
Best exercises for basketball training

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To put it simply, what works for me
1. Watch the game video before the game, which is a video where you really want to play and exercise after watching it. It's a collection of idols and even the top ten balls are fine.
2. Shooting and layup. Just warm up in advance to familiarize yourself with the field, find the feeling of the ball, the volume doesn't need to be large, and your brain can imagine how the opponent's defense should be done, promoting muscle memory.
3. Give yourself encouragement and make psychological suggestions. I must tell myself that I am the best. If my skills are not good, I will use my body to defend and mark the opponent. If my body is not good, I will use my brain to create fouls. With just one attitude, if I cannot play well, you cannot play well. You must maintain a strong attitude.

Basketball training is in full swing in various places, and players often encounter unexpected injuries on the basketball court. Sometimes, a push or accidental fall can cause harm to the players. Today, we will teach you some precautions and training methods on the Basketball court. Everyone should always pay attention to their safety during exercise.

Warm up before training by jogging to warm up the body

Before training, you can warm up and make your body sweat slightly because muscles have a sticky physical property. Jogging until you sweat slightly can increase body temperature and reduce muscle viscosity. Before exercise, there is still inertia in the organs, and jogging can stimulate the enthusiasm of the organs, allowing the body to quickly engage in exercise.

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Stretching the body after exercise

After running, the muscles still maintain a tense state of running posture. Stretching can relieve muscle tension, elongate muscle fibers, and increase muscle extensibility. It can reduce the occurrence of injury problems in subsequent sports and further protect the body.
Next, perform joint movements. When engaging in joint movements, it is important to start with the small joints and use a small portion of the body's movement units, gradually extending to the larger joints and the entire body. This not only improves the stretching effect but also reduces damage to the body.

Specialized exercises

There exists an optimal length for muscle action, at which maximum contraction force can be generated while avoiding injury. After the previous stretch, the muscles have already stretched to almost their maximum length, which is not conducive to immediately entering the race. Only after specialized exercises can the muscles recover to their optimal length in order to better unleash the body's athletic ability and level, and reduce damage to the body.

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Ball sensation training

Then, what needs to be trained is the feeling of hands towards the ball, also known as ball sensation. Only by understanding the elasticity and weight of the ball can one precisely control it. Practice passing the ball with both hands to each other, placing both hands in front of the chest and practicing passing the ball back and forth with the fingers. Don't underestimate these simple movements. This is the simplest and fastest way to cultivate a preliminary feeling of the ball in your hands.

Dribbling training

When there is a certain tactile sensation, the next step is to actually practice dribbling. Dribbling in place practice involves taking a forward step with the body centered around the waist and the upper body slightly moving forward. Then, dribbling in place with one hand and alternating between the two hands for training. Throughout the process, it is important not to look down at the ball, as it is important to constantly observe the opponent's movements during the game to find opportunities. Lowering the head will only create opportunities for the opponent to hit the ball. Therefore, this should be noted during training.

Swinging exercises

Practice swinging the ball with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Bend over and alternate dribbling with your left and right hands to make a left and right swing, just like a pendulum. At the beginning of this training, you can slow down to practice and gradually increase your speed and reduce the height of your dribbling as you become proficient in the ball. Doing this training well will be of great help for fast dribbling in the future.

Best exercises for basketball training

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Dribbling practice behind the back

The next step is to practice dribbling behind the back. At the beginning, it may be very difficult as long as you do the above basic exercises well and master certain basic skills. After that, doing dribbling behind the back is completely like going to the ditch. Spread your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and practice alternating dribbling with your hands behind your back. In this exercise, it is important to slow down the dribbling speed and find the most suitable dribbling height for oneself at the beginning

Dribbling practice around figure 8

Practice dribbling around the figure eight with both feet slightly wider than their shoulders, lowering the center of gravity. Taking the right hand as an example, start dribbling from the crotch of the right hand, bouncing the ball to the left behind, then catching the ball with the left hand from behind and leading it to the front. Repeat the same crotch dribbling, bouncing the ball to the right behind, and then receiving the ball with the right hand repeatedly.

The above is full of dry goods, hoping to bring benefits to everyone in basketball training and minimize the incidence of accidental injuries.

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