
What are the 8 benefits for kids who play football

Basic Info
First, physical fitness will be improved, whether it is endurance, reaction speed, body shape, health, etc., which will promote more active brain thinking, spirit and temperament.
Second, playing football is a team sport, which will also improve the overall view, consider problems more comprehensively, and improve one's awareness of filling positions.
Third, because it is a group cooperation, it will also improve the ability to cooperate, team awareness, and interpersonal relationships will be more harmonious.
Football is a highly competitive sport, and the benefits of playing football are that it can cultivate a positive, hardworking, fearless, and hardworking spirit. Before playing football, we need to understand some football purchasing skills and precautions for playing football. So today we will introduce some sports knowledge about football.
Football is one of the fitness activities that many people like to choose, especially among male compatriots, because there are many benefits to playing football, as follows.

What are the 8 benefits for kids who play football

The benefits of playing football

1. Helps with intellectual development

Football is not just about fighting for physical strength, skills, and tactics, but more importantly, it is a competition between intelligence and psychology at a higher level. Football has strong coherence, strict collective cooperation, and high requirements for competitiveness. Whether running with or without a ball, players need to have a broad vision, a calm and clear mind, and constantly observe various changes. There are many uncertain factors that cannot be compared to other sports. All of these are comprehensive quality exercises, so participating in football training and competitions is also a process of truly cultivating and developing the intelligence of young people.

2. Can improve the function of the respiratory system

Football is a combination of running and leg exercises. During the process of running, passing, shooting, etc., the breathing depth is enhanced, which allows for the absorption of more oxygen and the discharge of more carbon dioxide, thereby increasing lung capacity and enhancing lung function. A study has shown that people who exercise regularly have strong physical adaptability, and their breathing appears stable, deep, and even, with a slower frequency.

3. Beneficial for strengthening the bones of the legs

During the continuous movement of the legs, due to the promotion of metabolism, the blood supply to bones has been improved, and the morphology, structure, and function of bones have undergone good changes: the bone density has thickened, making the bones thicker. The arrangement of bone trabeculae is more neat and regular according to different pressures and tensions, and the protrusions of muscle attachment on the bone surface are more obvious. These changes make bones thicker and stronger, thereby improving their resistance to bending, compression, and torsion. Persisting in physical exercise can also enhance the strength around the joints, thicken the joint capsule and ligaments, thereby increasing joint stability; At the same time, physical exercise increases the stretchability of the joint capsule, ligaments, and surrounding muscles, thereby improving joint flexibility.

4. A grinding stone that benefits willpower quality

Beginners need to overcome various difficulties with tenacious perseverance, such as using their feet instead of their hands to control the ball. Uncoordinated movements in beginners, and so on. Learning to play football is not something that can be learned overnight. The process of teenagers participating in football training and competitions is also a process of honing their willpower.

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5. Beneficial for strengthening the spleen and stomach

Children often have poor spleen and stomach, and playing football is also very beneficial for strengthening the spleen and stomach. Because playing football accelerates metabolism in the body, accelerates the circulation of qi and blood, strengthens the function of organs, strengthens the liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal functions, thereby promoting digestion. Children with a good digestive system will have a good physique and are less likely to get sick.

6. Can alleviate children's learning pressure

Children inevitably experience some pressure in their academic and daily lives, and excessive pressure that cannot be effectively released can easily lead to depression. Playing football is an effective way to relieve stress. Let go of the psychological burden, run freely on the green field, sweat profusely, and have a happy match with the players.

7. Can make friends

Football is a team sports event played by multiple people, and playing together with more than ten people can create a more lively atmosphere. However, I can't organize so many people on my own, so I have to make plans with other teams. After a fierce competition, I can make many like-minded friends.

8. Cultivate teamwork awareness

Football is a sport that best reflects teamwork. On the field, there are several positions such as goalkeeper, defender, midfielder, striker, etc., and they need to have a tacit cooperation to ultimately win the game. Therefore, those who enjoy playing football generally have strong teamwork abilities.

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9. Cultivate children's spirit of courage and perseverance in the face of difficulties

Football is a highly competitive sport, and if one dares not compete or is afraid of physical impact, they will not be able to break through the opponent's defense and defend their attack. Through the competition, he realized that victory depends on his own efforts, and only with courage and hard work can he achieve the final victory.

10. Prevent myopia and relieve visual fatigue!

Nowadays, many students and office workers almost suffer from vision problems, using their eyes excessively in their studies, work, and daily life, resulting in myopia. In playing football, you often keep an eye on your teammates from afar, which can effectively reduce eye pressure. Moreover, the fresh air and green plant landscape outdoors will also make you feel refreshed and more comfortable.

11. Help with sleep

Playing football, a high consumption sport, will make you need more time to rest, leaving you with no extra energy to think about messy things. It can also help children relax their tense nerves while studying, making you sleep more soundly and soundly. Appropriate exercise can also promote sleep quality.

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12. Effective weight loss

After half an hour of playing football, you will start burning fat in your body. If you persist in playing, your excess fat will decrease and your children's muscles will become tighter. If you want to lose weight, such as dieting, not only will you starve yourself, but the weight you lose will also make your child thin and weak instead of becoming fit. However, increasing exercise can help your child burn more calories, achieving the goal of weight loss.

13. Improving posture

Due to the current living conditions, long-term incorrect sitting and lying positions can worsen your cervical spine problems. The correct posture for playing football requires a straight and relaxed back, constantly looking up to observe the situation on the field. At this time, the neck will be greatly relaxed, which is very helpful for improving neck problems.

14. Exercise reflexes and delay brain aging

Football can stimulate brain power very well. The football field is constantly changing, and making judgments in an instant is a very challenging task. During the process of playing football, oxygen and nutrients are continuously supplied to the brain, delaying the decline of brain tissue.

15. Boost self-confidence

Excellent performance on the court can give children more confidence in themselves, not just in scoring goals, but also in providing a beautiful assist to the team, playing a tacit cooperation with teammates, defending against an opponent's breakthrough, disrupting the opponent's sharp fast attack, and defending a shot close at hand All of these can give you a sense of satisfaction and make you know that you are not inferior to others.
Conclusion: Kicking football is a natural, harmless, and pollution-free universal treatment method! It can not only exercise the body, prevent and treat various diseases, but also enjoy happiness and experience life, allowing children to grow up healthy and happy!

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Precautions before and after playing football

1. Use some cooling equipment

You can prepare some ice water soaked towels during exercise, cover your head during exercise, and choose light colored, sweat absorbing, and loose fitting clothing during exercise. Choose a cool and ventilated place to rest.

2. Reasonable hydration

When playing football in high temperatures, it is important to drink water regularly and replenish 200 milliliters of water every 15-20 minutes. Do not drink water when feeling thirsty, as the body may already be in a mild dehydration state. After exercising, it is advisable to drink a small amount of sports drinks or light salt boiled water. It is advisable to gradually supplement with multiple small drinks, and never drink a large amount of water at once.

3. Do not exercise immediately in high temperatures

Some friends play football games immediately after coming out of air-conditioned rooms or cars in the summer, which is not right. At the beginning of football, it is necessary to do some gentle and light warm-up exercises to prepare the body for intense exercise. When the heart rate and body temperature rise, gradually increase the intensity and speed of the exercise. This not only helps improve muscle activity efficiency and joint lubrication, but also prevents sports injuries.

4. Avoid excessive preparation activities

Reduce the time spent preparing for the competition to avoid dehydration caused by prolonged preparation time. Of course, necessary stretching is still necessary to prevent sports injuries caused by insufficient preparation activities.

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5. Pay attention to increasing salt intake in moderation in your diet

Exercising in high temperatures will cause the body to sweat more than usual, which will bring out salt from the body. So in the summer, when exercising in high temperatures, it is better to eat more salt than usual, which will maintain the body's salt content and better maintain physical strength. If necessary, you can also drink some diluted salt water to maintain salt.

6. Eat some food at least 1 hour before exercising

Don't eat too greasy, but focus on supplementing body sugar. Fruits, especially bananas, are a good food for exercise

7. Choose some sunscreen and skincare products

If exercising in particularly strong sunlight, you can apply some sunscreen skincare products on the face and body to avoid burning the skin in strong sunlight.

8. Don't take a cold shower immediately after exercising

In summer, after exercising, it is inevitable to sweat all over. Many people like to take a cold shower at this time, which feels very painful at the time, but later on, they may feel weak all over, and some may even experience headaches. This is because when the body is sweating profusely, the capillaries are in a dilated state. If you take a cold shower, the blood vessels contract sharply, and the body's heat is suppressed by external forces, making it difficult to dissipate for a while and instead feeling uncomfortable throughout the body. So, sports experts suggest that after exercising in the summer, especially when sweating profusely, a hot bath is better than a cold bath.

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What are the techniques for playing football? The techniques for receiving the ball

When receiving the ball, it is important to pay attention to the direction of the ball's rolling, one is coming from the ground and the other is coming from the rebound. When hitting the ground ball, you can first determine the path of the ball and step on the ball to the bottom of your feet. When touching the ball, the foot should be raised on the tip of the foot, higher than the football, pressed down on the heel, and lower than the Football.
When receiving a bouncing ball, it is important to be able to determine the rebound path of the football. At the moment of the football landing, align with the rebound path of the ball and do a good job of catching the ball with the foot. In this way, when the ball bounces back, it hits the back upper part of the ball exactly.
It should be noted that when playing football, if you want to stop the rolling ball, the foot that stopped the ball should not be raised too high, and you should not use the sole of your foot to step on the ball to avoid injury.

2. What are the techniques for playing football? The technique of dribbling from the front of the instep

When running, the body should naturally relax, the upper body should lean forward slightly, the arms should swing naturally, and the stride should not be too large. When the dribbling foot is lifted, the knee joint is bent, the heel is lifted, the toes are pointed downwards, and the foot is extended to land on the ground before taking a step. Push the ball forward with the front of your foot.

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3. What are the techniques for playing football? The bouncing technique

Kicking is one of the most basic skills in football, which mainly requires players to have a good sense of the ball while playing, and to have good control over the football while playing, so that the football can run in the way they want. The bouncing ball is usually performed on the inner side of the foot, with the knee joint of the supporting leg slightly bent and the body's center of gravity shifted to the supporting foot. When the ball falls to the knee joint height, the bouncing foot bends the knee and crosses the leg, swinging the inner side of the foot upwards and flipping the foot inward (the inner side of the foot is horizontal), lightly tapping the bottom of the ball to lift it up.

4. What are the techniques for playing football? Shooting techniques

Squeezing is a fundamental technique in football, and it is also a relatively difficult skill to master. When taking a volley, the football player uses the back of their foot to draw the ball. Due to the ability to exert full force at this time, the ball has a strong and fast speed, making it difficult for the goalkeeper to make an effective save.

Conclusion: In short, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks of primary school football training. Football is one of the most popular sports in the world, and there is no such thing as it! Long term football playing can improve students' physical fitness such as strength, speed, sensitivity, endurance, flexibility, coordination, etc. It can also enhance advanced neural activity, especially in the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and other internal organs of the human body. Function, thereby promoting the physical health of students.

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