
How to make basketball practice fun

Basic Info

Continuous rebounding relay

Game objective: Improve the prediction of rebounding landing points and enhance personal running and jumping abilities
Venue equipment: two basketballs, half court of basketball court
Game requirements and key points: Each team should have an equal number of players, preferably 8 to 10 people, and form a vertical line in front of the free throw line on the basketball court. The game starts, dribble forward a few steps, jump up and smash rebounds, then immediately retreat and return to the back of the line. At the same time, the second row runs forward and jumps, catching the ball in the air. Before it lands, they then switch to the third, fourth, and fifth rows, requiring the ball to continuously hit rebounds without landing. They keep cycling nervously until they make a mistake. Each team will do it one by one or on several baskets, and the team with the most successful attempts wins.
In order to cultivate future world citizens with physical and mental health, active learning ability, and international sentiment, and to provide each child with relatively fixed artistic and sports hobbies, some characteristic courses have been developed based on the physiological and psychological characteristics of 3-6 year old children to stimulate their interest in learning. This includes entertaining and fitness oriented "fun basketball activities".
Through a variety of fun basketball activities and games, children grow independently in innovation, competition, cooperation, and other aspects. Therefore, for two consecutive years, they have won the basketball gymnastics championship in the children's patterned basketball competition, promoting the development of children's self-esteem, confidence, and resilience.
What kind of fun basketball activity attracts children's attention? How do children grow up from it? To clarify these issues, we need to start with 'basketball activities'.

Basketball activities are divided into four stages: activity preparation, basic parts, game activities, and ending relaxation. The steps, forms, and time of each stage may vary depending on the learning stage. Among them, the specific implementation process mainly involves two ways: basketball activities in daily life and basic basketball activities every week.

How to make basketball practice fun

Children undergoing basketball training

Basketball activities in daily life

Training is important in daily life, and the exercise of children's basketball activities naturally cannot be separated from their daily lives.
In the morning, children will participate in outdoor ball tapping training to enhance their physical fitness, increase the intensity and density of physical exercise; In the morning, the teacher will lead the children to play some situational games, combining education with entertainment, allowing the children to practice dribbling with one or two hands in the game, and exercise their shooting skills and ability to cooperate with peers.
By naturally integrating basketball courses into children's daily lives, the implementation of basketball activities becomes more practical, and children naturally accept them with ease and joy.

Basic basketball activities every week

In addition to daily basketball exercise, there is also a professional and systematic basketball class every week, focusing on fun basketball activities and games

Fun basketball activities

Fun basketball activities include basic movements such as walking, running, jumping, balancing, and bending. However, repeatedly performing these basic movements can be somewhat tedious. Therefore, the teachers chose some music suitable for sports, and based on the rhythm and speed of the music, combined with simple commands, arranged these movements into a set of simple yet interesting and artistic basketball exercises.

How to make basketball practice funOutdoor Basketball Hoop

In the process of creating fun basketball, teachers mainly focus on the following three aspects:

(1) Choose music: Music is an important component of basketball exercises that cannot be ignored. It mainly features a rhythmic, lively and lively style, allowing children to express the speed of basketball movements according to the rhythm of the music.
(2) Choreography of movements: Basic basketball movements are essential for choreography of basketball exercises, but on this basis, some distinctive dance movements can be added according to the music style. The organic combination of dance movements and basketball movements not only allows participants and spectators to have a lively, cheerful, and relaxed feeling of beauty, but also exercises the flexibility of various parts of children's bodies.
(3) Using nursery rhymes: Simplify and rearrange boring ball tapping techniques in the form of nursery rhymes to increase children's memory points. For example, "taking out small hands, turning them into small umbrellas and bending them up, placing the umbrellas on the basketball, and the basketball baby jumping up" is both convenient for children to understand and remember, thus stimulating their enthusiasm for learning basketball.

Fun basketball games

The so-called fun basketball games cleverly integrate basketball actions with fun games and music games to achieve the purpose of basketball activities, and are one of the most popular basketball activities for children. For example, "point-to-point ball tapping" is a game specifically designed to exercise children's arm strength. It requires both hands to have a certain amount of arm strength, and they need to cooperate with each other to improve children's hand coordination.

How to make basketball practice fun

Official Nba Hydraulic Basketball Hoop

Application of teaching strategies

Of course, in order to motivate children to learn and practice basketball, teachers not only rack their brains in teaching content, but also put in a lot of effort in teaching strategies.

Strategy 1: Make friends with them and stimulate their interest.

When the word 'curriculum' is mentioned, many children have a preconceived notion and reflexively dislike it. Therefore, in order to prevent children from disliking basketball classes, teachers never refer to basketball classes as a course, but rather as' basketball activities';
Furthermore, teachers actively encourage children to consider basketball as their "good friend for healthy activities" and guide them to interact with basketball in a friendly way;
Thirdly, organize some basketball games to stimulate children's interest in learning. Especially in small class teaching, teachers have found that gamifying activities can most stimulate the initiative of children in small classes, enabling them to quickly master correct movements and improve exercise effectiveness.
For example, if children are asked to imitate various movements, such as holding a ball and learning "dwarf walking and giant walking", they will be very interested and not think that they are learning basketball, but playing games.
But the fact is that during the game, children's knee joints and surrounding ligaments and tendons are exercised, and the strength and endurance of leg muscles are enhanced.

Strategy 2: "Explore" its methods and "investigate" its interests.

In order to enhance children's enthusiasm for learning, teachers have adopted various practice methods. Speaking of the action of "patting the ball" alone, we have standing patting the ball, closing the eyes patting the ball, walking patting the ball, "8" - shaped circling the ball, etc., which adds freshness, enhances children's interest in practice, and gives them a feeling of playing different games.
For example, in curve dribbling, we have created the game "Bomb Around": setting multiple obstacles (i.e. "bombs"), allowing children to use curve dribbling to avoid obstacles. If someone or a ball touches a 'bomb', it means' Game Over 'and exits the game.
Among many basketball moves, pitching is relatively the most tedious, so when practicing the decomposition of shooting movements, we designed a game called "Robot": let children imagine themselves as robots to shape their movements. So, what was originally monotonous and boring practice turned into a happy and interesting game.

How to make basketball practice fun

Electric Hydraulic Basketball Stand

Strategy 3: "Solve" its way and "follow" its interest.

Some basketball moves are quite complex, and if they are forced onto children all at once, not only will they not be able to learn them, but they may also develop resistance. Therefore, the teachers disassembled these complex movements and gradually increased their difficulty.
For example, the action of "hitting the ball in place" starts with a simple "hitting the ball with both feet together in front of the body", then progresses to "hitting the ball with both feet apart from the front and back of the body", "hitting the ball with the same body in front of the eye", and finally to "hitting the ball with both feet apart from the body and following the rhythm of the music".
Although it only changes a little bit each time and the difficulty increases a little bit, it makes children feel that they can complete each new action as long as they stand on tiptoe, so they are more interested and motivated to learn.
Teachers not only stimulate children's interest in learning from the perspectives of basketball movements and learning forms, but also provide targeted training for children of different ages
The children in the small class mainly focus on enhancing their interest in basketball, so the main form of exercise is a variety of ball games;
Middle class children not only need to exercise in a happy gaming environment, but also improve their basketball skills. Therefore, when conducting basketball activities, teachers will design and organize more challenging games;
Big class children not only need to improve their basketball skills, but also cultivate their collective spirit of teamwork and mutual assistance, so teachers will design some competitive games.
In summary, kindergarten teachers actively seek various forms of basketball games and activities that are suitable for children's age characteristics and physical and mental development laws, so that children can truly enjoy this sport and grow up healthy and happy in learning basketball.

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