
Why soccer training drilles are important

Basic Info
Regarding the importance of basic football skills, so far I have not seen any top professional players who do not practice their basic skills with football during regular training or even before the start of the game Including the football king Pel é Maradona, the exceptionally talented Xiao Luo, the loosely trained Da Luo, the self disciplined and serious Cristiano Ronaldo, the legendary Messi, and so on... this is enough to illustrate the importance of basic skills

Have you noticed a strange phenomenon? In recent years, parents' awareness of their children's physical exercise has become increasingly strong. Many parents have begun to emphasize their children's physical health and enroll them in various sports training camps, the most common of which should be soccer classes! After all, football is known as the 'world's number one sport', but do you know why children are encouraged to practice football?

Perhaps there are these reasons:

1. Children face high academic pressure, and various tutoring classes leave them with no time to release their negative energy.
2. Many children spend their time on TV dramas, computer games, and even mobile games as soon as they get home, wasting their time in vain.
3. Although academics are important, physical and mental health is also necessary. Children can strengthen their physical fitness through running and jumping.
In addition to the reasons that everyone can want, there are also the following four reasons:

Why soccer training drilles are important

1、 Teach children to be strong.

Football can be considered a sport that emphasizes physical confrontation, and it is inevitable for players to stumble and bump on the football field. Children who play football must get up from where they fall. Compared to children who only bury their heads in reading, children who play football will become stronger.

2、 Teach children not to give up.

There are many skills and difficulties on the football field, such as dribbling and sprinting, which actually tells children that life is about constantly running and moving forward, only in this way can they chase the ball and ideals ahead.

3、 Teach children to face difficulties.

Playing football is an outdoor sport, and it is inevitable to encounter bad weather. The arduous struggle on the field in bad weather will make children understand that life is always not satisfactory, and there are many difficulties waiting for you to overcome in the outside world. Once you overcome the difficulties in front of you, life will be clear after the rain.

4、 Let children understand teamwork.

Football requires the relative cooperation of players, and the joint cooperation of teams on the football field can teach children how to communicate and cooperate with others. When children truly get together with their teammates, they will also find that they have more real brothers and friends around them, and their personalities will become more cheerful and lively.
The football field is both a competition field and a learning field. Learning to unite, cooperate, help each other, and not be afraid of difficulties not only exercises the body but also improves the mind and literacy of children. As parents, we should give our children a happy sports holiday. If your child wants to play football, welcome to the King. Wang Zhizhe has a national first-class retired coach who guides every child who studies football with dedication, turning their interests into skills in joy, playing football professionally, and learning professionally.

Why soccer training drilles are important

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The youth training system is an important manifestation of the professionalization and completeness of a country or league. Therefore, I would like to provide the following answer to the question raised by the host. How important is youth training? How important is Chinese football?

Helps with the development of the league

As is well known, the Chinese Super League has now become a world dominated by the wealthy. Any national player can be sold for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of yuan, and even then it is difficult to meet the needs of the club. Therefore, they have to pay high prices to introduce a large number of foreign players to fill the gap, and the fundamental reason for these problems is the scarcity of excellent local players.
The development of the league requires the emergence of more young players to drive the competition. At present, there has been a serious aging of players in the league, and the Football Association has to adopt some extraordinary measures to change the situation. Such as U23 policy. But these policies that only treat symptoms without addressing the root cause have not been able to solve the existing problems.

Most clubs in Europe have complete youth training camps, such as the well-known Barcelona and Ajax youth training bases, which contribute a large number of top young players to the league and national teams every year. So developing youth training is crucial for the league.

Why soccer training drilles are important

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Technical and tactical

Developing youth training can enable players to use consistent formations and tactics from the youth team to the first team. In this environment, players can receive consistent training, and there can be maximum seamless connection between the youth team and the first team, thereby reducing the discomfort of young players after entering the first team, and often maximizing the reduction of team coordination errors.
In youth training, it is possible to maximize the potential of players in different positions, change training positions, understand the abilities of players in different positions, and let players understand the thoughts of opponents in that position, making their technical and tactical styles more clear.

National team performance

On the surface, the poor performance of Chinese football is due to the poor performance of the national team. The league can still rely on capital to attract foreign players, bringing about "false prosperity" and "pseudo professionalization". However, the national team cannot even realize these illusions. The domestic youth training system is incomplete, and the first to suffer is the national team. At present, the aging of first team players is severe, making it difficult to select outstanding young players to compete for the country, and poor performance is inevitable.
At present, there is a serious gap in player transfer among the national teams at different levels. If the youth training system is improved, the national teams at different levels will be fully connected, and the performance of the first team will also steadily improve.

In short, youth training is of paramount importance for the development of football in a country, not only in China but also worldwide. So developing youth training is beneficial for Chinese football without any harm, but currently, clubs and football associations that focus more on immediate benefits will not take it step by step, they only want to take shortcuts and climb to the top. So developing youth training is imperative!

Why soccer training drilles are important

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