
How many calories can you burn playing basketball

Basic Info
It depends on your muscle type, weight and intensity. It is impossible to know how much you can burn with the current conditions. For example, if O'Neal plays with you at the same intensity for an hour, O'Neal will burn much more calories than you. A 100KG muscular man and a 100KG fat man exercise for the same hour, and the former will burn much more calories. The intensity of an NBA-level game, the same hour, is as intense as that of an amateur basketball game, so of course the former will burn more calories. A 50KG man of moderate weight will burn about 400 calories by jogging for an hour.
When it comes to losing weight, in addition to keeping your mouth shut, it's all about getting your legs under you. Today we use hard data and the experience of top coaches to talk about the top 15 exercises that burn the most calories.

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If you want to play basketball well, you better be able to move a lot. The sport consists mostly of running, with short sprints and all-out jumps from one side of the court to the other, lasting an hour or more with minimal rest.Boudro explains, “These all-out exercises seriously tax your body, forcing you to use the same energy systems that you use in your daily activities. Combine these exercises with competition and the gym, and you're sure to burn a lot of calories in a matter of minutes.”
It's well known that playing basketball can burn 728 calories per hour for a 200-pound person.Boudro suggests starting with 15 minutes and building your tolerance from there. Be careful, though; too many injuries occur in this sport, usually because the individual isn't prepared to deal with them. Start slowly and build up gradually.

How many calories can you burn playing basketball

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Running is one of the easiest exercises a human can do, mainly because no equipment is required - technically, not even shoes. According to Chris Ryan (CSCS, CPT, fitness expert), running at 8 miles per hour for a 200-pound person burns 1,074 calories per hour. Because running fast requires a lot of energy and puts a lot of demands on the cardiovascular system, most of us can't sprint or run too fast for too long.
“The best way to incorporate this exercise is to do a 10- to 20-second sprint (or 100- to 200-meter) followed by a 60-second jog or walk,” says Dr. Roger Adams, director of education at GPNi, ”and keep repeating these intervals until you've adapted or until it's too much for you a fast run is a jog.” Add a weighted undershirt to your sprints, which will increase your calorie burn and is much safer than lifting dumbbells or using ankle weights.

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Some of the world's greatest boxers rely on jumping rope to train their footwork and increase their heart rate. “Jumping rope burns 1,074 calories per hour and is an excellent workout for the entire body,” Ryan relates, ”Even just a few minutes of jumping rope can get your lungs burning and your heart rate up.”
What's the biggest advantage of jumping rope? You can do it almost anywhere, anytime, although few of us can hold it for more than a few minutes.Like running, Dr. Roger says, “The best way to incorporate jumping rope into your workout regimen is to do it in intervals. Jump rope a certain number of repetitions, say 100, then walk in place for 60 seconds; then repeat the interval until you're exhausted.” If you can jump rope for a few minutes straight, then stick with it, otherwise, the interval method is recommended for maximum results.

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Of the martial arts sports that burn a lot of calories, kickboxing ranks first, with a 200-pound person burning about 937 calories per hour. Similar to wrestling or boxing, kickboxing is a self-defense sport that originated in South Korea over 2,000 years ago. Typically, you accomplish this exercise by competing against another person across from you. They try to weaken your skills and get you to let your guard down. “The sport emphasizes speed, power, concentration, reactionary force, and breath control as its guiding principles, and really presents a transcendent athletic mindset that transforms the mind and body into a powerful weapon,” says Ryan. However, many people take breaks between workouts, so minimize rest periods in order to maintain the highest calorie burn for this mode of exercise.

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You've probably heard that swimming, which many people can do regardless of age or injury level, burns a lot of calories-and that's no lie. For a 200-pound person, vigorous or high-intensity swimming can burn 892 calories per hour. In addition to its therapeutic benefits and good balance between strength and cardio, another ancillary benefit of swimming is being in the water. “Your body normally runs at 37 degrees, but the average temperature of a pool is usually around 26 degrees, so your body makes up for the nearly 11-degree difference by staying warmer to burn calories,” Ryan explains.

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Not only is stair climbing good for building muscle and improving cardiovascular fitness, but it also burns a lot of calories. For a 200-pound person, stair climbing can burn 819 calories per hour.
Ryan explains, “Climbing stairs essentially raises the heart rate while the heart and lungs pump more blood and oxygen, thus burning more calories than if you ran the same distance on flat ground.” Your speed, number of steps and step height will all determine your total calorie burn. Samantha Clayton, Herbalife's vice president for athletic performance and fitness, says, “Going up the stairs and walking down the stairs at a faster pace is the safer way to go. You can vary your stair climbing speed to increase the intensity level, or if you're coordinated, walking two steps at a time will make your muscles work harder, which will increase your calorie burn. The more steps you climb, the more you burn.”

How many calories can you burn playing basketball

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Even at a relatively easy pace, such as 5 miles per hour, jogging is a great way to burn a lot of calories for most people at a slightly higher pace than walking. In fact, a 200-pound person can burn up to 755 calories per hour at this pace. Because it's a full-body workout, running works many muscles and challenges your cardiovascular system at the same time. It's also a fairly easy exercise to fit into a schedule because most of the time, all it requires are running shoes and sidewalks. “If you want to add a little more calorie burn to your workout, try adding a couple of ramps to your workout,” Ryan says, ”This helps to increase the intensity of the workout but also changes the position of your feet to mimic an undulating path, making it a more effective workout. ”

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Considered by many to be the ultimate form of “sports chess,” tennis is a great way to burn a lot of calories. This is largely due to the amount of fast-paced sprinting and physical activity required during the game. Ben Boudro, owner of Xceleration Fitness in Auburn Hills, Michigan, explains, “Tennis is challenging because you need to decelerate and accelerate very quickly, which is necessary for the sport. The movement of the ball is very unpredictable, and when there are unpredictable demands, you challenge your brain and muscles to move your body and get into position with as fast a contraction as possible.”
A 200-pound person can burn 728 calories playing tennis for an hour (less if doubles). “If you want to burn more calories from tennis, consider wearing lightweight compression shorts or a weighted tank top,” Ryan suggests, ”Adding just 5-10 pounds of weight can significantly improve your workout.”

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Because it's such a common introductory game that most people play for fun, it's easy to forget the benefits of flag football exercise. In fact, a 200-pound man can burn 728 calories or more per hour. It may have a shorter field than regular rugby, but since there are fewer players in the game (and fewer hits), most people run more. “Coupled with the change of direction and hand-eye coordination, flag rugby really gives you the enjoyment of working out with friends,” Ryan explains. To add to the difficulty of the workout, you might choose wide receiver on offense or cornerback on defense, as these positions will leave your lungs gasping for air and your body burning far more than a quarterback or linebacker.

How many calories can you burn playing basketball

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Roller skating combines a healthy balance of cardio and strength training without much impact on the joints. Similar to roller skating, rollerblading requires the use of a considerable number of muscles at the same time, Ryan says: “Data suggests that a 200-pound person burns 683 calories per hour at moderate intensity. But for a more energized upper body, consider adding some dryland ski poles, which essentially turns it into a summer version of cross-country skiing.” Additionally, adding a few short 10- to 20-second sprints is not only fun but a great way to raise your heart rate and burn more calories.

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Jane Fonda proves that cardio is both fun and beneficial for burning calories and building muscle. “High impact cardio requires your body and muscles to contract and release in a fast, controlled way,” explains Boudro. High-impact cardio refers to exercises in which your feet leave the ground, such as open and closed jumps, enhanced jumps and some dance moves.

While this form of exercise is often fun and has many variations, it's not for everyone due to its impact on the joints, Clayton says: “This type of exercise can be increased in intensity by adding weights, maintaining a high intensity level, and performing exercises that specifically work large muscle groups such as the gluteus maximus, hamstrings, chest and back. This type of training is done in the form of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), in which you exercise-rest intervals, which can significantly increase overall calorie burning. However, it is important to note that it is recommended to keep exercise sessions short (ideally lasting 20 to 30 minutes).”

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Similar to tennis, squash is a very intense sport that burns 637 calories per hour for the average adult. “You might not think so because it's mainly older people who like to play, but if you try it, you'll immediately notice how challenging it is because you never rest during the sport,” Boudro explains, ”On such a small court and a bouncy ball, you have to constantly cut, run, jump and sprint to get yourself in position to grab the ball.” But perhaps the best part of the sport is the mental and physical challenge it presents.

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Hiking or climbing a mountain with a backpack is a great outdoor exercise that can burn about 637 calories for a 200-pound person. Due to the added weight of the bag, you're building muscle strength in both your upper and lower body.Clayton says, “The varied terrain is also great for improving coordination and working the small stabilizing muscles in your legs and ankles.” To burn more calories on a hike, consider increasing your load or choosing a steeper terrain.

How many calories can you burn playing basketball

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This water sport, which involves balancing on two skis while being pulled by a boat, looks easy but is actually very difficult.Boudro explains, “You need to find the right position to lean back as you press your feet into the water. As your arms keep contracting by pulling on the rope, your forearms, biceps, and broad back muscles are worked, and your quads and calves are contracting at the same time.” To make this workout more intense, Boudro suggests setting up a course or simply timing yourself and trying six rounds of three minutes each, constantly gliding through the water.

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While rowing machines may seem outdated, they're making a comeback in gyms and studios across the U.S. Says Clayton, “Rowing is a great full-body workout that burns a lot of calories and has minimal impact on the joints. Rowing uses both the lower and upper body, burning calories while working multiple muscle groups.” As with most cardio exercises, to increase calorie burning, you should do several high-intensity workouts interspersed with slower-paced rowing exercises. This is easy to do because most rowing machines can be adjusted for resistance.Clayton suggests rowing at a high speed for 60 seconds and at a slow speed for 15 seconds; alternatively, you can do a few minutes in a row at a moderate pace.

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