
Why do they water the soccer pitch during games

Basic Info
Before football games, service staff will water the field. Moisturize the ground, otherwise the ground will be very hard. Athletes will be easily injured if they fall, and it will be uncomfortable to play football. After watering, it will become softer.
It’s also good for lawns, as grass also needs moisture. Athletes' psychological effects will also make them bold in their movements. After watering, the football field looks very lively, and the audience also likes to watch the football.
Sprinkling water on the field before a football match is not to maintain the turf, but to protect the players and ensure the smoothness of the game, so that the players can play more comfortably. Friends who have played in professional stadiums may feel this way. Dry turf is not wet. Turf feels good to play on. This is because the friction coefficient of dry turf is relatively large, and the resistance encountered when the ball rolls on the turf is large. Moreover, dry turf is relatively hard, and players tend to feel uncomfortable when running on the turf. After all, the soles of sneakers are It is relatively thin, the Grass is hard, and the spikes cannot be inserted.
Pouring some water on the court before the game can make the turf of the court relatively moist and reduce the friction coefficient. Moreover, the water can penetrate into the soil and make the grass soft. Players can play comfortably and the ball will not bounce easily during passing. , which is conducive to the smoothness of the game and can also protect players to a certain extent and avoid injuries.
In addition, some teams like to play on wet grass, and watering the court can be regarded as an off-court trick. Especially for those teams that are tall and have players with a relatively high center of gravity, slippery grass can cause discomfort to them. A minor annoyance.
But there are also disadvantages. If you water too much, the grass will turn into a wetland, and the friction of the grass will become water resistance. The game will become slower, and the players will be like having a water fight, and players will easily slip and fall. , or even injuries will cause the game to become unsmooth, make the players unhappy, and make the audience uncomfortable.

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Routine maintenance of non-fill sports football fields generally includes the following aspects:
Cleaning: Clean the site regularly to remove dirt, debris, fallen leaves, etc., and keep the site clean and tidy.
Watering for cooling in summer: water appropriately according to weather conditions and site usage to keep the site moist and avoid drying and hardening.
Check facilities: Check whether venue facilities, such as Goals, fences, lights, etc., are in good condition. If there is any damage, repair or replace it in time.
Dredge and drain: Keep the drainage of the venue smooth to avoid accumulation of water and mud, which will affect the use of the course.
Protective measures: Install additional protective measures, such as installing protective nets, warning signs, etc., to ensure the safety of players and effectively extend the service life of the lawn.
The above are the daily maintenance measures for non-filling sports football fields, which can keep the field in good condition for a long time and extend the service life of the field.

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Expansion information:

In the 2018 match between the National Football Team and Uzbekistan, there were many instances where players slipped due to excessive watering of the grass when running and fighting without the ball. After the game, the team's sharpshooter Wei Shihao, who had a wonderful performance, said: I don't understand why the turf in this game has to be watered. The slippery field makes it easy for players to fall and it becomes more difficult to handle the ball.

It is reported that the staff specially watered the turf before the game, but due to the very low outdoor temperature, the field quickly froze. On such a slippery field, let alone playing a game, even walking normally can slip accidentally. Therefore, we saw U23 national football players slipping repeatedly during the game yesterday. The watering of the stadium after the game was also questioned by many parties.

In the player interview channel, Wei Shihao said: "I don't know why the field was not watered in the first game, but it needs to be watered in this game? Once the field freezes, it is easy for us to slip, and the handling of many balls is not ideal." Yesterday, He Chao, the team's midfield metronome who performed well in the game, maintained decisive and accurate ball distribution and precise positioning in the offense. His performance was worthy of the title of captain. Likewise, he expressed confusion about the watering of the site. Well-known football reporter Ma Dexing even bluntly said that this move is simply a disservice to the national football team.

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The World Cup in Qatar has started a long time ago. There are many automated sprinklers installed in the football field. The sprinklers automatically spray water before the start of the game and during halftime. Why do we need to continue sprinkler irrigation? Are you worried that your lawn will wither due to lack of water?
1. Protect players... Because football is intense and confrontational, players will inevitably have body collisions during high-speed movements. Although players will protect themselves when their bodies fall, if the lawn is in a moist state and the lawn is relatively soft, it can play a role. The role of protecting players.

2. Increase the running speed of football and make the game more exciting. The field is sprinkler-irrigated before the game, allowing a lot of water droplets to condense on the lawn. The friction between the football and the lawn is reduced during movement, and the speed is greatly increased... Relatively speaking, players need better speed to control the football, and the fighting between the players on both sides is more intense. For the will undoubtedly bring the game to a more exciting performance.


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