
Fun games for basketball practice

Basic Info
Teenagers first develop a love for basketball and cultivate their interest in it through games. At the age of 3-4, we can stimulate children's interest in basketball by playing ball. At the age of 5-6, one can receive the most basic basketball training.
Training time: Amateur basketball training for teenagers should be conducted 2-3 times a week, with each session lasting less than 50 minutes and alternating between dynamic and static content. It is not advisable to practice every day, as it has a significant impact on the physical fitness and energy of teenagers, as they not only need to participate in basketball training every day, but also learn other content. It is not advisable to use too few times, as this will slow down the progress of teenagers' learning skills and make them easy to forget.

Basketball games have the characteristic of entertainment, which has a strong attraction and infectiousness for primary school students. They can fully stimulate their initiative in learning and meet their interests and needs. However, we cannot simply play basketball games for the sake of basketball games, otherwise we will lose the meaning of training. Therefore, in basketball games, on the one hand, teachers are required to develop basketball game rules based on the nature of the training content and the characteristics of the technical movements, and scientifically organize them into various types of basketball games for teaching, in order to complete the prescribed training tasks. On the other hand, basketball games can enable elementary school students to engage in joyful activities, follow targeted guidance from teachers, and continuously self reinforce and correct the content taught with great learning enthusiasm. This not only meets their physical and mental needs, but also enables them to learn and master basic skills and techniques in fun and entertainment, ensuring the smooth completion of training tasks and consolidating and improving their learned basic skills.

Fun basketball activities in progress

Team Games

1. Continuous rebounding relay

Game objective: Improve the prediction of rebounding landing points and enhance personal running and jumping abilities
Venue equipment: two basketballs, half court of basketball court
Game requirements and key points: Each team should have an equal number of players, preferably 8 to 10 people, and form a vertical line in front of the free throw line on the basketball court. The game starts, dribble forward a few steps, jump up and smash rebounds, then immediately retreat and return to the back of the line. At the same time, the second row runs forward and jumps, catching the ball in the air. Before it lands, they then switch to the third, fourth, and fifth rows, requiring the ball to continuously hit rebounds without landing. They keep cycling nervously until they make a mistake. Each team will do it one by one or on several baskets, and the team with the most successful attempts wins.

2. Work together in unity

Game objective: To enhance students' attention and strengthen their sense of teamwork. Organizational forms: group games, three person triangles, four person quadrilaterals, five person pentagons, and so on.
Game requirements and key points: Everyone sits on the ground, one person plays one ball. The coach specifies the direction of the ball, blows the whistle or shouts the command, and rolls the ball in one direction at the same time, catching the ball rolling next to them. After becoming proficient, the coach can upgrade this action to a ground pass.

3. Caterpillar

Game objective: To enhance students' collective consciousness and strengthen their sense of teamwork.
Organizational form: Three or more students form a group, standing shoulder to shoulder in a queue.
Game requirements and key points: The students stand shoulder to shoulder, and the ball is passed laterally in the direction of the students. The students who have passed the ball quickly run from the back of the queue to the back of the team, and the entire team moves laterally, allowing for a racing competition.

4. Collaboration overturned

Game objective: Enhance students' collective consciousness and strengthen cooperation. Organizational form: Practice in groups or teams
Game requirements and key points: The coach prepares one or two playing cards. After completing the designated task, the student must flip the playing cards once. If the order is not from small to large, the card will be flipped upside down. The student can only flip the card once after completing each task until the flipping is complete.

5. Count and gather together

Specific content: Stand in a row at the bottom line according to the number of people, run along the half court, and when the coach calls out the number, the corresponding students gather together.

Key objective: Pay attention to spatial distance and front to back spacing; Exercise teamwork awareness.

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6. Shipping workers

Specific content: Divide into groups of two people, starting from the baseline, two people hold a ball back-to-back or face to face, and move to the center line.
Key objective: Physical contact with the ball, coordinated and coordinated movements; Teamwork spirit.

7. Three character chess

Specific content: Use a cone bucket to place a nine grid on the center line, divide into two groups of students, and each group of students has a bowl with different colored markers. Which group of students will win if they form three consecutive symbols in the nine grid first!
Key objective: Rapid response ability, connection between each group of students; Teamwork and competition awareness.

8. Building a castle

Specific content: Students are divided into groups of equal numbers, starting from the baseline and dragging the ball to the center line. The other hand holds a marker and forms the shape required by the coach on the center line. Key objectives: Low center of gravity, head up, keep touching the ball with your hands, apply force with your fingers and wrists; Exercise ball skills and cultivate spatial awareness.

9. Handcart

Specific content: Divide into two groups, starting from the bottom line, the second person grabs the foot of the first person who is supporting on the ground, and the first person advances to the center line with their hands, then exchanges and returns. Key objective: Grasp your ankles tightly, coordinate your efforts, and move forward in a coordinated manner; The team cooperates seamlessly.

10. Fishing

Specific content: Within the half court range, two students hold the ball as a fishing net, while the other students are fish and cannot go out of bounds to use the fishing net to catch fish. When the net touches the fish, the fish caught will join the net and continue to catch. Key objective: Hand in hand, require coordination and cooperation, and unify acceleration and deceleration; Exercise cooperation awareness and cultivate interest.

11. untie the rope

Specific content: The students form a circle with the coach as the center, and the coach designates different students to hold hands, forming intricate shapes. Then, the students' hands cannot be released and need to be unlocked through transformation. Key objective: Each student must be staggered; Cultivate spatial distance and teamwork spirit.

12. Hanging hook

Specific content: Divide into several groups with the same number of people, stand at the bottom line, the first person runs to the center line and stands up, clap in place, the second person sets off, the elbows of the two people hook, then run back and hook the third person, and continue accordingly. Key points and objectives: grasp the distance, control the rhythm, and coordinate and cooperate with each group of students; Teamwork spirit.

13. Pinch relay

Game objective: Relying on cooperation to complete the game and achieve tacit understanding with teammates. Venue equipment: half court of basketball court, two basketballs. Gameplay: Each team of six people, two people in a group, compete in relay, using back-to-back clamping of a basketball to run from the starting point to the finish line, and complete the handover with teammates within the designated line. The clamped basketball cannot land, otherwise it needs to start from the starting point of the relay team and start with the ball on its back. Game rules: When two people clamp the ball, the ball cannot land. If it lands, it will return to the original position and must be re clamped by relying on the back. Hands cannot touch the ball.

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Discipline game

14. Wooden Man

Specific content: All students stand at the baseline, follow the coach's movements, and are not allowed to move after blowing the whistle, maintaining this position for a period of time. Key objective: It is necessary to follow the coach's requirements, stand upright with both feet together, and place both hands on both sides of the body; Cultivate discipline awareness and enhance control ability.

15. In the opposite direction

Specific content: Students stand in a row and make opposite movements according to the coach's command (say left, all students turn right). Key objective: The team must stand together, the students must concentrate, exercise their quick reaction ability, and unify their action ability.

16. Captain

Specific content: According to the coach's training content, the student who performs the best will be awarded the honor of captain. Key objective: Students who are well behaved and highly motivated; Motivate students and give children a sense of honor.

17. Hold a meeting

Specific content: Before or during class, if the students' attention is not focused and the class is scattered, the coach gathers the students to sit in place and have a collective meeting, and the coach puts forward requirements for the class. Key objectives: Collective and demanding, maintaining classroom discipline and training intensity.

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