
Is gymnastics a sport

Basic Info
In a broad sense, gymnastics is a collective term for all gymnastics events, including Olympic events such as competitive gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, trampoline, as well as non Olympic events such as aerobics, cheerleading, and acrobatics. In recent years, new projects such as street dance and parkour have been added.
In a narrow sense, gymnastics generally refers to competitive gymnastics. Men's competitive gymnastics includes floor exercises, Pommeled Horse, rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bars; Women's gymnastics events include vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise.
Gymnastics is a general term for all gymnastics events. Gymnastics can be divided into three categories: competitive gymnastics, artistic gymnastics, and basic gymnastics. There are both dynamic and static movements in sports.
Basic gymnastics refers to a type of gymnastics with relatively simple movements and techniques. Its main purpose and task is to strengthen the body and cultivate good body posture. It mainly targets the general public, with the most common being broadcast gymnastics and fitness gymnastics for the prevention and treatment of various occupational diseases.
From the literal meaning, competitive gymnastics refers to a type of gymnastics that primarily aims to win, achieve outstanding results, and compete for medals on the field. This type of gymnastics movement is difficult, technically complex, and has a certain degree of thrill.

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Gymnastics is a type of sports that includes two categories: unarmed gymnastics and instrumental gymnastics. Gymnastics originated from the productive labor of primitive society, and humans used methods such as rolling, flipping, and lifting to fight against wild animals in hunting life. Through these activities, the embryonic form of gymnastics gradually emerged. The country of origin with written records is:
Originating from Greece. In the 5th century BC, the ancient Greeks, who were in a slave society, collectively referred to all means of physical exercise as gymnastics (dance, horseback riding, running, jumping, etc.) for the purpose of annexation wars. Due to the fact that these activities are all nude, the term "gymnastics" in ancient Greek means "naked.". Narrowly defined gymnastics is derived from this.

2. Originating from China. 4000 years ago, during the legendary era of the Yellow Emperor, China already had this broad form of gymnastics. By the Han Dynasty, gymnastics had become quite popular. A silk painting from the Western Han Dynasty unearthed in Mawangdui, Changsha, called the "Daoist Guide" (referring to the use of gymnastics to promote health in Taoism), depicts more than 40 postures of characters. Starting from the basic knowledge of standing, kneeling, and sitting, they perform movements such as bending, stretching, turning, archery, jumping, and jumping, which are similar to some of the movements in today's radio exercises. There are also pictures of holding sticks, balls, discs, bags, etc., although the practice methods cannot be inferred; But from its image, it can also be considered the "ancestor" of our instrument gymnastics. With the disintegration of European slave societies, the meaning of gymnastics gradually shrank, but it has not yet been separated from other sports. In 1793, the "youth gymnastics" in Germany still included walking, running, throwing, wrestling, climbing, dancing, and other activities. The first sports school established in China in 1906, also known as the "Chinese Gymnastics School.".

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Modern competitive gymnastics originated in Europe. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, various schools of gymnastics emerged in Europe, including German gymnastics represented by Jahn, Swedish gymnastics represented by Ringer, and Danish gymnastics represented by Booker, laying the foundation for the formation of modern gymnastics. The International Gymnastics Federation was established in 1881. There were gymnastics competitions at the first Olympic Games in 1896, but the events at that time were different from the current ones. The systematic gymnastics competition began with the first gymnastics championship held in Antwerp, Belgium in 1903. In 1936, the 11th Olympic Games stipulated the current six men's gymnastics events, namely Pommeled Horse, rings, horizontal bar, parallel bar, vault and floor exercise. The women's gymnastics competition did not begin until 1934, and by 1958, it had formed the four events of women's gymnastics, namely vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. From then on, the methods of competitive gymnastics competitions became more fixed.

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Finally, the sweat and pain that gymnasts put in to win gold medals are unimaginable to ordinary people; And the permanent damage left to their bodies by years of extraordinary training is admirable and heartbreaking. However, these pinnacle gymnastics skills all embody the Olympic spirit of "higher, faster, stronger, and more united", which guides generations of athletes to climb towards higher goals.

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