
What are the benefits of playing basketball

Basic Info
There is no need to talk too much. I started playing basketball in junior high school. I fell in love and got married in college, and I hardly touched basketball. I started playing again recently, not for anything else, just because I like it and want to exercise.
First, playing basketball can make you healthy. Only a healthy body can enjoy a pleasant life. The body is the capital of revolution.
Second, playing basketball can cultivate a person's sense of teamwork. This is especially important in today's society.
Third, playing basketball can help form friendships and make new like-minded friends.
Fourth, playing basketball can help people develop a good sense of competition.
Fifth, playing basketball can expand your physical limits.
Basketball was born at Springfield College in Massachusetts, USA, which is familiar to the Chinese sports world, and was founded in 1885. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian Physical Education teacher at Springfield College, invented the basketball at Springfield College in order to deal with the cold temperatures of the winter season and to allow students to continue to play interesting sports in the limited space available indoors. Springfield College became famous for it. Many of the early founders of modern sports in China, such as Dong Shouyi, John Ma, Shu Hong, Song Junfu, Mou Zuoyun, and Xu Shaowu (a professor and former head of the Physical Education Department at my undergraduate program at Nanjing Normal University) all graduated from Springfield College.
I also played basketball well back then, yo! Once was the Nanjing men's basketball team to participate in the Eighth Jiangsu Provincial Games to win one of the main players. If it wasn't for my “bad family background”, I would have gone on to play professionally with many of my teammates.

Why basketball? I summarize the top ten benefits of playing basketball on life (body) development as follows:

What are the benefits of playing basketball

Children are practicing playing basketball

1. Longer body size and improved aerobic capacity

Although playing basketball is good for all aspects of physical development, the biggest benefit should be to grow and improve aerobic capacity. Because basketball is a “tall” sport, growing tall or jumping tall is an advantage. A game down, the number of jumps can be as high as more than 200 times, the bones of the biomechanical signal is “to survive, have to grow up”!
I still remember when I was training at the Nanjing Zhongshan East Road Junior Gymnastics School, we used to sneak the springboards of the gymnastics team and use them for dunking. When sleeping at night, we would often dream of flying up to grab the rebound. One of the easiest “scientific” proofs of basketball growth is that I was the tallest compared to my three older brothers.
Although decades have passed, the positive effects of basketball as a teenager on my bone development are still evident today. This picture is from a bone density test I did two years ago on the latest DXA instrument: normal and well above my age!
Foreign studies have shown that 40% of bone development in girls is accomplished between the ages of 12-14 (13-15 for boys), an age when kids should be jumping at least 100 times a day. However, it is not optimistic that the majority of Chinese children in this age group are already living a largely sedentary lifestyle.
When it comes to aerobic training, the conventional wisdom has been that long periods of low to moderate intensity training (e.g., long-distance running, skiing) are the most effective. However, the latest scientific research shows that the ability to use oxygen at the muscle (mitochondrial) level is important for the development of aerobic capacity. Basketball-style High Intensity Interval Training is one of the most effective ways to train aerobically at the muscle level.
The development of aerobic capacity in girls (the dotted line in the graph above) follows a similar pattern to that of bone development, peaking at the age of 16; whether or not you exercise during puberty has a direct impact on your health for the rest of your life!

2. Improvement of sensory skills

Exercise has been shown to be one of the most effective autism interventions. Research has shown that many modern psychological or developmental disorders (such as autism) stem from problems with sensory integration, the brain's ability to coordinate information between the senses. When people play basketball, all the senses (eyes looking at the ball, hands feel the movement of the defense, ears hear the coach and players call, to the teammates of the loud reminder, proprioceptors regulating their own body parts, jumping in the air when the balance of the sensory feedback, etc.) are in a highly excited state of work, each other with the coordination of the coordinated. Basketball is thus one of the best sensory trainings.

What are the benefits of playing basketball

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3. Improve Reaction Skills

Basketball is an open skill sport that requires players to adapt to the ever-changing moments on the court. Over time, reaction time is shortened and reflexes are improved. I remember once at the dinner table, a colleague accidentally knocked over a large can of ice water, in the rolling stream of water rushing towards my seat in a split second, I have quickly dodged. Everyone exclaimed how fast I reacted! In hindsight, this instinctive reaction was due to my basketball training years ago.

4. Decision making

Decision making is similar to reflexes. The ever-changing court requires a player to make decisive decisions about when to shoot, when to pass, etc. What is the opponent's advantage? Where is the opponent's advantage? Where are our strengths? How do we maximize our strengths and avoid our weaknesses to form the best possible lineup? The practice of these decisional skills will inevitably help one's decision making in everyday life, both big and small.

5. Improve observation skills

When I first started to learn how to play basketball, the coach always reminded us to learn to use the rest of our eyes to simultaneously observe the defensive opponent in our charge. In fact, this is the psychological ability to observe (situational awareness). In everyday life, this ability to observe life around us is very important. When I was working at my first American school (Wayne State University) in Detroit (the area around the school was not very safe), I would instinctively glance around when I came out of the office at one or two o'clock in the evening before I went to my car. I also noticed an interesting phenomenon that the first person to stand up and refill a guest's tea at the dinner table in the national sports world was mostly someone with a background in playing (observant) or martial arts (more attentive to etiquette) training.

6. Cultivate courage and a sense of adventure

Fear and worry too much are often a major obstacle to progress in life. In the heat of a major basketball game, boldness is often necessary to win. I remember when I first came to the United States on the first doctoral research class in a few weeks, the professor let each student for their own classroom project (project; a major feature of the U.S. graduate school class is that each class must be a project), “open the subject” (explaining the importance of the purpose and experimental design). I finished my own project in a very relaxed manner.

After the class, my American classmates in the same lab asked me in surprise: “Your English is so so, but why don't you seem to be nervous at all?” I answered naturally, “There are thousands of people watching and shouting when we play a game, so this little gesture in the classroom is a piece of cake for me.” After I said that, I suddenly realized that the courage and adventurous spirit had been immersed into my “bones” through playing basketball.

What are the benefits of playing basketball

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7. Dare to face failure

Failure is inevitable, the key is not to give up! Anyone who has participated in competitive sports must have experienced failure, and the same is true in life. How to learn from the failure and to go to the next level is the biggest gain of every sportsman from the experience of failure. This is also the reason why there are few sports students among Chinese college students who commit suicide (according to unconfirmed internal information). With the experience of losing and the spirit of not being afraid to lose, what can't be done?

8. Perseverance - indomitable perseverance

Tenacity is the marathon of life, not the sprint! The Chinese often say: “There is nothing difficult in the world, only fear of the person who has the heart”, “as long as the work is deep, pestle and mortar into a needle,” said as long as you insist on the truth that you can succeed. Modern psychology calls it “Grit” (tenacity). American Chinese scholar Angela Duckworth's research found that “Grit” is the most important factor for success in life, higher than IQ and EQ. And she successfully used the “Toughness” scale to predict the selection of officers at West Point. Basketball training is the best training for players' “toughness”.
When we were playing in the Junior Gymnasium, our coach, Zhang Baolin, was known as a very very tough coach, and the players often hated him. But when we later got the championship and later in life after the road to success, all thanks to our mentor coach Zhang originally gave us “a minute on the stage, under the stage ten years of work” of the most important life “course”.

9. team! Team!

Teamwork (teamwork) is a modern workplace on the quality of staff training is very important, and basketball itself is a team sport, a person and a team's success, must be the team collective of everyone (including their motor skills, tactics, character, etc.) of the integration.
I remember our Nanjing youth team (tall and short, fat and thin) in the pre-game preparatory activities, and “tall” opponents are always very inconspicuous, but once the fight, we always do our part, and become very combative. At that time, Jiangsu's second team was often defeated by us (now that I think about it, their heavy psychological burden may also be one of the reasons for their poor performance). I remember one time after losing to us, their coach punished the players to run from Zhongshan East Road in the center of Nanjing to Zhongshan Gate (the then Jiangsu second team lived in Nanjing Sports Institute next to Linggu Temple outside Zhongshan Gate).

In 1979, the first U.S. NBA team, the then Washington Bullets (now called the “Wizards” team) to visit China, the composition of their players is also “uneven”: short and fast guards to organize the attack, high and strong center even the highest in Asia at the time! Mu Tiezhu can not carry, fast and accurate forwards can easily tear through the defense, so that the Chinese basketball world at the time brightened up, but also let me understand a successful “team” should be how to combine: each has its own characteristics, together as one! Talent can win a few games, but only a combination of teamwork and intelligence can win a championship!

What are the benefits of playing basketballOfficial Nba Hydraulic Basketball Hoop

10. Developing Leadership

The cultivation of a basketball team is actually a systematic project. From the selection of players, training skills, technical and tactical, in the psychological and playing style of a group of people screwed together, the preparation and adjustment of the season are by no means overnight can be completed, the need for coaches and players year after year of hard work.
I remember the first time I participated in the youth basketball tournament on behalf of Nanjing to participate in Jiangsu Province, the semifinals, the opponent is a city team in the north of Jiangsu Province. They were all big and tall, and many of them had beards (now that I think about it, many of them may have changed their age). Most of our team were still students, and we began to be mentally timid. To prepare for this game, our coach made careful preparations.
The first was the analysis (psychological reduction), which was handled by Coach He Jingui, the team advisor at the time. This old coach He is also a legend, when he was young, he played baseball and basketball in Japan, and naturally became the target of criticism in the Cultural Revolution. 1973 former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka visited China, and his Japanese ballplayers entrusted the Japanese delegation to inquire about him. When Premier Zhou Enlai's office made a long-distance phone call from Beijing to inquire, his old man was still cleaning toilets at the gymnasium on Zhongshan East Road. Although he was not allowed to meet the Japanese delegation, he was finally freed to be an advisor.
Coach He used the Xuzhou team (both of our teams had played against Xuzhou at that time) as a reference, comparing them one by one, from the center to the guards. According to his analysis, we should win by 10 points. Once the mentality was liberated, together with the targeted repeated simulations, we ended up winning the game by more than 30 points.

Life is not just about basketball, but basketball is full of life's philosophies!

“I realized that there are many philosophies of life in basketball, and I try to use them in my daily practice. For example, when my graduate students are looking for a job, I ask them to simulate all the details of the job interviews over and over again. The graduate students prepare for the interviews according to my instructions, and then I personally take part in the interviews. If they can't do it once, they can do it twice, until I am satisfied.
Even several times graduate students have been practiced to tears, refused to go to the interview, this time I let them go home to listen to classical music to relax, do “super recovery” (refers to the human body in the recovery process after intense training, the body's functions not only can be restored to pre-training level, but also in a period of time can be seen more than the original level), and then Go to the interview. All of my graduate students got their jobs in one interview.
In addition, when I was doing a comparative study of school sports in China and the United States, I also noticed an interesting phenomenon: many principals in the United States have a background in sports coaching. When I asked them how their sports experience helped them win leadership positions, their unanimous answer was that having the experience of managing sports teams and preparing for the season made managing a school a snap. Many of the country's successful sports leaders also have experience in ball sports.

What are the benefits of playing basketball

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Former U.S. President Barack Obama was also a basketball player.

As the great poet Lu You once said, “If you want to learn poetry, the work is outside of poetry”. Playing basketball can actually give children a lot of “extra-poetry” gains in life. The problem we have in China is that basketball professionals have not yet recognized these “extra-poetic” benefits and communicated them to principals, parents and students. School basketball (even in the so-called special basketball schools) is only for a few, and usually just for the sake of basketball, basically ignoring the “transfer value” that basketball can bring to children's physical and mental development, and therefore it is hard to get real support from schools and parents, which is a pity and needs to be improved urgently.
Basketball teaching for children in China is often still borrowed from the same methods used to train adults, which lacks science and fun, and of course is not very attractive to children!

Time flies, a shake away from the galloping basketball court has been many years, but from that year to play basketball in the philosophy of life, like the old vinegar in Shanxi, the more you ponder the more flavorful. I would like to share my feelings with you and hope that it will help the Chinese education sector and parents to recognize basketball, the most valuable and popular sport in the world.

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