
How to run on a treadmill

Basic Info
I only warm up on the treadmill, jogging for 5-15 minutes!
If you have to run, it is recommended not to run too fast, lean forward slightly, step lightly, and do not adjust the slope to more than 10. Pay attention to safety and do not fall.
Long-distance running is recommended outdoors, at least in the track and field, leisure park, in our small place, it is best to go to mountain roads and rural roads. In city streets, you must pay attention to safety and walk on the sidewalk. Of course, there are risks, so ensure safety!
The most enjoyable thing is cross-country running on mountain trails, see the picture below!
When talking about the treadmill, do you find it boring? The scene is monotonous, there's no fresh air or sunlight, and monotony is inevitable if you train the same way every time. But luckily, with the right program, the treadmill can give you much-needed variety and even motivation.
Treadmills are excellent interval running training tools, and scientific studies have proven that intervals can boost your metabolism, build strength, and increase your speed if you have a goal race coming up in the spring.
Not only that, but a treadmill allows you to see your progress in a timely manner. Treadmills allow you to run at a specific pace (which is hard to do outdoors), they also don't require you to avoid potholes or tree limbs, and they put less stress on your joints than concrete or asphalt, and they're safer for the runner who wants to let off steam and run to music.
Whether you're looking to spice up your usual workouts or start from scratch, here are three creative and engaging training programs to help you get started on the treadmill!
The Ultimate Treadmill Workout No. 1: Increase Speed

Training: 3-2-1 Speed Training


Compact Adjustable Incline Treadmill

Training Method: ☟

0-5:00 Warm-up
5:01-8:00 High speed run
8:01-11:00 Recovery jogging
11:01-13:00 High speed running
13:01-15:00 Resume jogging
15:01-16:00 High-speed running
16:01-17:00 Resume jogging
17:01-29:00 Repeat.
15:01-17:00 Training
29:01-34:00 Relaxation
Note: Intermediate runners increase the warm-up and relaxation to 10 minutes each, then repeat the fast run/recovery combo from this 3-2-1 workout a total of three times.
The Ultimate Treadmill Workout No. 1: Building Strength


1.5 HP Folding Treadmill for Gym

Workout:Up the hill up the hill up the hill

Training Method: ☟

0-5:00 Warm Up
5:01-6:00 High speed run, 2% incline
6:01-7:00 High speed run, 4% incline
7:01-8:00 high speed run, 6% incline
8:01-9:00 high speed run, 8% incline
9:01-11:00 High-speed run, 1% incline
11:01-17:00 Repeat, 5:01-11:00.
Incline: 4 percent, 6 percent, 8 percent, 10 percent, 1 percent
17:01-23:00 Repeat, 5:01-11:00.
Incline: 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 1%
23:01-28:00 Relax

Ultimate Treadmill Workout of the Day: Burning Fat
Training content: classic speed intervals

Training Method: ☟

0-5:00 Warm up
5:01-9:00 High speed running
9:01-13:00 Recovery jogging
13:01-45:00 Repeat.
15:01-13:00 training four times
45:01-50:00 Relaxation

Split the pace:

An easy run pace is when you can run and talk at the same time.
High pace is when you can pop in a word or two, not full sentences.
Full run pace is a sprint: you can't talk and can only maintain this pace for 30 seconds - 1 minute.
Recovery jogging is between easy running pace and high pace: can chat, but don't really want to.

How Treadmill Running Sticks

Many people buy a treadmill and leave it there to eat dust, and over time either sell it or use it as a drying rack.
Because people who have run on a treadmill know that aerobic exercise is boring and dull, plus still on the treadmill, it will be even more boring, unless you have strong self-discipline, or treadmill is really not good to adhere to.
Outdoor running is different, outdoor can look at the beautiful scenery, time passes very quickly.
On the treadmill there doesn't seem to be anything to make the time go by faster except you can listen to audio and watch videos.

Folding treadmill with incline

LDK Folding treadmill with incline

So how do I stick with it?

It's been six months since I started running, and I've been running almost exclusively on the treadmill for those six months.

Walk before trying to run

At first, I walked on the treadmill for half an hour first. If you have never been on a treadmill before and run straight away, you will be out of breath and you may even get injured.
Walk for half an hour first, after you realize that your body is adapted to the treadmill. The following is to start jogging, can be two kilometers, four kilometers or even five kilometers, according to their own body to, according to their own strength.
You can also listen to your favorite music on the treadmill, listening to music will feel that time passes a little faster, do not always look at the time on the screen, eyes to the front.
When you first start running on the treadmill you may have yesterday's events in your head, but once you run, your mind seems to be blank and you don't want to think about anything. Running is a slow process of emptying your mind of worries type of thing, and it's a great experience, and the only way to experience this change is to run yourself.

Beginner runners need sequential progression

At the beginning of the first runners can try to run three to five kilometers every other day, you can slowly stop and rest when you are tired, do not insist, day by day, step by step, this is also conducive to adhere to.
For people who work every day, running three to five kilometers every other day is a better exercise experience.
Get into the habit of going to bed early and waking up early. When you get into the habit of waking up early, it's not about waking up early for the sake of running, but running along for the sake of sticking to it.
Jogging do not pursue the amount of running, how fast to run, according to their own physical capacity. The advantage of running slowly is that running for a long time does not hurt the knee, jogging is also the core of my persistence in running.

After running, you can do yoga stretching, the whole person is refreshed, is the body's harvest, but also my motivation to persist.

LDK electric flat treadmill

LDK electric flat treadmill

Running while taking videos

Running while taking video records is also a motivation to keep you going, although the benefits are sometimes negligible, but I still occasionally look back at the beginning of the process of recording running, which will be a good memory a few years later.
After six months of running, you'll find yourself becoming patient, persevering, and making yourself stronger.
Since I came to the south, I bought another small treadmill, and I am no longer afraid of idling. Because running has been integrated into my life and become part of my life.


Interest is the best teacher, if you do the above points, the rest is interest.
In fact, I can persist in a large part of the reason is that I did the above points, plus running time is long time like this sport, because like so interested.
It takes time to develop a hobby, 3 months can actually develop a habit, it depends on whether you can stick to it.
Anything is afraid of persistence and die to the end.

Run, all your luck will be hidden in your efforts.

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