
What do you focus on in football training

Basic Info
1. Need to pay attention to the correct action mode
2. Pay attention to preventing sports injuries
3. Pay attention to energy system training
During training, pay attention to basic movement skills, master correct walking, running, and kicking movements, repeat them with high quality, and provide timely feedback.
It is necessary to increase the stability of the knee and ankle joints to prevent sports injuries.
Practice more sprint training and focus on improving anaerobic and aerobic capacity.
At the higher levels of Football competition, it is difficult to detect differences between football players because their abilities and physical fitness are similar. However, the difference between excellence and mediocrity often lies in the details, and the subtleties may be what you overlook.

Attitude towards training and competition

Average player: Complains about being tired from training and often takes time off. During training, coaches always desert when explaining and demonstrating, and do not pay attention to the details of football skills during training. Usually lacks self-discipline in self-supervision.
Excellent players: Cherish every training opportunity, listen carefully to the coach's explanations, and be able to self-observe and supervise yourself to lay a solid foundation for football. When there is a game, even if he does not play, he does not miss the opportunity to learn off the court, watch the game carefully, and review and analyze with his teammates.

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Attitude towards criticism and praise

Ordinary players: prefer to receive compliments and praises, and do not take criticism to heart, nor do they self-reflect and correct.
Excellent players: While accepting praise, they will also humbly accept criticism from all sides, and will actively correct their mistakes and shortcomings. At the same time, I am willing to ask for advice from coaches or better teammates to continuously improve my football skills.

Attitude towards one's own football ability

Ordinary players: tend to think that football "talent" is more important than hard work and persistence.
Excellent players: Have strong aggressiveness. Gain growth and progress through diligent training and game practice. Have a solid football foundation and take every step step by step.

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Treat "lose, win" attitude

Ordinary players: Naturally they are happiest when they win. When a failure occurs, he does not analyze his own reasons first, but always complains about his teammates' lack of cooperation and tacit understanding.
Excellent players: Welcome victory happily and accept defeat happily. No matter winning or losing, it is an inspiration. Thinking that failure is also a way of learning is part of growing up in football. As soon as possible, we will analyze the reasons for the failure with our teammates and coaches and work hard to correct them.

Attitude towards frustration

Ordinary players: When encountering a slight setback, they will become fearful. For example, if he can't always learn a certain football skill, he will choose to give up at this time. When encountering bumps and bumps, resistance to football will also arise.
Excellent players: treat every setback as a challenge, get up when you fall, keep practicing if you can't learn, and train hard to defeat a strong opponent when you encounter him. By overcoming these setbacks, you will continue to make progress.
Small differences can make a difference, and a correct attitude will make children who love playing football better and better.

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There are countless youth training coaches. Some come from the professional first team, some come from the professional echelon, there are also those who have received professional football training but did not join the professional team, and there are also those who like to play football and then transfer to coaching, but no matter they come from the professional team Or those who come from grassroots football, they all choose the coaching profession because of their love. The only difference is that they have different understandings of football youth training, but that is not what I am going to talk about today. Every coach has his own training style and method. , this is understandable, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, so that is not a problem, so what is the problem? It's a concept, it's a purpose. For example, if you practice passing, there are many ways, but your only purpose is to improve your players' passing. Okay, what I want to say next are two points that should be paid special attention to in youth training. Of course, these are personal opinions and are for reference only.

Point one: In training, all ball training should be done while moving. How to understand this sentence? That is, no matter what training you do, as long as it is training with the ball, it must be completed while running. Why? Because in the game, you are rarely given the opportunity to stand and handle the ball, nor are you allowed to control the ball comfortably. Basically, you have to handle the ball and make decisions during sports. I have seen many coaches who, when practicing basic skills, stand still with the ball motionless and ask the players to do various actions. I admit that this will have some effect, but only a little. The ball may not move during the game. Stop there and then ask you to do various actions? It's simply impossible. All training must be based on real scenes of the game. Only in this way can the players achieve a seamless connection between training and competition.

Second point: Training should focus on allowing players to think and solve problems independently. To put it bluntly, it is to let the players use their own brains to think about how to play Football, instead of the coach directly telling the players how to play. The coach is the examiner and gives a test question for the players to answer with their own understanding. This is what youth training should instill. It is given to children, and teaches them the ability to think independently, instead of the coach thinking and telling the child, and then the child makes it and it is done. It is no different from a robot. Youth training is not about memorizing but using it flexibly. There is no fixed program. , there is no fixed pattern, football matches are ever-changing. You can observe the current youth training games. The coaches on the sidelines are like playing computer football games. When to pass the ball, when to shoot, where to run, and who to grab the ball, they are all manipulated by the sidelines. This has been lost. the meaning of the game. Let's give another example: There is a team. Every time they attack during a game, the coach will arrange for a person to stand in front of the opponent's penalty area to catch the ball. Because it is a small game and there is no offside. As long as the team gets the ball, that player will Running to that point, regardless of whether there is a defensive player or not, and not looking at the ball, just keep running to that point and waiting for the ball. To put it nicely, this is called tactics, but to put it worse, it is a child without thinking. Once trained in this mode for a long time, children's football thinking will be fixed, which is terrible. A player who cannot think, has no creativity, and no imagination cannot go far. Therefore, what we need to cultivate is thoughtful and creative players, so that they will have the ability to think independently during the game. Only such players will be the hope of football in the future.

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