
What to do on first day of basketball practice

Basic Info
Basketball, as a highly competitive and technically demanding sport, should not be rushed to progress for beginners, but should be done gradually.
The first step is to cultivate interest, which is the prerequisite for every sport. Without interest, one cannot learn anything well.
The second is ball sense, which can be used to hit the ball in place, high and low, practice with left and right hands separately, cross practice, and then dribble the ball with a slow to fast speed.
The third is basic skills, including correct dribbling, shooting, and passing techniques.
The fourth option is to participate in a simple competition.
In short, basketball, as a sport, is of great help to the body and mind, and should be persevered.
Just started learning basketball, it's a blank slate, but don't worry too much. There are indeed many things to practice, and you can start from several aspects.

Maintain a positive mindset, not afraid of losing or being discouraged

As a basketball novice, especially an amateur basketball enthusiast, mentality is crucial in the process of learning basketball. On the one hand, if you have just started learning basketball and go to the court to compete, you will definitely lose more and win less. Sometimes encountering strong opponents can even make you despair and shake your determination to learn basketball. At this time, you need to maintain a fighting spirit that is not afraid of losing. Losing is not scary, what's scary is not knowing how to lose, where to lose, and how to improve oneself; On the other hand, no one is born with advanced skills, they are all achieved through diligent study and practice. Therefore, learning basketball requires a lot of individual skill exercises, which can be very boring at times. So, don't be discouraged, know how to persevere, and work hard for a long time.

What to do on first day of basketball practice

Promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, and leverage one's own strengths

I believe that basketball, as a globally popular sport, is particularly easy to pick up. Whether you are a thin student, a middle-aged man, or a short white person, with some effort, you can have a place in amateur basketball. The key is to recognize your strengths and develop them through certain training. If you are a middle-aged chubby man, you can use your weight advantage to learn off the basket skills and shooting, and play a role in the interior; If you are not tall but have a fast speed, you can focus on practicing quick dribbling, emergency stop shooting, and so on. So, when you first learn basketball, you need to have a clear understanding of your strengths and a scientific positioning of yourself in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort and avoid detours.

Learn knowledge and understand the rules of the competition field

As soon as we enter the court, we need to have a preliminary understanding of the basic rules of basketball, such as what walking is, what dribbling is, what returning to the court is, and so on. We also need to have a certain understanding of the rules of three player basketball and formal games, which can help you better integrate into the court and the game.
Just started learning basketball, find the right position, strengthen personal skills practice, watch more games and training videos, I believe you will soon integrate into the court and enjoy the fun of basketball with your friends.

What to do on first day of basketball practiceElectric Hydraulic Basketball Stand

The purpose of playing basketball is to score by getting the ball into the box. It can be you who scores, or you who assists others in scoring. Everything revolves around this goal. Understanding this principle, the rest is not difficult to solve. Shooting (various variations of shooting: jump shot, throw shot, clean board, hook, pick basket, etc.); Breakthrough layup (① After receiving the ball, the defender does not establish a defensive posture, and the first step is to break through (this is the most practical, as adding a little feint at this time can maximize the disruption of the opponent's rhythm). ② After receiving the ball, the defender has established a defensive posture. At this point, you can choose to pass the ball or play singles.

Share the process of basketball training:

1. Move your joints and start warming up, which is the warm-up before regular physical education classes. Stretch your body's joints and meridians to make your body warm up and reduce the risk of injury.
2. Start running in circles with the purpose of warming up, three laps on the indoor basketball court.
3. It's either dribbling or using the ball to wrap around the waist and legs, with two eight beats each.
4. Take a minute off and move your hands and feet.
5. Start dribbling training, single handed, left and right handed, cross step, and various dribbling movements.
6. Start passing the ball, with two people passing it one-on-one.
7. Pass and layup.
8. Solo dribbling and layup can be done throughout the entire half of the game.
The first step in shooting is not the basket, but the wall. Feel the spin and weight of the ball, as well as the arc of the shot, and ask yourself to set a range and shoot within that range.

10. During breaks, shoot freely.

What to do on first day of basketball practiceNba Hydraulic Basketball Hoop

The most important aspects of playing basketball are physical fitness and footwork. Just starting to practice, ball sense and physical fitness are the foundation. Finally, let me tell you all that the sense of position in basketball is developed one-on-one throughout the game. The simplest tactic is man to man, and keeping a close eye on one's defensive target without losing position is good defense. The most important factors are physical fitness, confrontation, and ball sense. Playing basketball starts with defense. Don't easily lose defensive positions or get stuck in rebounds. Learn more basketball rules and don't start easily. Starting from simple two or three person coordination, blocking, dismantling, descending, and air cutting, pay attention to the position of teammates and gradually analyze the situation on the field. Universities usually focus on regional defense, and it is important to learn how to communicate and defend with teammates. Practice sliding steps more to strengthen lower limb strength.
In addition to developing personal abilities, it is also important to establish one's own positioning. In the early days, you were prone to superstitions about personal skills, but as your playing experience increased, you would find that some people were actually not very skilled, but the team needed such people, such as rebounding, assisting, and passing, which are things that beginners should learn. Always try to find a way first, don't hold back, and then find a way to make progress. These are the foundations of the foundation, which require training hundreds or thousands of repetitions and corrections every day for at least six months to a year. Once the foundation is solid, basic skills training after confrontation is also needed, increasing the difficulty. After becoming proficient, strength training is added to confrontation, gradually correcting one's movements. The key to practicing ball is still to rely on one's perseverance. Without effort, there is no gain.
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