
What is squash the sport

Basic Info
The public course of squash theory is only one lesson away from you. It teaches you the correct way to start squash. Squash originated in London, England in the 19th century and was invented by students from the famous aristocratic school, Harrow School. Squash has a development history of about 200 years in the world and is popular in European and American countries. About 185 countries and regions around the world are promoting the sport of squash, and Hong Kong, China, is the most developed region for squash in China. The PAS points tournament held at Central Station in New York, USA, is highly sought after by elites in politics and business in countries and regions with developed squash skills! Especially suitable for students from various higher education institutions such as Boya Ruiqi, as well as gold collar workers in high-end industries!
As noble sports such as golf, equestrian, archery, etc., we are already familiar with them, but for many newbies who have heard about squash for the first time, they may be relatively unfamiliar! As an all-weather exercise that is not affected by environmental or time factors, friends who want to try it can get it~

What? What is squash?

Squash is the king of indoor sports. It is not limited by seasons or weather, and is an all-weather sport with the best performance to price ratio. Modern society has put forward increasingly high requirements for people, especially young people who need to work and study, and have very little time to exercise. Squash can precisely meet the high efficiency requirements of participants, which require less time and better exercise results.
Because the field of squash is small, the ball speed is fast, and the ball path is unpredictable, it requires people's reactions and movements to be extremely fast, so the intensity and amount of movement of squash are extremely high. Squash has multiple routes and tactical combinations, making it highly competitive. Any competitive sport, only with strong competitiveness, can participants maintain long-term interest in continuously improving their technical and tactical levels, which is also the charm of competitive sports.

What is squash the sport

Building The Best Glass Squash Court

The history of squash?

In the early 19th century, there was a prison in the center of the Old Town of London dedicated to imprisoning debtors and high-ranking criminals such as nobles who violated the law and religious rules. These prisoners were accustomed to a comfortable life and could not engage in heavy physical labor. Therefore, they invented the sport of using instruments similar to rackets to hit small balls against walls for entertainment and relaxation. This was the earliest prototype of squash.
In modern sports, squash was invented by students from the famous aristocratic school Harrow School around 1830. As the sound of the ball hitting the wall was similar to the pronunciation of the word "SQUASH", the students named this sport after this word. Quickly, this recreational fitness sport became popular in schools. In 1864, the first dedicated squash court was built in Harrow, marking the official establishment of the sport. As Harrow School graduates enter politics, military, and business, squash has spread throughout Commonwealth countries and around the world.

Is squash fun?

"You will become addicted to this sport!" Meng Feixuan warned us. As one of the most well-known squash promoters in China, another identity of Italian Meng Feixuan is the former chairman of Fiat China. He himself is a typical "heavy squash addict": not only does he play on his own, but his wife and two sons are also good squash players.
In 2004, Meng Feixuan spent six months in her spare time translating and publishing a set of Chinese squash rules, filling a gap in Chinese squash sports. He almost took on all the responsibilities of organizing the competition, providing referee training, technical supervision, and even media reception for this China Open. Industry insiders jokingly refer to him as "Norman Bethune of the squash world.".
Meng Feixuan likes to dance and show her passion for squash. He emphasized that squash is a sport that requires three-dimensional thinking for thinking and tactical arrangement. The flight path of squash has many refractions, whether you hit the ball towards the side wall or the back wall, as long as the final ball can fly above the sounding board of the front wall and below the boundary line. In actual combat, after a single hit, the ball may undergo four wall refractions, which requires participants to use a three-dimensional thinking method to accurately determine the flight path and landing point of the ball. This is the most fun and unique place of squash. Meng Feixuan added, "Even if you start playing very poorly, you will find it very fun."

What is squash the sport

Best Glass Squash Court

Is squash healthy?

Research has shown that the amount of exercise and exercise effect in squash matches are three times that of tennis matches under the same conditions. In one hour of squash practice, players can consume 600 to 1000 calories. Due to the use of both hands and legs to swing and run on the court, squash also provides balanced upper and lower limb exercise.
The field of squash is small, the ball speed is fast (its flying speed can reach 150 meters/second), and the ball path is unpredictable, so it requires quick reaction and action from people, so the intensity and amount of movement of squash are both high. In addition, as squash is an indoor sport and the field is not large, there is less time spent picking up the ball, and the absolute exercise time is long. Often, in less than half an hour, participants will sweat profusely and gasp for breath, making it an efficient and intense exercise.
The rhythmic footwork, hitting frequency, and unpredictable path of squash, combined with flexible techniques and tactics, enable participants to not only exercise their cardiovascular function, muscle joints, and ligaments in a relatively short period of time, but also improve flexibility, coordination, and flexibility.

Is squash fashionable and trendy?

Although the movement of squash players on the court is extremely similar to that of badminton players, due to the fact that two players compete on the same field in squash, there are rules of obstruction in the running and hitting routes, so the requirements for the player's movement and sense of space are higher: in addition to chasing the ball, they also need to avoid people. In a high-level squash game, two people fly flowers and butterflies on the same field, with figures swaying, which is already dazzling. Coupled with the crisp and loud sound of the ball hitting the wall fiercely after hitting the ball, the audience can experience a strong auditory impact.
Squash is also a landscape sport that emphasizes visual experience. Renowned squash events are often held at landmark attractions in the host city, such as the US Championship held at Central Station in New York, the UK Open held at Wembley Centre for ten consecutive years, and the Hong Kong Open held by the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront in Victoria Harbour. The China Squash Open has pioneered the concept of an aerial court this year, creating a competition venue on the Bund, the most culturally rich area in Shanghai, and leveraging the breathtaking and magnificent river scenery to create an atmosphere. This initiative has caused a sensation in the global squash industry, and the internationally authoritative squash website Squash Info describes it as "groundbreaking". The CEO of Shengli Shijia, the organizer of this competition, jokingly stated that this year's China Squash Tournament is not only the most high-end competition in terms of specifications, but also the "highest" competition.

Building the best glass squash court

Building The Best Glass Squash Court

Is squash so expensive? NO!

As a sport known as "towering" and "Wall Street's number one sport", squash seems to carry a "towering" gene. However, upon closer inspection, it is discovered that this is actually a "civilian movement" with low economic entry barriers. In 2000, the largest international standard squash court in East China, located in Nanjing, cost around 40-60 yuan per hour. According to Shen Jiaqi, a member of the Chinese men's squash team, the cost of squash courts in Shanghai is currently around 60-70 yuan per hour. After 14 years, compared to a three fold increase in per capita disposable income, the admission threshold for squash has actually been lowered.
Squash is not just an aristocratic sport, but rather a sport where participants have a higher social status, education level, and income level. Additionally, the competitive performance of this sport aligns with the "aggressive" temperament of the participants.
Nowadays, Chinese people see good things and hope to catch up with them one day. With the popularity of this sport among teenagers, the dream of Chinese people dominating this sport may not be far away.

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