
Should kids play football

Basic Info
Let your child learn soccer, but also have these benefits.
1)Strengthen the body, improve running ability and body strength and coordination, balance, especially for children in the developmental period, appropriate soccer learning can promote the growth of bones and muscle formation.
(2) soccer is a collective sport, can develop the children's team consciousness, understand the importance of cooperation and assistance, the victory on the field belongs only to the team rather than individuals.
3) Exercise the quality of will, toughness, perseverance, tenacity, never give up, these are actually synonymous with soccer.
Perhaps a lot of parents and friends are confused by the question of whether or not to let their children play soccer. There are two types of parents, those who play soccer and those who don't, however most of those who play soccer have a much higher probability of supporting their children to play soccer. So when you don't understand something you should not just hesitate and wonder, but you should really get to know him.
Parents who play soccer are probably the most intuitive about the joy that soccer brings, however, soccer doesn't just bring joy, there are also the following points that will have a huge impact on every child's life:
Children who grow up playing soccer are healthier. Life is about exercise, and exercise strengthens the body, no matter how old or young. Playing soccer can be said to be a large amount of exercise, over time the child's body is strong and not easy to get sick. Learning needs to lay a foundation, so does a child's body, a good foundation, stick to it may bring a lifetime of good health.
Children who grow up playing soccer are more optimistic. A group of teammates not only play soccer, but also can joke and chat together, which is very important to develop an optimistic character.
Children who grow up playing soccer are stronger. No matter how great your team is, no matter how good your team is, the strongest of the strong, in the face of failure over and over again, learn to grow, and learn to be stronger.
Children who grow up playing soccer are better able to endure hardship. Soccer is an outdoor sport, whether it is windy, rainy or hot and cold can not stop the enthusiasm of playing soccer, and is not a greenhouse flowers can be compared.
Children who grow up playing soccer are better able to work together. Soccer is a team sport that needs to be played together or better, and in the process of playing soccer one will find that cooperation is more beneficial than acting on one's own, so that the child understands the importance of cooperation at an early age.
Children who grow up playing soccer are more disciplined. Everyone is part of a team, and no one is allowed to go wrong, so no one is allowed to disobey the coach, and obedience is the only way to win the game and be successful.
Children who play soccer from an early age get more resources. Playing soccer from a young age, when you grow up, you will understand, it turns out that I can play soccer to meet so many friends from all over the world, from all walks of life. Most people who play soccer are very righteous. If someone has a problem, someone will say, “I'll take care of it for you”!
Do you think this is important in a person's life? A lot of parents would say, “What's the point of playing soccer? You won't get into the national team. In fact, there is a great misunderstanding and lack of understanding of soccer. Soccer is more than just soccer, it is a medium for education. Soccer allows a child to grow, to understand, and to become a well-rounded and qualified citizen. If you ask what other benefits there are to playing soccer, it's this: playing soccer can get you into a key junior and senior high school through the school's special enrollment, and into a key university through special enrollment. Whether it's exercising your child's good qualities or paving the way for him to go on to higher education in the future, you should get your child involved!

Should kids play football

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Books bring wisdom, soccer teaches behavior!

I know, I know a lot of people think it's a very risky one to learn to play soccer in one of the current environments. With such a tiring sport and day after day of training in the sun and rain, a child's once white and soft complexion is now as dark as a little old man's. Especially our oldest is a girl, all the girls in the class are white, especially one of her deskmates is a boy, skin as white as snow, and our daughter sat down and compared, it feels like the wrong gender.
On the road there are always a lot of people will look at us with different eyes, a little bit know people will ask me directly: why the two children look so black? A girl should know how to take care of themselves, the girl should have a girl's appearance ah, by the time you grow up, you will not be in a hurry, the skin has not recovered. I always have to answer them one by one: because the two of them are playing soccer. At the same time, the heart is also drumming: also in the end, like a few other girls on the varsity team's parents to stop the child training well.
Other people always have a look of bad intention to speak out expression, as if to say: so willing to let the child go to the sun ah, playing this soccer have what future. After their sighs, I do wonder if I should not let my child engage in this sport. The sun is really dark, especially in winter, the skin recovery is not very proportional, some of the skin is white, some indeed still black. I don't think it looks as good as all black.
The father gave me a long time to do some thinking. He told me: in summer, put more sunscreen on them, don't be afraid of the sun, and if they can still stick it out under the scorching sun, it means they really like this sport. We don't play soccer for them to have a good future. What we want is for them to have a hard-working spirit; we want them to have a team spirit; we want them to be able to take responsibility for their own position. Participating in this soccer training program fulfills all the things we want. The most important thing is that they like this sport, they love it, they are not afraid of tiredness, not afraid of the sun, not afraid of suffering. In the future, they will be able to go to the game will certainly face a losing situation, then still have to learn to respect the opponent, this time is just to exercise their ability to face setbacks and exercise them to have a good character of the best opportunity. They will not lose if they play a lot, they have to be able to afford to lose in order to have the determination to win back. This is the kind of character they need when they grow up.

Should kids play football

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After a long talk with the boys' dad, I decided it would be better for both of them to learn. All the other girls on the school team left, leaving my daughter alone to play with her brother, who is two years younger, and a bunch of other kids. Even though they couldn't play in the tournament, it was a good idea to be a sparring partner.
In fact, more than anything else, it was the two children's love of soccer that impressed me. When they came back from training every day, you could see from the smiles on their faces that they had learned the real skills of the kind of joy. Especially my daughter said, “Mom, do you know, it's so nice to come back from soccer with a sweaty body, I'm covered with salt, take it to stir-fry.” When I heard that, I was touched and felt so funny. Because I can't do it myself in a 38-degree summer for two hours in the sun, but they can do it, it's amazing.
Because my daughter is the only girl on the varsity team, a full two years older than her brother's teammates. In training, her comprehension is relatively fast, the coach basically once a new action, she always quickly know how to do it. When she was done, she went with the coach to teach the other twelve boys. Those boys basically looked at her as a boy, they were playing together, and they always liked to play with their daughter. My daughter always encouraged them, “I'll play match with you guys as long as you play well and you can't be lazy.”
When the children of our school team started to play friendly matches outside the school after learning for half a year, because they had only learned for half a year and hadn't seen the world, they were very timid to play the matches, and they were all confused on the field. Don't know which player to defend; don't know how to fight with others. Very nervous, originally a ten to nine ball was a yell will lose the ball, where they have seen the world. But at this time, in addition to the coach to encourage them: this is a normal phenomenon, everyone is like this at the beginning of the game, play a few times will not be afraid.
I also told the kids, “It's true that because you haven't played, you haven't experienced what it's like to play a game. Just like when my mom was learning to drive, when I was learning to drive, my left foot kept shaking when I pressed the clutch, and the instructor said if I was popping cotton. After a couple days I stopped shaking because it slowly got to me.” My daughter said, “Well, next time we shouldn't be so scared, we must practice our skills more in school, we need to kick everyone in the right place. Playing together is the only way to do it.”
I remember before the end of last year when my daughter was learning to turn the ball over on the back of her foot, she always started to turn one over and drop one, and the more she dropped the more stubborn she became. Sometimes she cried when she couldn't turn the ball over ten times, she thought it was too hard, but she didn't want to go home even when it was dark. I told her: “no need to rush, slowly, you have worked very hard, give yourself an hour a day, surely will be able to upturn to ten, it is just a matter of time, mommy will accompany you to upturn, just let nature take its course.”

Should kids play football

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In this summer vacation, about five months of practice, in fact, did not practice every day, one day more time may be more practice will be. She was able to turn the ball over on the back of her foot 400 times. I couldn't believe it. When I was recording the video, I was shaking my cell phone because I was afraid that she would drop the ball when she got to 200. After it was over, I was really proud of her! She's so resilient what's the point of worrying that she can't do anything else right?
The black kids on varsity have been together for a year and eight months. They've learned to help; they've learned to work together; they've learned respect; and they've been a very close team. I think this is an especially rare kind of friendship, especially like that of comrades who have been through life and death.
Yesterday afternoon my son and his twelve boys played in a school soccer game while my daughter watched from the sidelines. I saw that the kids on the field were no longer the confused kids of a year ago, they knew exactly what they were doing, who to pass to, who to pass to, and what to do next, and their thinking was very clear. Of course they still had a good result yesterday, playing a 4-0 win over the opposition.
There was supposed to be a game on Monday this week, but for some reason the other team chose to forfeit. I think it's important to convey to kids that the spirit of hard work is always greater than the ranking of the game. If you have not learned too much, go out and see what you are weak in, and find a gap is also a kind of progress. Personally, I feel bad when I see people forfeit. My daughter didn't have a chance to play in the tournament even though she wanted to, but she respected the rules of the tournament. After the game, she still participates in one of the school team's practices, not for anything, but for a hobby of her own, practicing with her brother and teammates.

From a slightly introverted child to a very confident one, I think the purpose of the soccer game was achieved. They really learned a lot from it, and probably a lot of things that we adults don't even learn.

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