
Can playing basketball make you lose weight

Basic Info
You can lose weight, but it depends on how you play. People who follow basketball have their own familiar athletes. In the NBA, there are "skinny guys" like Nash, big tanks like O'Neal, and more muscular men like James and Warcraft. In many summer basketball leagues, there are also such situations. But in general, these professional athletes are more sturdy and less fat - this is just a relatively high fat content, it is impossible for them to be bloated. But in amateur basketball courts, especially recreational courts, there are really a lot of fat people.
You can lose weight if you play professional basketball. You can't lose weight if you are an amateur basketball player! As a basketball enthusiast with seven or eight years of experience. Began to contact basketball playing in junior high school age, and now almost graduated from college. I was pretty fat before. It hasn't changed much now. I know a lot of larger body types that are basketball enthusiasts, and they've been in this shape for years.
The primary reason I play basketball is because I like Carter dunk blue, this time to play basketball on the brain want to dunk before going to learn to play basketball, to tell the truth, playing basketball really will not be thin. I'm summarizing this based on my own experience. If you have any good suggestions, you can put forward.
First of all, playing basketball can make one's body stronger, which is indisputable. I went from a small fat man at that time to one now. It's not really fat, right, because I belong to the type of body strong. Because there is still meat on my stomach now. The rest of the meat on my body is firm, compared to other people who don't play basketball, my meat is a lot harder than theirs.
Secondly, playing basketball can make you fit. I don't know if you like basketball, you have an experience, that is to say to go to play basketball, the body's immune function will improve, will make their own defense ability to rise a grade, easier to cure a small cold, sometimes a small cold will become a big cold, but often exercise will be in the cold, the first two days to let their physical condition get better.
Thirdly, people who play amateur basketball generally do not lose weight. One point is absolutely the truth! That's why there are still a lot of those fat body types that come to the court. It's a common hobby, not a boring time to exercise and strengthen the body. If the subject is the kind of playing professional basketball, that has nothing to say, because the intensity of playing professional basketball is very high, but as an amateur basketball enthusiast. Three days fishing two days sunshine net, you so it is impossible to say thin down.
Fourth, a reasonable diet and sleep is important for a person who wants to lose weight. My previous experience is that I eat three meals a day anyway, did not say eat less, anyway, as long as the food is full, night snacks eat a little less. Then more exercise, more running, running on the one hand can improve their ability to run back on the wall and enhance physical strength, on the other hand, can consume fat, have a fat loss effect.
Regardless of whether you are fat or thin, physical health is the most important. More sports, more ball games, more running!

Can playing basketball make you lose weight

Aerobic exercise for fat loss effect is certainly all there!

Running, jumping rope, bobbing jumps, slow walking brisk walking, swimming, biking, hiking, elliptical, cycling and so on are all aerobic exercises. The following are some common aerobic exercise can consume energy, consumption, (not necessarily accurate, only for reference)
Climbing fast walking: 30 minutes can consume 320 calories, 1 hour up to 650 calories.
Jogging: 30 minutes can consume 295 calories, 1 hour consumption of calories up to 590 calories.
Freestyle swimming: Take freestyle swimming as an example, 30 minutes can consume 255 calories, and 1 hour is 510 calories.
Basketball: 30 minutes of basketball can consume 220 calories, and 1 hour can consume 440 calories.
Lifting weights: 30 minutes burns 220 calories and 1 hour burns 440 calories.
Hiking: 30 minutes of cross-country hiking burns 185 calories, or 370 calories in 1 hour.
Dancing: 30 minutes of dancing burns 165 calories, and 1 hour is 330 calories.
Household chores: 30 minutes of household chores such as planting flowers and weeding burns 165 calories, or 330 calories for 1 hour.

Cycling: at speeds below 16 kilometers per hour, a 30-minute ride burns 145 calories, or 290 calories per hour.

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But for people with a large weight base, my advice is.

Shrink your stomach by controlling your diet, because the stomach is elastic, and since it can be held up, it can naturally be shrunk, and it is only by controlling our diet and shrinking our stomachs that we can eat less, our hunger will be less intense, and it will be easier to stick with it.
After the stomach shrinks and the amount of food is reduced, the weight can slowly come down, although it may not be able to see the effect very quickly, but as long as you insist on it, you will slowly see the effect. We can with swimming slow walking and other sports, swimming is I highly recommend, for large weight people the most friendly sports. Will not damage our knees, and its fat loss effect is also very good.
You can also add some anaerobic exercise, such as equipment exercise. You can buy a pair of dumbbells to train freely at home.
Due to the base to, the scale will fall quickly in the early stage, and we will be very happy to see the effect, but after reducing to a certain weight, the speed will slowly drop, and even the change will not move. (How to break through the weight loss platform period can look at the specific articles on my home page, here will not go into detail, we are interested in can look at.) To the late stage, the speed of weight loss we need to control, the healthiest weight loss speed is January 8 pounds, if more than this speed, may be for their own skin recovery and so on have a number of adverse effects.

Can playing basketball make you lose weight

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For the general weight, fat people, my suggestion.

You can change a few days of aerobic exercise, such as two days of running, two days of climbing, two days of swimming for a change, so that you will not be bored because of a single movement.
Diet is also particularly important, to eat, but also eat enough! As long as you know how to eat, choose high-quality protein, fat, eat more roughage, you can not starve but also lose weight thin!
To find more to find their own weight loss goals, and more to do some of their own interest in sports, climbing slow walking is very interesting aerobic exercise. Distinguished from running bicycle elliptical, these kinds of sports are in a prescribed place, the environment has not changed, very boring. Although it is said that the road to weight loss are boring, but we also have to be in the boring, looking for happiness! Climbing we and good friends about it, together, while looking at the scenery, while climbing, will not be bored or tired at all (in addition to the feet tired a little bit)
Rest is also very important!
You can't stay up late, staying up late will only hurt your body, affect your sleep quality, and make your body not be able to get a good recovery.
Do not overwork, after the exercise are to have a full rest, only rest good, in order to do sufficient preparation for the next exercise!

I hope everyone can exercise scientifically and lose weight successfully soon!

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