
Why do my knees hurt after playing basketball

Basic Info
 playing basketball knee pain, mostly due to basketball during the process, inappropriate movements caused by the knee joint around the ligament, soft tissue, meniscus damage caused by the pain. After the occurrence of knee pain, it is recommended to stop playing basketball, rest for a period of time, and if necessary, conduct an MRI examination of the knee joint. Usually try to avoid prolonged air conditioning, long standing, climbing and going up and down the stairs and other actions to increase the load on the knee joints, as appropriate, local physical therapy, hot compresses, massage and so on.
There are many different reasons for knee pain, and let's talk about one of the causes of pain: knee tenderness. The professional name for this is chondromalacia patella, or kneecap.

The causes of knee tenderness are:

Weakness of the muscles on the buttocks, weakness of the muscles on the back of the thighs, and internal buckling of the knee.
1, the buttock muscle weakness that is the hip gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus muscle atrophy, resulting in powerlessness, making the thigh internal rotation, in the knee and calf to form a dislocation, every time you walk, run, especially when you play ball, and constantly from different directions, jumping, so that the joints have been dislocated on its own, bear a greater pressure. Over time, this will naturally cause wear and tear and injury to the kneecap, meniscus and cruciate ligament.
2, the muscle weakness of the back side of the thigh generally refers to hamstring muscle weakness. The reason why the back of the thigh muscle weakness causes knee pain is the same as the above hip weakness. The reason why we have to exercise the back of the thigh muscles, because it is like the brake of the car, play a role in holding, and the muscles in front of the thighs are like the gas pedal, the role is not the same. So knee pain, some people say to exercise the front thigh muscles, this statement can not be said to be incorrect, exactly the back side of the muscles before exercising the front muscles.
Let the thigh muscles have the ability to brake before stepping forward on the gas. If there is no braking, will only step on the gas, when the need to stop, then the back of the thigh muscles because of powerlessness, so need other parts to replace part of the back of the thigh muscles work, such as the knee will be replaced by the back of the thigh muscles work, the pressure on the knee will increase, knee injuries will be inevitable.
3, the knee buckle, in fact, the knee buckle is the reason is also the result. Above said hip and thigh muscle weakness will also cause knee buckle. Knee buckle is thigh bone and calf bone misalignment, so the knee meniscus, ligament, patella caused by a certain angle of shear force.
This front shear force usually walking feel no impact, but once amplified, such as fast running, basketball breakthroughs, especially the left and right disguised this, will greatly increase the shear force of the knee, a long time, the knee will naturally be painful.

Why do my knees hurt after playing basketball

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Basketball is a sport that many people love throughout their lives, but there are some friends who stop playing basketball after their 40s. As long as they play basketball, they have knee pain. So what is the problem? Can we continue this sport? Let's talk about it today.
Basketball is a relatively intense sport. Joints often need to rotate and twist and collisions are relatively intense. This can then lead to joint injuries and joint pain.
When I was younger, I recovered quickly from this type of injury, but as I get older, the manifestations of this sports injury become more pronounced. Normally there are no symptoms, but as soon as the game of basketball is irritated, symptoms appear. The cause of this problem is that my friends wear out the cartilage or ligaments in the joint, resulting in knee pain, which is usually dominated by pain in the front of the knee.
Before the age of 25, they shoot three times in a row seven times, playing with all sorts of variations. But, you know, at least twice a year.After age 28, this change in direction causes knee pain, so I worked on projectile running and walking on the floor. Getting away from defenders by changing tempo, catching and shooting. Playing with the ball has changed to playing without the ball.
First and foremost was weight loss. After joining the team, the weight skyrocketed. Up to 110 kg and 175 height. this weight is not suitable for basketball, but just can't help it. My knees hurt for days after every game. Since last year, I started to lose weight. Now I weigh about 90 kilograms. Although I am still overweight, my knees feel much better after a game.

Then warm up and stretch fully. In the past, hitting was all about shooting before distributing. Now, I'm going to do some warming up and stretching, especially my knees and ankles. There is no rush to jump shots and layups. Will start from the original position with slightly bent knees and shoot from close range. Once the knees are fully lubricated, I will gradually increase the intensity of the exercise.

Why do my knees hurt after playing basketball

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Protective equipment is very important.

The degree of physical injury after exercise is a twofold concept, with and without protective equipment. I was skeptical of protective equipment even before I turned 40. I also had a hard time resolving various joint pains after exercise.
Later, I purchased protective devices based on the area of pain, and the results were very noticeable. I play year-round and my ankles hurt often; I hike year-round and have habitual knee pain. I bought ankle and knee guards. Of course, the quality of the product should be better. Now there is no pain in the joints after playing ball and climbing with protective gear. Important thing to say three times: protective gear, protective gear, protective gear.
Here's a little action to recommend. We can ask a friend or family member to do a simple test for us. We lie flat on our backs and have the tester place one hand under the knee and the other hand on the knee. Grind down hard. If our knee causes significant pain and the tester feels a distinct bone rubbing sound, this indicates significant wear and tear on your articular cartilage, and even if you don't have symptoms when you're not exercising, you should have an MRI done to determine the wear and tear on your articular cartilage.
Squatting against a wall takes pressure off the knees and trains our quads. We can stand with our backs against a wall and then stop, being careful not to go over our knees. Squat until the angle between thigh and calf is 90° and hold until you can't.

Passing and shooting will be easier when you're older and playing with your teammates in cover. This last point is very important. You must relax after exercise so that the next day your body will be much more comfortable and your athletic life will be extended. Relaxation is usually simple: slap your thighs and legs, squeeze your heels and Achilles tendons, go home and bubble your feet, rub your lower back. If your knees get tired, you can apply a cold compress with an ice pack wrapped in a towel. It works best.

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