
How long is a basketball court

Basic Info
The basic size data of basketball courts will help you understand basketball better!
1. The standard specifications of NBA basketball courts are 28.65 meters (94 feet) long and 15.24 meters (50 feet) wide. The width of the court sideline is 5.08 cm, the basket is 3.05 meters (10 feet) from the ground, and the three-point line is 7.25 meters (23.79 feet).
2. The standard specifications of FIBA basketball courts are 28 meters (92 feet) long and 15 meters (49 feet) wide. The width of the court sideline is 5 cm, the basket is 3.05 meters from the ground, and the three-point line is 6.75 meters (22.15 feet).
The main difference between the court standards of NBA and FIBA is the three-point line. The NBA's three-point line is more than half a meter farther than that of FIBA. The FIBA three-point line is a standard semicircle, and the distance is 6.75 meters (22.15 feet). The farthest area of the NBA's three-point line is the arc area of 7.25 meters (23.79 feet), and the closest distance is 6.70 meters (21.98 feet) in the straight line area. The shorter the distance, the more popular the bottom corner three-pointer is among the players, so NBA bottom corner three-pointers are also favored by team coaches.
As a popular sport, the standard size of basketball courts has always been a concern. A standardized basketball court can not only enhance the gaming experience, but also ensure the safety of athletes and ensure the fairness of the game. The following will provide a detailed introduction to the standard dimensions of basketball courts, allowing you to have a deeper understanding of basketball courts.
The basketball court is a solid rectangular surface with no obstacles. The standard basketball court length is 28 meters, width is 15 meters, and the height of the ceiling or the lowest obstacle should be at least 7 meters. Today, I will take you in detail to learn about the standard size of a basketball court.

1 Standard basketball size diagram:

International standard basketball court size

2、 Line:

1. Width: 0.05 meters (5 centimeters)
2. Boundary: The boundary of the stadium should be at least 2 meters away from spectators, billboards, or any other obstacles. The boundary on the long side of the stadium is called the sideline, and the boundary on the short side is called the end line.
3. Middle line: Draw a line parallel to the end line from the midpoint of the edge line, which is called the middle line; The centerline should be extended 0.15 meters (15 centimeters) outward from both sides of the sidelines.
4. Triple line: 6.75m
5. Free throw line: The free throw line should be parallel to the end line, and its outer edge should be 5.80 meters away from the inner edge of the end line. This line is 3.60 meters long. Its midpoint must fall on the imaginary line connecting the midpoint of the two end lines.

3、 Restricted Zone:

The ground area formed by drawing two lines from both ends of the penalty line to a distance of 2.45 meters each from the midpoint of the end line (measured from the outer edge) is called the restricted zone. If coloring inside the restricted area, its color must be the same as the coloring inside the middle circle.

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4、 Free throw area:

The penalty area is a semi-circular area drawn outside the restricted area, with a radius of 1.80 meters and a center point on the penalty line. The semicircle within the restricted area should be drawn as a dashed line. The area on both sides of the penalty area is reserved for players to use during free throws.

The drawing method is as follows:

The first line is 1.75 meters away from the inner edge of the end line, measured along the edges of the penalty area on both sides.
The width of the first position area is 0.85 meters (85 centimeters) and it is connected to the beginning of the neutral area
3. The width of the neutral area is 0.40 meters (40 centimeters) and is colored the same as other lines
The second location area is adjacent to the neutral area, with a width of 0.85 meters (85 centimeters).
The third location area is adjacent to the second location area and has a width of 0.85 meters (85 centimeters).

6. All lines used to draw these position zones have a length of 0.10 meters (10 centimeters) and are perpendicular to the outside of the penalty area boundary.

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5: Three second zone:

Area: 5.8m * 4.9m

6、 Central region:

The middle circle should be drawn in the center of the court with a radius of 1.80 meters, measured from the outer edge of the circle. If it is colored inside the middle circle, its color must be the same as the color inside the restricted area.

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7、 Three point pitching area:

1. Draw two parallel lines from the end line at a distance of 0.90 meters from the edge line;
2. An arc (semicircle) with a radius of 6.75 meters (measured to the outer edge of the arc) intersects with two parallel lines (2.99 meters long);
3. The center of the arc should be at the intersection of the center vertical line of the opponent's basket and the ground. The distance between the center of the circle and the midpoint of the inner edge of the end line is 1.575 meters.
Note: If the width of the stadium is less than 15 meters, the arc will still be drawn according to the 6.75 meter radius mentioned above.
Draw a semi-circular arc with a radius of 1.25m from the landing point of the basket.

8、 Reasonable collision zone:

Draw a semi-circular arc with a radius of 1.25m from the basketball landing point as the center.

Overall, the standard size and layout design of basketball courts have undergone strict regulations and scientific calculations, aiming to provide players with a safe and fair playing environment. Understanding the specifications of basketball courts is of great significance for better participation in competitions or related management. I hope that through the introduction in this article, you have a clearer understanding of the standard size of basketball courts.

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