
What makes a good football training session

Basic Info
As someone who has been playing football for several years, I have the following tips:
⚽️Be sure to find a few like-minded friends
⚽️Must have a favorite team or star
⚽️Be sure to practice your basic skills, especially throwing and passing the ball
⚽️Be sure to warm up before playing football and stretch after playing football
⚽️You must dare to compete with the veterans in football
⚽️Be sure to watch more professional games
⚽️You must not lose confidence after being abused
⚽️Be sure to accept other people’s advice with an open mind
⚽️Must stick to it and keep loving it
In Football, I first practiced dribbling, passing, catching, shooting, etc., and then played the game, but found that the effect was not good;
After adding some auxiliary training equipment, such as sign plates, ice cream buckets, pole winding, etc., and then competing, I found that the effect was not good;
Maybe the coordination and agility are not good. If you add some rope ladders, railings, dummies, etc. for training, and then compete again, you will find that the effect is not good either;
Maybe the lesson plan is not good. Try the lesson plans for teenagers from Germany, the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Brazil, etc., and then compete again and find that the effect is not good either;
Maybe the physical fitness, sprinting, cardiopulmonary function, etc. are not good. If you use smart wearable monitoring such as vests or resistance umbrellas for training, and then compete, you will find that the effect is not good;

What makes a good football training session

The players have all trained, but I don’t know what the effect is. Then use teammates (reference objects) to compete against each other for verification, 1Ⅴ1, then 3Ⅴ3, 4Ⅴ4, 5V5, etc. or grab circle training, and then compete, and the effect is not good;
Football training is ultimately for competition, so we simply "use games as training", organize more games, improve quickly, and then compete again, but the effect is not good;
Got it, there is a lack of high-quality competitions and extremely high-quality practical training in "street football". Evergrande organizes a trip to Spain to participate in high-quality competitions. Luneng first organizes "street football-style" competitions within the echelon, and then organizes a trip to Brazil to participate in high-quality competitions. .
Through games with two different objects (reference objects), domestic and European and American teams, we learned: "In China, our players often have one to two seconds to react after getting the ball, but when playing against European and American teams, we don't know how to react at all." Getting the chance to adjust so easily."

LDK Portable Football Goal

LDK Portable Football Goal

It can be seen from the above that people use endless patterns to train players, or do they not know why they train like this? How is the player's level after training? So I participated in various competitions (reference objects) to verify the player's level.
From participating in different competitions (reference object), we found: "In China, our players often have one to two seconds to react after receiving the ball, but when playing against European and American teams, we will never get the opportunity to adjust so easily."
So we know: no matter what mode the players use to train or what level of competition they participate in, they will ultimately compete in the same space to see who can complete the shortest action time and accurate pass and shoot.
Then we no longer have to spend time thinking about what training mode, and waste time, money and energy to participate in various competitions (reference objects), focus on improving the player level, and then participate in annual, major, meaningful competitions and win the championship. Is it right? Isn’t it good!
In fact, we can also use manual timing and counting for simple verification. For example, in the shooting training scene (space) of our training system, in the training scene of breaking through the defense and shooting the goal from 4 blind spots, the player takes the ball and shoots around the pole (dummy). There are 4 blind spots on the goal. Record the player's completion time and accuracy (time and accuracy are equal to everyone). See if his training completion time in this scene is getting faster and more accurate. In the game, is his breakthrough defense shot better? You will know when you get stronger!

LDK cage football field

Many football coaches will encounter young players and ask these questions:

Coach, I have practiced very hard, but I still can’t master it well;
Coach, I practice this football skill every day, but I still haven’t made any progress;
Coach, I always can't keep up with my teammates during games...
First of all, you must understand: Football is not only about talent, training is also about your sweat and hard work.
Football training must be carried out regularly according to the training plan. You cannot fish for three days and dry the net for two days. If the foundation is not laid well, progress will be difficult. Don't think how hard you are, your teammates and opponents are all training hard, your coach is always reminding you to pay attention to details and point out your mistakes, and your family is always on the sidelines to accompany you and encourage you.
For some things, "I have tried hard" may not necessarily be effective. Instead, you should say "I have practiced this action XX times" and other specific and practical things.
The quality of your performance depends not only on the length of training, but also on the attitude and method of training. The following methods can help young players train better.

-01- Listen with your ears: listen carefully to the coach

During training, listen carefully to the details and key points explained by the coach.

-02- Think with your brain: recall and imagine

Go through the technical movements learned during training several times in your mind. If you recall and practice more, you will memorize these movements by heart.

What makes a good football training session

-03- See with your eyes: watch demonstrations, watch other people’s training

When the coach is demonstrating movements, he should also watch carefully. When you are resting, you can watch other people's training and see their training attitude and training methods.

-04- Practice with pen: write down key points

The process of writing down training experiences also strengthens memory. At the same time, if you are not proficient in a certain football technical move, you can also write down the key points of the move to enhance your memory.

-05- Exchange of experiences: learning experience

Communicate more with your teammates, understand their training methods, and make adjustments based on your own. You can also communicate with the coach to clearly understand your own shortcomings and make corrections.

In the eyes of the coach, every team member has unlimited potential and the ability to improve performance. Correct your learning attitude and keep training, and you will gain something.

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