high and low in place, can they learn how to move forward and behind their hips? The answer is impossible.
We need to start with the most basic and simple moves, dribbling high and low in place, and only after mastering them can we advance to the relatively difficult movements of the front, hips, and back of the body. After becoming familiar with the front, hips, and back of the body, we can practice some combination dribbling movements in place. After becoming familiar with the combination dribbling, move on to the next stage of dribbling in motion. Perform dribbling movements, disguises, combination dribbling, and so on during the dynamic process.
Many players like Irving, and when they see the gorgeous dribbling and pulling techniques in Irving's highlights, they go to the court to imitate them, but in the end, they end up with nothing.
You should know that these gorgeous dribbling and pulling rods are all built on strong basic skills. It's hard to figure out how to do high difficulty even when playing the ball in place?
The most important thing for ordinary people is to be able to pass the ball with both hands in advance, behind the hips, and with one or both hands.

Good basketball training plan

Electric Hydraulic Basketball Stand

Basic Skill Training - Shooting

In this era, three-point shooting is prevalent, and the whole world is throwing three-point shots. But how many really have a hit rate?
Nowadays, many students want to unlock three pointers because they can't score from an empty basket, their shots from within the free throw line are terrible, and they can't even make sure of their free throws. How does this work? Unless the basket belongs to oneself, it will be smashed to pieces.
It's okay if we want to score three points, but if we don't even do the most basic things well, then we don't even need to think about three points.
Personally, before each formal training session, I score 50 shots from the middle of the three points under the basket, 50 shots from the two bottom lines, and 50 shots from the free throw line.
Then the formal training begins, from mid-range to three-point. From being in place to being dynamic, there is a process involved.
If you can't even grasp the most basic stationary shooting, how can you practice the pullback, emergency stop jump shot, and three-point shot?
It's easy to see Curry's three pointers, I want to learn, okay, but you need to know how much effort Curry put in to achieve today's success. People, you can't become fat in one bite.
From dribbling in place to dynamic combination dribbling, disguised. From the bottom of the basket to the three-point line, this is a gradual process, and this process cannot be achieved in just one or two days. It requires us to persist day after day to achieve results.
Basketball, all movements are based on strong fundamental skills.

Good basketball training plan

Official Nba Hydraulic Basketball Hoop

Planned and targeted

As mentioned earlier, many people went to the court and shot aimlessly. And we need to have a plan and targeted approach when training.
We need to prepare the content of this training plan before training, and design a training plan based on our own situation. We cannot do whatever we think of on the field.
For example, if dribbling with my left hand is not good, okay. At this stage, I will focus on practicing with my left hand dribbling.
This targeting does not mean only practicing the left hand without doing anything else, but rather emphasizing the practice of the left hand.
And many of us feel that we are not good at shooting, so if we practice shooting and dribbling for a day, we will practice dribbling for a day.
How can this be practiced well?
Practice wherever you are lacking, with clear goals and targeted training.
Patience is necessary in this process, as any improvement requires time.

Combining practical experience

All of our training is for practical competition services.
We need to simulate the rhythm, intensity, speed, and defensive situation during the game during training.
If your training is lazy and not even panting, then you can imagine what kind of performance you will have in the competition.
We need to simulate competitions during training, so we need to train in situations that may occur in order to effectively improve.

Be a practical athlete, not just a flower fist embroider.

Good basketball training plan

Best Outdoor Basketball Hoop

Repeatedly persist

Day after day, day after day, day after day, day after day, repeated, repeated, accumulated, accumulated, accumulated.
Rome was not built in a day.
You get what you give, sweat speaks for itself.

Finally, when we train, we should ensure the quality of our movements and not do them for the sake of doing them. 10 high-quality trainings are more effective than 100 low-quality trainings.

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