
Youth basketball practice plan

Basic Info
Hello, believe me, someone will scratch their eyes and want to see you in a month.
1. Basic skills. When others are playing, you need to practice secretly, which is archery and dribbling. This is very effective in improving your hand feel. After 2 weeks, you can use this movement to ensure that your hand feel is greatly enhanced.
2. Physical confrontation can be practiced in terms of strength, including upper and lower limbs as well as waist and abdomen. Being superior in strength will also greatly improve your basketball skills.
3. Practice shooting. Shooting is your ultimate skill, and you understand it without me saying it. Keep in touch, genius lies in diligence.
4. Physical strength: Keep running every morning, around 3000 is enough. Exercise cannot be separated from physical strength.
5. Use your brain to compare speed with your body, speed with your body, shooting accuracy with your breakthrough, and defense with your breakthrough.
Today we will conduct the first part of the basic skills training in offensive techniques. We will introduce the specific methods and objectives of the training, and some of the training will be presented in the form of tactical drawing boards. Without further ado, let's begin today's training.

Exercise 1: Holding the Ball Position

Practice objective: To cultivate good ball holding posture through mandatory exercises.
Practice method: As shown in Figure 1, team members are arranged in four columns and perform the ball holding posture according to the coach's "prepare" command. Upon hearing the command to 'run', perform a dribbling simulation and run towards the opposite end line. The first group ran out, and the second group immediately waited in a "ready" position on the end line to start. This ball holding posture is a posture that allows for both passing and shooting, as well as dribbling and breakthrough. This posture is suitable for various positions such as defender, forward, and center forward. When practicing this posture for the first time, it may feel boring. Once mastered, it will definitely make the attack very smooth. Please keep practicing.

Key points:

① Try to increase your stride as much as possible within your range of movement, with one foot slightly in front and two feet not parallel. It is very important to maintain a state of attack at any time.
② The upper body should be lifted up as much as possible to make the person look tall and give the opponent a sense of oppression.
③ Don't let your gaze fall on the floor. There are 10 players on the field, including myself, so that I can watch
It is very important to be able to keep track of the activities of the other 9 team members at any time.
④ To imagine controlling the ball well in densely defended areas (especially in restricted areas), the opponent
Whether it's a pincer attack from left to right or a siege from front to back, one must maintain an unwavering posture and control the ball.

Youth basketball practice plan

Exercise 2: Improve Finger Ball Sense

Practice objective: To improve ball sense and control ability.
Practice method: The team member stands with their legs apart, holding the ball with their right hand in front of their right leg. Use your right hand to pass the ball through the middle of your legs, then hand it over to your left hand behind your left leg. After receiving the ball with your left hand, wrap it around the outside of your left leg and pass it through the middle of your legs, then hand it over to your right hand behind your right leg. After receiving the ball with your right hand, loop around from the outer side of your right leg to the front of your right leg, and repeat the exercise from the beginning. After practicing for 5-15 minutes, you can change the direction of the ball.

Key points:

① Hold the ball low and bend your knees and upper body during practice.
② Use your fingers and fingertips to touch the ball, not your palm. When practicing, try to stretch your fingers as much as possible until you feel pain and then relax, thus forming the ideal "cup shape".

Exercise 3: Dribbling the ball around the legs in an 8-shaped pattern

Practice objective: Improve ball sense.
Practice method: Team members are dispersed in half and dribbling in a stationary figure eight shape. Dribbling the ball with your right hand in front of your right leg, then hitting the ball through the space between your legs. Your left hand touches the ball behind your left leg and passes through the left outer side of your body to the front of your left leg. Then, hitting the ball through the middle of your legs to your right leg, and using your right hand to receive the ball, continue hitting the ball through the right outer side of your body to the front of your right leg. Finally, hitting the ball through the middle of your legs to your left leg, and using your left hand to receive. Continue dribbling in an 8-shaped pattern for 5-15 minutes. During dribbling, jumping movements can be added, that is, when the ball passes through the middle of the legs with the right hand, the left foot takes a forward step, and when the ball passes through the middle of the legs with the left hand, the right foot takes a jumping step forward.

Key points:

① When dribbling, only touch the ball with your fingers and fingertips.
② The ball should be shot low and fast.
③ Eyes are not allowed to look at the ball.

Youth basketball practice plan

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Practice dribbling from the side and back of the body

Practice objective: To improve ball sense and control ability. Practice method:
Method 1: During group practice, team members should be 4-5 meters apart from each other. Swap hands and dribble in front of the body, but do not watch the ball. Swap hands behind the body to dribble, but do not watch the ball.
Method 2: The team members stand as shown in Figure 2, with the first player from each group dribbling towards the far end of the field and returning. The height of dribbling should be moderate, and the left and right hands should be exchanged. The so-called moderate height refers to the height equivalent to the waist, which is the height for quick dribbling. And during the movement, there needs to be a left and right side exchange dribbling motion. When doing the second round trip dribbling from left to right, you need to move low and fast, just like the protective dribbling posture. Using this exercise for a competition, you can practice using small skills to guard against big skills, or have the first team members compete against the second team members.

Key points:

① Only touch the ball with your fingers and fingertips.
② When dribbling, low pose fast or high pose push methods can be used.
③ Your feet should be at least shoulder width wide, and you can defend against smaller opponents or face off against first team members and second team members.

Exercise 5: Swap your hands and clap the ball under your hips

Practice objective: To improve ball sense, hand eye coordination, and quick reaction ability of the hands.
Practice method: Each team member takes a ball, with a distance of 4-5 meters, and their bodies are in a squatting position on horseback. The ball lands on the floor between their legs, with their right hand in front of their right knee and their left hand behind their left knee. After tapping the ball with your left hand, quickly move it to the front of your left knee, while your right hand should quickly move to the back of your right knee and tap the ball. Complete the exercise of rapid movement of both hands within the specified time. During the process of exchanging hands, it is necessary to tap the ball under the crotch to keep it bouncing and not stopping on the floor. It is also possible to train quick reflexes by catching the ball with both hands under the crotch without landing it, instead of hitting the ball under the crotch.

Key points:

① Only touch the ball with your fingers and the base of your fingers.
② Keep the ball in a low position and touch it quickly.
③ Keep your feet at least shoulder width apart. If you find it convenient to hit the ball, you can also squat slightly deeper.
④ When practicing, always keep your eyes fixed on the front.

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Exercise 6: Footstep Movement

Exercise objective: To improve the team members' ability to move quickly.
Practice method, as shown in Figure 3, all practicing players face the coach. After hearing the signal, the practicing team members quickly lifted their legs in place and practiced for 30 seconds. This exercise is suitable for both individual team training and collective practice among all team members.

Key points:

Practice players should maintain a good defensive posture throughout the entire process, with arms open and legs bent.

Exercise 7: Prepare to Run

Practice objective: Maintain good ball holding posture and improve jumping and stepping emergency stop techniques. Practice method: As shown in Figure 4, team members form four rows to start the race.
Method 1: When the coach issues the command to prepare, make a ball holding posture and run towards the opposite end line at the same time as the command to run. At this point, the action starts from the position of holding the ball, and the first step is to make a breakthrough with the ball (both left and right feet are the same). The first step should be big, get rid of the opponent and break through.
Method 2: Practice footwork during emergency stops. Also arranged in 4 columns, there are two emergency stop methods: skip step emergency stop and stride step emergency stop. First, make a jump step emergency stop. Before arriving at the destination, make 4 emergency stops on the serving line, center line, opposite free throw line, and endline.

Key points:

① The first step is to make a breakthrough move by holding the ball.
② Emergency stop - When holding the ball, do not parallel your feet and be in a state where you can attack at any time, with one foot placed slightly forward.
③ Even when surrounded by pincers from front, back, left, and right, one should not waver, and try to take larger strides when standing on both feet.
④ Lift your upper body and adopt a posture that gives the opponent a sense of pressure while being able to see the other 9 team members.

Youth basketball practice plan

Exercise 8: Pointing the ball towards the wall

Practice objective: To improve ball sense and control ability.
Practice method: Hold the ball facing the wall, tap the ball with your right hand towards the wall 5 times, and then catch the ball with both hands. Using the left foot as the central foot, rotate 360 degrees to the left, and the body will be 1 meter away from the original starting position after the rotation. For some beginners, it may not be possible to complete a 360 degree rotation, so they can be divided into sections to complete it. After completing the spin, he will face the wall again and immediately use his left hand to hit the ball 5 times. After 5 times, rotate 360 degrees to the right with the right foot as the center. Practice for 1 minute.
Key tip: When hitting the ball, touch it with your fingers and fingertips.

Exercise 9: Play 1 Ball

Practice objective: Maintain good dribbling basic posture, improve ball performance and ball control ability.
Practice method: First, dribble around the right leg, be careful not to push the ball, the ball must be carried to the left leg. Then perform an 8-shaped dribbling, practice dribbling from front to back in an 8-shaped loop, and then practice dribbling from back to front in an 8-shaped loop. Note that the ball must hit the ground under the crotch and change hands to dribble. The entire exercise lasts approximately 10 minutes.

Key points:

Dribbling practice must start in a basic standing position, with the non dribbling hand bending their elbow to protect the ball and using one ball for dribbling practice.
During practice, it is important to always maintain a basic posture and look up to observe the situation on the field.

Youth basketball practice planElectric Hydraulic Basketball Stand

Practice 10 and play 2 balls

Practice objective: To improve ball performance and ball control ability, and cultivate athletes' attention span.
Practice method: Playing two balls, one ball in each hand, is a good way to strengthen weak hands and should be done after practicing playing one ball.

Key points:

When practicing with two balls, it is important to emphasize basic posture. To develop the athlete's attention, players can start by dribbling high with one hand and low with the other, alternating between the two hands. Next, practice dribbling with body side push, which is a commonly used dribbling method. Moving 2 balls with body side push can help improve the athlete's attention.
② You should learn to dribble around your right leg with your right hand while keeping your left hand in the same dribbling position; Or use your left hand to dribble around your left leg while keeping your right hand in the same dribbling position. By using this dribbling method, not only can weak hand skills be effectively improved, but it can also further enhance the confidence of players to move two balls while moving.

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