
Best age to start football training

Basic Info
Personally, I think you must first cultivate your interest. If you don’t have interest and then force it to be cultivated, it will undoubtedly be a kind of devastation! Therefore, a certain big shot said that football should be started from childhood, which is a very wise saying. Cultivate interest and football sense from an early age, develop basic skills in elementary school, and slowly add technical and tactical requirements. This is a long-term and hard work! After all, there are so many things for kids to play with these days!
Mom, can you give me a football for my 5th birthday?
Dad, you are going to play football with your uncle on the weekend. Can I go and play with you?
Faced with such a request, many parents will think that my child is still young, his bones are not fully developed, and outdoor football is relatively intense, so it is not suitable. Let him learn it when he grows up. However, they ignore that for children, the childhood is the best stage for cultivating personality and interests, and it is also the stage when the body is easiest to develop sensitivity and coordination.

Best age to start football training

Best age to start football training

So what is the golden age for learning football?

Football enthusiasts say: You can do it before the age of 7. After all, Contento joined Bayern at the age of 6. Many foreign children are sent to play football by their parents at the age of four or five. The true "football education starts from childhood."
Education experts believe that humans: 50% of the critical development period is before the age of 3, and 70% of the critical period of development is before the age of 7. To understand the best age to learn to play football, we first need to identify some characteristics of different age groups:

7-A-Side Cage Football Fields

7-A-Side Cage Football Fields

Start football training between the ages of 3-7 years old

In the prelude to Liselott Diem's Spanish version of the children's wear campaign, Jose Maria Cagigal said: "A person, ultimately, will be his or her childhood."
According to him, a person is formed in early childhood, so their development in the first years of life is very important. This concept is also valid in sports, as he sees this movement development as an enrichment of the person rather than a physical and technical adaptation to a sport. Exercise is fundamental in the first three years of life. When a child plays sports, he develops his ability to observe, create, and coordinate.
Cui Enlei, the youth department of the Chinese Football Association, also said: "Children around 7 years old should just play more football without affecting their studies. Football training that emphasizes physical fitness and technology is more appropriate to start when children grow up."
Therefore at this age the emphasis is on correct reactions and conscious application of appropriate techniques.

LDK football goal manufacturer

LDK football goal manufacturer

Start football training between the ages of 7 and 10

Children of this age love challenges, are very interested in difficult movements, and enjoy having fun doing them. Psychological experts also say that this period is the ideal age for motor learning.
Peter Sebby, an osteoporosis expert at Manchester Royal Infirmary in the UK, explained that bones will continue to renew themselves, and it takes 10 years to complete this renewal. Therefore, 10 years old is the ideal age to formally learn to play football, because 10-year-old children have already completed a growth stage. This period corresponds to the muscle formation that is typical of skeletal growth during adolescence.
Therefore, children should be encouraged to start learning some basic dribbling skills in early childhood, so that children can learn football skills more systematically when they are 9-10 years old. For example, when a child is 2-3 years old, he can already kick a ball as light and as big as a beach ball. When he is 4-5 years old, he can kick the ball in a certain direction and correctly, so that the child can learn to kick a ball farther or to a fixed distance. . During this period, the process of contacting football was mainly about cultivating interest in football and practicing basic skills. If you find that your child is interested in playing football, you can consider receiving professional football training.

In short, lay the foundation in the early stage and enjoy the fun of playing football in the later stage. The best age to play football is 3-7 years old, followed by now! Don't let your children miss the golden age of playing football "in the name of love".

If parents prevent their children from playing football because they are afraid of getting hurt, they are undoubtedly choking. After all, the benefits that playing football brings to children are enough to benefit them for life.

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