
Do you lose weight running on a treadmill

Basic Info
The treadmill is a very effective exercise equipment that can help people perform aerobic exercise, consume body energy, promote fat consumption, and achieve the purpose of losing weight.
Running on a treadmill can strengthen your cardiopulmonary function, increase your metabolic rate, and promote fat burning, but if you want to truly lose weight, you need to combine it with a reasonable diet and other forms of exercise.
If you can insist on running on the treadmill 3-5 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time, coupled with a scientific and reasonable diet plan, it can help you lose weight effectively.
Now that the weather is getting warmer, many gyms have begun their peak business season, and many fitness enthusiasts have begun to resume fitness. The largest number of them are those who want to lose weight. You will see that the treadmills are full of people.
We know that the main function of a Treadmill is to lose weight and burn fat. There are also many functions on the treadmill, such as: fat loss mode, cardiopulmonary function mode, mountain climbing mode, etc. This will also make everyone better.

But what I want to talk to you about today is how to use treadmills correctly to lose weight and use treadmills safely. Let’s take a look with the editor of LDK treadmill manufacturer!

LDK Commercial Heavy Duty TreadmillLDK Commercial Heavy Duty Treadmill

How to lose weight correctly

1. Understand the above data

In fact, the numbers on the treadmill only estimate the energy consumed on the treadmill, and are not very accurate. For example, for running at a speed above 8 kilometers per hour, the calories burned per 1.6 kilometers is equal to 0.75 multiplied by the weight. In this way, the treadmill burns The rate of fat loss is roughly the same as the calories burned during road running.

2. The effect of treadmill

In fact, the answer is very simple. Of course, you will feel very tired on the treadmill, but from a physical point of view, it should be easier than outdoor. On the treadmill, you do not need to overcome the influence of wind resistance, and the moving belt will also help you. , this is that the treadmill is simple and not affected by external forces, and you can run anytime and anywhere.

LDK small flat treadmill

LDK small flat treadmill

3. Wear professional running shoes

As we all know, treadmills have a strong vibration when running. You can choose shoes that are lighter and have less cushioning on the treadmill. Because the treadmill is much softer than the road, there is no need to wear shoes with too much cushioning effect. If you are too heavy, it is recommended to wear supportive running shoes, which are best combined with running and walking.

4. Treadmill should be used like this

When running outdoors, in addition to running on flat roads, we also choose to run on slopes, which will have a better fat-burning effect. The same is true for treadmills, and we can adjust the angle of the treadmill. Jogging uphill on a treadmill can build strength, while running fast without an incline can build stamina, endurance and speed. You can adjust the speed and incline during exercise, which can be used to better simulate changes in road and terrain conditions. This effect is no worse than outdoor running. The fat burning effect may be better. We can increase the incline appropriately when running. The more energy is consumed.

5. How to choose a Treadmill

In addition to going to the gym to run on a treadmill, we can also buy a treadmill at home. How to choose a treadmill reasonably? The more expensive the treadmill, the stronger the overall frame, the better the motor, and can be used for a longer time. However, some treadmills are too expensive. Maybe these treadmills are a luxury and unnecessary for most people, so just buy a treadmill at a reasonable price.
You must stretch after running. This is very important, but it is not recommended to stretch on the treadmill. Some people may question why?
Because: Two days ago, some netizens broke the news that they experienced a terrifying moment of electric shock while on a treadmill in the gym, and immediately became incontinent. According to the woman's self-report: She was stretching between the handles of two treadmills that were not running. Her left hand touched the aluminum alloy part of the treadmill handle, and her body suddenly received an electric shock. At the same time, her right hand, which was resting on the treadmill on the right, was sucked into the aluminum alloy part! At that moment, I wanted to pull it out but couldn't. I gradually lost consciousness and became incontinent. I tried my best to call for help: I got an electric shock!
Xiao Hei was really frightened after watching this. He would get an "electric shock" even if he went for a run. So how can we prevent such an accident from happening?

LDK folding weightless treadmill

LDK folding weightless treadmill

Treadmill precautions

Check the power supply before running

Check whether the treadmill is placed stably, whether the countertop is dry, and wipe it clean if there are any sweat stains. Insert the power cord plug into a power socket with a safety ground. If the power cord is damaged, you should contact the gym staff in time, or call the manufacturer for help. When the treadmill is not in use at home, the power cord plug should be unplugged. Keep it.

Watch out for kids and pets

When using the treadmill, it is best not to have anyone around. This person mainly refers to children. Do not let children and pets get close. Their autonomy is relatively poor, and accidents are prone to occur if they get close. Also, when minors and the elderly are running, it is best to have someone supervising them, and the treadmill speed should not be too fast.

LDK ultra-thin home treadmill

LDK ultra-thin home treadmill

Adjust speed and look ahead

When using a treadmill to adjust the speed and angle, be sure to adjust it slowly, because there is usually some lag in mechanical changes on the table. When exercising, your eyes must be straight ahead. Do not look left or right or turn your head suddenly. Remember not to look back. This can easily cause you to fail to keep up with the frequency of running and fall down. You can come down only after you have stopped.

After we finish running, we need to slowly slow down the running speed. Only when the treadmill speed is stable and our heart rate drops below 120 per minute can we press the stop button to get off the Treadmill. Do not leave the running area after finishing the run. Stretch.

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