
Is playing basketball a good workout

Basic Info
Life lies in sports, playing basketball does exercise people, especially the elderly long-term adherence to play, on the body muscle energy, reaction ability, etc. can be prevented to accelerate the decline, I am almost sixty years old, long-term basketball feel especially good spirit, eat also fragrant, sleep is also good, and I played with me the maximum age of seventy-two years old (full-court tournament), but also with me together to participate in the National City Basketball Championships.
For basketball enthusiasts playing basketball is certainly a great way to exercise. Playing basketball is not only good for the body, but also for the face will be a kind of exercise. Take the basketball to run to the court, he will be a kind of relaxation for the body, when you are in a bad mood, can play a game of basketball, that kind of physical fatigue is a very good feeling, can let you forget the other worries, a heart only in the court. Basketball some tips, had received relatively professional training, even cheeky to say.

First, physical fitness

The first year, the coach does not allow us to touch the basketball, and physical fitness can be said to be the foundation of every sport, a compulsory course, basketball is a more confrontational sport, but also a full-body sport. Comprehensive physical fitness improvement is the first pass to play good basketball, if you can't pass this pass, you will be brushed off, very strict. Running, jumping and shooting, these three items were the first performance competitions that each team had to compete in when participating in basketball competitions at that time. Every morning at 6 o'clock, run 3 kilometers, to the training room, barbell flipping wrist, deep squat, sit-ups, especially deep squat directly out of the end of the run 100 meters, so far impressed.

In the afternoon after school, run stairs, deep squats, bench press. All year round, in addition to the New Year, every morning and evening physical training. After physical fitness enhancement, start practicing sliding, practicing side running, high leg raising, touching high. In short, to improve physical fitness, is the foundation of a good basketball, the lack of which is unlikely to play a good basketball.

Is playing basketball a good workout

The Basketball is going in the basket.

Second, dribbling, passing and receiving

A basketball game, 90% or even a higher percentage is in the dribbling and passing and receiving, these two are the basic skills of basketball. When dribbling, the five fingers of the finger root to the fingertips touch the ball, the palm of the hand and the basketball is not in contact. 10 minutes after dribbling, spread the palm of the hand, if the hand heart, that dribbling method is not right. There is a good way to improve your dribbling skills, dribbling against a wall.
The wrist and fingers control where the basketball lands on the wall, how hard it bounces back, and when the basketball bounces back to your hand, you need to be able to hold the basketball in your hand by your wrist and fingers. In other words, dribbling against the wall is not non-stop transportation, but to be able to achieve at will to let the basketball at any time in their hands, palms of the hand is not next to the basketball, wrist control, at any time to transport to the wall, but also at any time to let the basketball stopped in the top of the five fingers. Left and right hand each 10 minutes a group, 4 groups to start practicing. When passing the ball, the ball out of the moment, relying on the wrist shake out to control the strength and accuracy of the ball, especially when passing the ball with both hands. Catch the ball, two thumbs in a “one” shape, the rest of the fingers open, running in the pass and catch the ball is basically a step on the pass or catch the dribble.
When you start learning basketball in your teens, you may be used to one-handed passing and catching at first, but two-handed passing and catching skills are still the most important. After laying a good foundation and forming a personal style, you will be able to use it flexibly according to the specific situation on the court.


To see whether a person has been professionally trained, from the defensive action can be seen. See whether a team is strong, defense indicators can be seen. Basketball defense using slide technique. First of all, the legs should be half squatting, the defense is in order to slide “in and out of control”, while effectively reducing the number of fouls. Defense can touch the other side of the body, the center position of the defense against the strongest. Man to man, joint defense, change defense, co-defense, supplemental defense ......, these defensive content can be flexibly applied according to the characteristics of the other side.

For example, the other side of the interior strength, can be used in the way of joint defense, co-defense to strengthen the ability of the interior defense. The other side of the long-distance shooting quasi, with the defense of good players to keep a close eye on the outside shooter. The other side of the block, after the change of defense, height and weight with the other side of the match, similar position companions need to assist in defense and so on. Defense is the foundation of a basketball team, or can be boldly used to increase the importance of defense (defense is greater than or equal to offense). Defense is not good team is difficult to win, imagine, your side shot a ball, the other side also shot a ball, the score alternates, how to pull away from the opponent's score? Of course, your side hit a ball, through excellent defense to prevent the other team from hitting the ball, grab the rebound, you put and then hit a ball, gradually the score will be pulled apart.

Is playing basketball a good workout

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Four, running and gap

Catch the ball to meet the ball, pass the ball to look for the gap, smart running can contain the opponent's defense, but also can use the gap to score. Running position is the smartest way to play, of course, not running around, but according to the position of the other nine athletes on the field, purposeful running position. The fast break is the quintessential running play. As soon as this side grabbed the rebound (or judged in advance that his side grabbed the rebound), immediately and quickly to their own offense basket direction, a long pass, you can score a layup. Fast break is the most energy-saving way to play, the center grabbed the rebound immediately long pass to the forward has been in the best position to carry out a fast attack. Center to improve the position away from the three-second area near the basket gap will be appropriately enlarged, quietly into the, get the ball after the close-range shooting.

V. Matching

Basketball is a collective sports program, cooperation can make the combined force is greater than 5. 3-man ball game or 5-man ball game, often see a team always have players like to dribble, get rid of personal technology to score, may be the team relies on his technical or personal ability. In fact, this is wrong. It is difficult for a team to get good results if it relies too much on one person. (Jordan's greatness had to be assisted by Pippen, Rodman, Kukocic, etc. in addition to his superb individual ability to be successful.) I rarely see silent blocking, accurate and quick passes, proper running of the ball, rarely see smooth coordination, and even more rarely see solid, on-point defense in the amateurs' game.

These are all part of the matchup, but they are seldom seen. For example, the forward (guard) and center of the block with very good, A (forward or guard) in the three-point line 45 ° near the ball, the center raised to block the defense of the opposing team A (note that the block must be solid, do not let the other side from the gap leak), the center blocked the opposing team, the A and then dribbled to the baseline direction, the center facing the A to withdraw the cloth and run toward the basket, the A can choose to shoot or pass the basketball to the center to form a partial Two to one.

Is playing basketball a good workout

Outdoor Basketball Hoop

Sixth, a skill

Assists are broken down to see, in fact, dribbling, running, passing composition; good rebound, physical quality is one aspect, but also with judgment, jump time control.
Turns, pace, related to good physical fitness, but also inseparable from a large number of training to deal with various situations. Whether it's Nash's assists or Iverson's mid-range shots, take these apart and analyze them in detail, you will find the mystery. Take Nash as an example, Nash's dribbling is very good, almost no mistakes and lost the ball, he can according to the companion's movement position, in the right time, the ball accurately passed to the companion appeared in the right place in the hands of the rationality of the pass is very high, at the same time, there is an opportunity to own also do not hesitate to score. Find that suitable for their “long”, analyze it by which parts, in time, can be rewarded.


Any movement that scores points can be called shooting, whether it is low-handed, high-handed, jump shot or running shot. All the way to shoot comes down to one thing: feel, and the best way to develop feel is to dribble against the wall. By dribbling against the wall, you find the point where the basketball finally separates from your hand, and if it's the ring finger that's definitely wrong. If it's the ring finger, that's definitely wrong. The last moment the basketball leaves your hand should be the tip of your index finger (or the center of your index and middle fingers). Dribbling against the wall, the basketball is slightly above the head, through the wrist and fingers to control the basketball and the moment of separation of the hand that point, is the index finger tip, get used to this position, so that the wrist to get used to this direction and angle. Focus on the standard shooting posture, why is the index finger last to leave the basketball?

Of the five fingers, the index finger is the most flexible, second only to the thumb, through the index finger to “aim” at the basket is the most appropriate, the index finger is equivalent to the role of the scope in the shooting process. The power of the wrist controls the position of the basketball. The small arm with the big arm of the coherent action to control the arc of the parabola after the basketball throw. When the basketball falls, the closer it is to 90° from the center of the basket, the easier it is to score. Standard shooting posture, from the shoulder to the fingers of the power sequence is, small arm with big arm, wrist, fingers. Among them, the basketball out of the moment, there is a “pressure wrist” key action, if the index finger is the scope, then the wrist is to control the basketball in the parabolic trajectory in the beginning of the fall of the part of the point.

Is playing basketball a good workout

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Therefore, basketball players through the barbell to exercise wrist strength, is a mandatory course (arm wrestling try to avoid with basketball players PK). Someone asked what to do with the upper body movement for a three-step layup. Take a right-handed athlete as an example, when the layup when the body jumps up to reach the highest point at the same time, the right arm straighten and unfold, and at the double highest point (the highest point of the jump + the right hand to the basket direction to the highest point), the wrist to the playing board position to shake to go and follow the trend of hooking to the direction of the head, to control the basketball out of the softness of the basketball (the speed of the forward running speed plus the speed of the jump, the beginner may be able to let the basketball fly out of the), the last and the basketball to separate the still It is the index finger, with accuracy and proper strength, and can be used flexibly to hit the board into the basket or empty center into the basket.

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