
Football training skills and drills

Basic Info
Basic skills, ball sense is very important! You can practice ball sense by juggling the ball. Another important use of juggling is to exercise coordination. Coordination is mainly the grip of the soles of the feet. After practicing juggling for a few months, you will feel that your touch of the ball has risen to a higher level.
Basic skills can be learned by looking for some related videos on the Internet, and practicing them. Practice makes perfect, because all technical movements are based on solid basic skills, so you don’t have to deliberately imitate the movements of some stars. Passing and set-piece skills mainly rely on mastering basic movements and practicing diligently.
Remember that practice makes perfect, and you must form your own style! (There is a saying that must be remembered: Football can be without skills, but not without body!)
Nowadays, many people are working hard for the development of football. As fans, I have also put forward some suggestions, hoping that football can truly develop.

Football training skills and drills

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1、 Personal technical and tactical abilities as the core

A player's abilities include individual technical and tactical abilities as well as team wide tactical coordination abilities. The team wide tactical coordination ability of a player is supported by individual technical and tactical abilities. With excellent individual technical and tactical abilities, they can play with excellent coordination rhythms. If the individual's technical and tactical abilities are not good, then their control over Football will not be sufficient, making it difficult to play at a high level of coordination.
So, to what extent is an individual's training in technical and tactical abilities considered excellent? In fact, it is to achieve the level of muscle memory. If various skill movements reach the level of muscle memory, then in the game, receiving, passing, controlling, breaking through, etc., they can naturally make relatively reasonable processing actions in a very short time without thinking about how to handle them, and there is basically no situation where the ball stops several meters away, which can make relatively reasonable tactical cooperation.
Some quick pass and cut coordination requires the support of personal technical and tactical abilities. If each person's movements slow down a bit, stop the ball a bit further, and receive and control the ball a bit too much, the final result is that the entire coordination is not played out. There is awareness, but personal technical and tactical abilities cannot keep up, that is, personal technical and tactical abilities cannot support some difficult and highly competitive tactical coordination, and cannot support their own consciousness.

Football training skills and drills

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2、 The cultivation methods vary at different stages

If a player's training stage is divided into youth, youth, and adulthood, what aspects of cultivation should be emphasized in each of these three stages?!
(1) In the youth stage and adolescence stage, the cultivation of personal technical and tactical abilities is the main focus, with tactical coordination ability as a supplement. Tactical coordination ability only cultivates basic tactical coordination ability. Advanced tactical coordination ability can only be developed in the adult stage.
(2) In the youth stage and adolescence stage, individual performance is the main focus of competitive matches, and it is best to let them demonstrate their personal abilities, rather than dogmatically allowing them to play, pass, and cooperate. With a basic ability to cooperate, allowing them to freely play on the field and cultivating their ability to play independently will help outstanding players stand out.
(3) In adulthood, learn advanced tactical coordination skills. Due to the freedom of play and solid personal technical and tactical abilities in both youth and adolescence, players have confidence, which fundamentally stems from their own strength. With the support of advanced tactical coordination ability, players have achieved high-level players and made a qualitative leap.
On this basis, regardless of the stage, regularly organize high-level competitive matches to allow them to independently recognize high-level tactical cooperation in the matches, but emphasize individual autonomy, just to lay the foundation for adult training.

Football training skills and drills

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3、 Analysis of some appearances

(1) Why is there a qualitative improvement when foreign players upgrade from youth teams to national teams?
There is a phenomenon that domestic players can be on par with European and American youth teams when they are in the youth team, but when they enter the national team level, European and American players will have a qualitative improvement. However, there are no domestic players. Domestic players only move to the national team level, and their level is still at that level.
In fact, foreign players in their youth and adolescence mainly focus on personal performance, emphasizing individual abilities and tactical coordination as a supplement. In these two stages, domestic players place equal importance on learning tactical coordination ability and personal technical and tactical ability, and even emphasize tactical coordination ability. Players are not allowed to hold more balls on the field, which limits their personal performance. In fact, winning or losing in competitive matches during adolescence is not as important, the key is to cultivate players.
Due to the long-term emphasis on individual performance, foreign players have developed a habit of using as much ability as they have on the field. However, domestic players, due to their excessive emphasis on cooperation, need to play the ball as soon as possible, which leads to their reluctance to take the ball too much, dribbling, etc. Even if they have excellent personal abilities, they cannot be fully utilized.
At the national team level, foreign players have increased their advanced tactical coordination training, resulting in a qualitative improvement in their overall level. However, domestic players have long completed advanced tactical coordination training and can only transition from the youth team to the national team level, without significant changes.
It's not that tactical coordination is not important, but rather important, but learning at the appropriate stage will be more effective. Learning advanced tactical coordination skills while fully utilizing personal abilities is like setting wings for takeoff.
(2) Why do domestic players excel in training and fail to perform well in matches.
Firstly, my personal technical and tactical abilities are not up to par, and many technical actions are not something I cannot do, but rather something I dare not do. If an individual's technical ability reaches the level of muscle memory, will there still be situations where the ball is stopped a few meters away? It is reasonable to do any action without thinking about how to do it. Secondly, in adolescence and adolescence, individual performance is not the main focus, and too much emphasis is placed on training tactical coordination skills, resulting in a lack of habit of long-term personal ability development. They are hesitant to take actions when they want to, and tactical coordination is limited by the opponent, leading to timidity.
(3) High level matches can help improve the confidence of players, but the fundamental source of confidence lies in their own strength and technical and tactical abilities.
(4) When foreign players were teenagers, they were not even as good as some Chinese players, but at the national team level, they were far stronger than domestic players. The fundamental reason is that foreign players have always emphasized individual performance on the field during their youth stage, forming a habit for a long time. At the national team level, after learning advanced tactical coordination, they have achieved a leapfrog improvement.
(5) On the surface, it appears that high-intensity tactical coordination is fundamentally a manifestation of individual technical and tactical abilities. Without excellent personal technical and tactical abilities, many high-level collaborations and tactical intentions cannot be achieved, and technical abilities cannot support tactical intentions.
(6) Transport young players for training abroad, do not play domestic Football on foreign courts. Foreign young players rely on personal performance when playing in competitive matches, while our young players rely on tactical coordination, mainly to increase their experience in the competition.

(7) Foreign youth players who freely play in competitive matches are actually practicing and improving their personal technical abilities. Domestic young players emphasize teamwork skills and gain experience in competitive matches. Playing the same number of matches, foreign players have made significant progress in their individual technical abilities, while domestic players have only improved their cooperation experience and competitive ability.

Football training skills and drills

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Summarize into two points:

(1) Enhance personal technical and tactical abilities, with some abilities reaching the level of muscle memory.
(2) During adolescence, the main focus of competitive matches is on individual player freedom, which not only enhances their technical and tactical abilities but also increases their confidence.
Finally, focus on these two points, and in 5 years, you will see some results. In 15 years, football will not only make it to the World Cup every time, but also win rankings.

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