
How long is football training

Basic Info
According to foreign research, it is generally most scientific for children under the age of 8 to undergo 50 to 60 minutes of football training, because within 60 minutes, their physical strength can fully keep up with the training rhythm and maintain a longer period of focus. If this time period is exceeded, their focus is easily dispersed, and coaches need to spend more time maintaining training discipline.
Below, let's break down the specific training duration arrangement. Usually, we will do a short 10 minute warm-up, 10 minutes of specialized technical exercises, 10 minutes of football skill development, 10 to 15 minutes of team games, and the last 10 to 20 minutes can be arranged for them to participate in small field matches. This is the most suitable training duration for our kindergarten children.
A few days ago, I chatted with the parents of a young player and talked about the situation of the child he was playing Football with.
Ah Hua's son Xiao Zheng, who is in fifth grade this year, is a player in the youth training team of a professional club in China. During the day, young players are distributed in different schools for classes, and in the afternoon, they go to the designated training ground of the club for training after school. The coach comes from Japan. Ah Hua's main task every day is to practice basketball with his son.
Ah Hua asked me if I know a coach who is more famous in the industry. He wants to enroll his son in a private training class in addition to his training. Ahua said that the competition in his son's team is currently very fierce and they will be eliminated by the end of the year. So he wants to start a small business for his son privately.
In the following conversation, I found out that Ah Hua's son had already enrolled in a training class over the weekend, and now his private tutoring is just to improve the child's skills more targeted. Ah Hua said that his child trains eight or nine times a week, but he thinks it's not enough and wants to increase it.
After listening to Ah Hua's child's story, I felt a chill in my heart. The child played football, how did it feel more serious than parents urging students to make up for classes in exam oriented education? Will this approach have a high probability of success?

How long is football training

Debate in the field of youth training

The issue of training time for young players has always been a controversial topic in China. The training mode adopted by foreign youth training teams each week is at most "four trainings and one match", and some may reduce the number of times according to the age of the players.
However, in China, many coaches and parents have a traditional belief that only through hard training can progress be made. In ancient times, there was a story about "grinding a deep iron pestle into a needle with kung fu", as well as the saying "grinding a sword in ten years". In the eyes of the ancients, as long as one perseveres and strives, one can become a martial arts master in ten years.
Unfortunately, in recent years, many successful individuals have been touting the "10000 hour rule", believing that no matter what you do, as long as you persist for 10000 hours, you should be able to become an expert in that field; The reason why geniuses in people's eyes are extraordinary is not because they have exceptional talent, but because they have put in continuous efforts. 10000 hours of training is a necessary condition for anyone to transform from ordinary to extraordinary.
Therefore, many industry professionals have suggested that in order to cultivate football stars, it is necessary to persist in at least ten years of unremitting training and increase the training time of players as much as possible. Some football schools in China, after adhering to the "four trainings and one match" policy for several years, are quietly changing their training schedules and increasing them to "six trainings and one match" per week.

How long is football training

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What does the "Ten Thousand Hours Law" talk about?

The law of ten thousand hours first appeared in the book "Aliens" by writer Gladwell. Later, through the dissemination of the internet and secondary digestion by the public, this law became a well-known "truth".
It reflects the correlation between deliberate practice and achievement. Ten thousand hours is an average, not a minimum.

Football is more important in cultivating players

The deliberate practice mentioned in the "Ten Thousand Hour Rule" is more about projects where practice makes perfect, simple movements, and strong regularity, such as playing the piano and running. However, as is well known, football is a complex sport that combines time and space transformation. Football skills are only one component of football, and for the cultivation of football players, football IQ is obviously more important than skills.
Of course, if we practice fancy football and ornamental cuju, then ten thousand hours of deliberate practice may truly turn us into masters.

How long is football training

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Compared to training time, player attitude and coach's training schedule are more important

Based on the experience of foreign football training, one and a half hours of each training session for players is sufficient. The essence of football is a game, so every training session should revolve around the game. The normal football game time is usually 90 minutes. For players, long-term training during this time is more conducive to adjusting their time rhythm.
Within the specified time frame, we should pay attention to the quality of training, not the quantity. We should focus on developing appropriate training methods around the goals and emphasizing the effectiveness; As a player, one should also adjust their attitude during football training and devote 100% to every training session.
In Uncle Cha's view, although the "10000 hour rule" cannot be used as a standard to measure the success or failure of football players. But he also reminds us that as players, we must train hard. Hard training may not necessarily lead to success, but without hard work, one cannot achieve oneself.

How long is football training

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Compared to playing Football, young players are more important as adults

The cultivation of football stars is a long process. At the same time, to become a football star, many factors need to work together, and relying solely on hard training is not enough. Players should not just play football during their growth process.
Especially for young players, if they spend a lot of time on football training every day, it will inevitably reduce their time learning culture within the limited time. Moreover, high-intensity training will have a much worse effect on attending cultural classes, which is futile.
As parents of players, before playing football, we should ask ourselves more: what should we do if our child cannot play? What can a child do if they can't kick out? What kind of abilities does he need to possess to do these things?
During the growth process, children need to constantly strive for short-term goals and make progress to continue their thirst for football. However, for parents and coaches, it is important to always maintain a clear awareness. Instead of gambling on the football future of fifth grade children like Ah Hua, even if at some stage the child becomes the main force and enters the team, what will happen? Once a child's football career encounters an accident? What do parents use to guarantee their future!

In a sense, the more teenagers practice when they are young, the greater the potential risks to their future development. On the premise of respecting laws, moderation and efficiency are the best.

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