
Good stretches for the ankle before playing basketball

Basic Info
Warming up is the preparatory movement before the formal exercise, which can make the question elevated and excited, and is an important link that must be completed before the exercise, training or competition. Basketball because of its high-intensity confrontation and high speed running, before the movement in addition to the most basic head movement, shoulder movement, waist movement and knee movement, but also need to be larger movements of the warm-up movement, including jogging, muscle stretching and fast running, can be active nerve centers, to overcome the physiological inertia of the body's internal organs, so as to be ready for the next formal movement, in order to avoid and reduce the body injury.
1、Twisting our ankles
2、Move our knees
3、Running with folds
4、Activate the wrist
5、Twisting exercise
6、Dribbling training
7、Shooting training
Many love to play ball partners in a certain “ball age” time, part of the people will find that every time after playing ball heel will be very painful, it takes a long time to relieve, but do not know why, in fact, this is due to the intense movement in the ball caused by the Achilles tendon injury, insufficient blood supply caused by the Achilles tendon, and over time will become the Achilles tendon! Achilles tendonitis. Achilles tendonitis generally refers to the formation of aseptic inflammation of the Achilles tendon after acute and chronic strain. During exercise, the calf gastrocnemius muscle and the Achilles tendon are subjected to repeated excessive tension forces. In addition, a sudden increase in the intensity or frequency of exercise can often cause Achilles tendonitis.

If you have such symptoms, do not grasp the targeted treatment and recovery, to the late stage will affect the mobility, the consequences are unimaginable.

Good stretches for the ankle before playing basketballOfficial Nba Hydraulic Basketball Hoop

Love to play ball partners, before playing ball must be the following several preparations:

1, jogging warm-up

Before playing ball, very casually jogging for a while, to their own body slightly sweating, like a car warming up, so that all the joints of the body have full blood flow, muscles slowly in a state of tension, so that in the back of the intense movement can effectively protect their bodies, especially the Achilles tendon.

2、Move the joints

Playing basketball is very dependent on the ankle joint, be sure to move the joints before playing, do some stretching exercises, fully move all parts of the joints, play a protective role.


Folding running needs to be adapted slowly according to its own situation, which will make the body sweat immediately and adapt to the venue.

4、Don't sudden intense exercise

The cause of Achilles tendonitis is mainly because in the movement did not do enough warm-up, in the sudden stop, and sudden rapid running caused by Achilles tendon injury, must be gradual, slow movement, but also do not suddenly stop, there should be a buffer time. Play the purpose of protecting the Achilles tendon.

5, you need a good pair of basketball shoes

Basketball shoes are very professional sports shoes, don't just take it, if you have the conditions or buy better basketball shoes to protect yourself.

Good stretches for the ankle before playing basketball

Outdoor Basketball Hoop

Basketball is a high-intensity sport, players are prone to push each other, the chance of sports injuries is very high, if you want to reduce the risk of injury, you can start from the following points.

1. Appropriate and sufficient warm-up

Do not warm up before playing is one of the main causes of sports injuries, appropriate warm-up should include the body's major joints and muscle activities, so that the body is ready for the next intense movement, many people will choose to static stretching exercises, around the major joints to warm up, but this is not “appropriate and sufficient” warm-up, should first jogging and other aerobic activities to warm up. Jogging and other aerobic exercises should be carried out first to warm up, and choose dynamic stretching for basketball. Through active muscle contraction to achieve the purpose of promoting muscle blood circulation and establishing appropriate muscle extensibility, etc., and should also be added to the warm-up related to basketball skills, such as dribbling, shooting, etc.

2. Dynamic Stretching Example

Both feet open slightly wider than the shoulders, waist and back straight, lean forward 90 degrees, hands open and flat, rotate the torso, hand touch the opposite foot, at the same time the foot should be slightly bent at the knee, alternating between the two sides, can be repeated 10 times.

(1), remember to collect the exercise after playing the ball

Most people don't have the habit of collecting exercises after playing soccer, which may lead to poorer and poorer flexibility of the body and increase the risk of sports injuries. Flexibility refers to joint mobility and muscle extensibility, if you make more than the original movable range of action in the process of sports, it is easy to lead to muscle strain; poor flexibility is considered to be the risk factor of many basketball injuries, such as ankle sprains and jumping knee. Therefore, there should be a complete closing maneuver after exercise, and you should also pay more attention to the flexibility training of each muscle group.

(2), closing exercises can be done in this way

Find a 25-30 centimeters high step or flower garden fence near the court and put your feet on it, straighten your knees, hook your feet up, keep your body straight and lean forward, feel the tightness in your thighs and the back of your calves, and keep it up for 20-30 seconds.

3. Avoid wrong application techniques

Wrong application techniques can easily lead to overloading of special muscle groups or joints, increasing the risk of injury; it is generally believed that players with poorer technical skills have a higher risk of injury, but this point is still controversial because better players will participate in more intense training or competition, and the chance of injury will also increase.

4. Do muscle strength and stabilization training in general

Basketball is a more intense and intense sport, if the core of the torso and the lower limbs are not strong enough, balance or lower limb movement control is poor, it is more likely to have sports injuries, such as ankle sprains, anterior cruciate ligament sprains or ruptures, and so on. In addition to specialized technical training, it is also important to establish adequate muscle strength, balance and lower extremity dynamic control of each muscle group in order to reduce the occurrence of sports injuries.

5. Avoid excessive fatigue

High-intensity, prolonged training or competition can easily lead to fatigue or overuse injuries, and the risk of various acute injuries will increase. If you are an amateur player, you should avoid playing too long, while professional players should focus on fatigue elimination after training.

Good stretches for the ankle before playing basketball

Electric Hydraulic Basketball Stand

6. Avoid sudden reductions and increases in training or match intensity.

When the amount of training or competition is reduced, whether it is physical strength, muscle power or technical ability will be reduced, if the sudden resumption of high-intensity training or competition, it will lead to the amount of sports demand over their own ability to too much, increasing the risk of injury, for example, some people do not play on weekdays and do not do training, only on holidays will go to the stadium to seize the group game, or some players because of the injury to take a break for a period of time, but in the injury after the good and immediately resume The original intensity of the sport, without first doing progressive training. Friends who love basketball should do some basic muscle and physical training, such as thigh muscle training, core training, etc., and do sufficient warm-up before playing. When players return to the court after an injury, they should gradually restore the original training intensity, and should not participate in too intense training or games too quickly.

7. Wear appropriate basketball shoes and protective gears.

Basketball often requires lateral movement and change of direction of travel, it is recommended to wear high professional basketball shoes to increase the lateral support of the ankle and reduce the risk of ankle injuries, and if there are old injuries, you can also wear ankle pads to increase the stability of the ankle joint. In addition, the use of elbow pads, knee pads and other protective gear can also reduce the risk of contusion and abrasion in the process of playing basketball, and can be used according to individual needs.

8. Choose an appropriate and safe field

Pay attention to the safety of the court environment when playing, including the field side of the columns, nearby debris, etc. If it is an outdoor venue, you should pay attention to whether there are small gravel on the ground, the ground is not flat, to avoid too intense play and accidentally fall to the ground, bruises and then cause infection.

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